Chapter 15

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You had promised you would hang out with April some time, so today you agree to meet at the mall for a long over due shopping trip. You hadn't yet told her that you're dating Raphael and since she's your friend you'd have to. Initially Raph wanted to keep it a secret, but when you had come out of Raphael's room the morning after your first date..(Just sleeping you perverts!;) Yeah everyone already knew before that anyway so there was no point in hiding. It doesn't take long to spot Aprils fiery locks in the crowd of shoppers and even less time to stand neck deep in cute tops, tight jeans and waaay too short skirts (You've never even seen her wear skirts) while you two happily chat about your days. After a few intense hours of trying on outfits the two of you decide to take a break at a cafe.

"Soo, you've been smiling at your phone for like 2/3ths of our trip, who are you texting?" April asks, taking a sip of her moccachino.

"Hmm? No one in particular." You wave it off absentmindedly, returning your attention to the small electronic.

"Suuure." April smiles knowingly. "Is it your boyfriend?"

Your head shoots up and you start stuttering. "Uhm, ah.. Heh. Y-yeah I guess." Your face is beet red. You hadn't yet called him your boyfriend. The thought sends butterflies down your stomach.

"Oeeeh spill. Have you just stated dating? I want all the juicy details."

"Hah, I uuh, doubt that. But yeah, barely two days ago.."

"Details girl! Did he ask you? Where were you? Do you have a picture of him?" April starts bombarding you with questions.

"Oh my god I didn't peg you for such a gossip." You hide your face behind your cup.

"I'm a reporter, it's my job. Now spill."

"Alright alright. I asked him, but I think only because I cut him off when he wanted to.." April let out a small d'aaw. "He took me to this really romantic place in a forest on his motorcycle.." You get lost in the memory and sigh happily. "And yeahhh..You uuh, know him. Heh." You nervously rub your arms.

"But the only people we know are Casey and...No way." Aprils eyes grow wide in realisation. "No way." She repeats under her breath. "Raphael?" April asks, you nod. "But.." April leans over the table and whispers "He's a turtle." April sits back in her chair. "Even worse, he's Raphael. If it was Don or.. or Leo I'd kind of understand but...Raphael?" She repeats his name in disbelieve.

"What can I say? I like bad boys." You say as nonchalant as possible.

"How would that even work? I mean are you guys even, y'know, compatible?"

"I dunno." You shrug like it wasn't a big deal. Your face is as red as Raphs mask, it is totally a big deal. "Guess we'll find out sooner or later."

"And the others, what do they think? What does master Splinter think about it?"

"They know, but haven't talked to them about it yet. I'm sure we'll get bombarded with questions... But for now I wanna take it slow, see where things are going y'know?"

"You are so weird. But if he makes you happy... And if he doesn't I'll kick his shell."

"Hahaha, not before I do." You and April laugh. After you both finish your drinks you continue shopping and have a good time.


Raphael and Casey Jones are sitting on a rooftop near the waterfront. They had gotten a tip there would be some illegal activity at that spot later that evening, so now they are scoping out the area.

"What's the deal with you an Y/n?" Casey asks seemingly out of the blue. Little does Raph know that Casey had already gotten a text from April earlier that day with the good news. The tricky part is to make the turtle talk.

"What do ya mean, we're friends."

And the best way to make the turtle talk is to agitate him. "Oh c'mon Raph, I see the way you look at her. So you two are.." Casey moves his index finger through the O he made with his other hand.

"NO! No we don't! We didn't we haven't!" Raphael's cheeks become red and he takes a defensive stance.

"But you two did do somethin'." Casey grins.

"Non of yer damn business!" Raphael crosses his arms and looks away.

Raph isn't breaking, time to poke the bear and make him angry.
"Welllll.." Casey stretches out the well and clacks his tongue a few times, pretending to be in thought. "If she's free, I might take my chances with her." Casey says putting his hands behind his head and looking way too relaxed about all of this for Raphael's liking.

Raph's eyes narrow. "Don't you dare." Oh he totally got him.

Casey's grin grows wider. "Why not? If you two aren't datin' she's free game."

"Y/n is mine." Raphael growls, his stance shifting to attack mode.

"HA April was right! You and Y/n are datin'! Congrats Raph, she's real cute."

Raphael looks confused for a moment, before the situation dawns on him. Casey, of all people Casey Jones played him like a fiddle to spill his guts. This situation is beyond embarrassing for the red cladded turtle. "Yer so dead!" Raph tackles Casey and the two of them start wrestling.

Raphael and Casey Jones have a great time fighting baddies until late in the night.

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