Simple boy meets girl story. Only the boy is a 6 foot tall terrapin. Y/n's life just became waaay complex.
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First up is Casey Jones to cause general mayhem and destruction in the battleshell. And boy does he do a great job at that. Casey rams the tank straight through the front entrance of The Shredder's headquarters guns blazing and just keeps driving. Raphael and Michelangelo join him in causing carnage and start looking for you the moment they're inside the skyscraper.
'Be okay be okay ya haveta be okay.' Raphael speeds through the multiple rooms balrely caring to push attacking foot ninja out of his way. Usually he loves playing with the goons, but tonight he has no time. 'I can't lose Y/n. Not now. Shredder won't take her away from me! I can't fail-' Distracted he barely misses a sword aimed to cut his head off. 'Gotta focus. Like Leo says won't be good to her dead. No use thinkin' about what if's, only the mission.'
Leonardo, Donatello and April O'neil sneak in undetected with the guards and security distracted with taking out the tank that's bombing everything. The stealth team succesfully sneaks in a security room. After they take out a few guards quietly, Don starts to work his techno magic. It takes a few minutes and April joining in to locate you on one of the security tapes. Don sends the info over straight to the battle shell and contacts Mikey and Raph on the shell cell.
Before The Shredder can do anything of the torture variety to you, you see your mom grab onto the nearest sharp object and lunge herself at him with a ferocity you have never seen in her.
"NO! I will not let you kill my baby!"
The blade sinks into the armor on The Shredders back. Unaffected by the attempted homicide, he snaps around. The Shredder picks your mom up off the ground by her neck.
"It was a mistake, stabbing me in the back. A mistake you will pay for with your life. But first Y/m/n, I will take everything you hold to heart away from you and destroy it, starting with your precious daughter." He furiously throws your mom aside, knocking her out.
The Shredder turns his attention back to you. There is nothing you can do. No reasoning with a psychopath. Nothing to stall for time. 'This is it.' You close your eyes, you don't want to see the samurai towering over you as he delivers the final blow..
Alarms start blaring and the rooms lights turn red. You hear distant explosions and screams.
"What is going on?! You imbicils report!"
"Intruders master!" One of the ninja answers.
"Deal with them!"
The sound of an airhorn being blown and tire screaching aproaches. Then another explosion much closer this time. So much closer in fact that it pretty much takes down the entire wall by the door. You can feel the blast of heat scorching the air. Before the dust settles the fucking battle shell crashes through the half destroyed wall, toppeling the remains over.
"Found her!" You hear Casey's voice.
"Hey bucket head! You're about to get your ass whooped!" That's Mikey's voice!
"About damn time."
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You take back your previous statement about shredder being the most terrifying and badass thing ever. Yeah no. Your boyfriend in full rage mode crashing through the ceiling takes that title by a mile. Man I would be shitting my pants if I was Shredder.
"Those blasted turtles! Why are they here?!" Shredder yells in a frustrated voice.
Crossing his arms above his head Shredder blocks Raphael's Sai.
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Casey jumps out of battleshell and attacks Hun while Mikey takes on the dozen or so ninja still in the room.
"Cowabunga~!" "Goengala!" They scream their battle cries, charging into the fight without fear.
Raphael turns all his rage into lightning quick strikes, not giving The Shredder a moment to counter attack. Throwing everything he has at the evil ninja master, Raph moves faster than he ever has. Spinning, kicking, slashing his Sai, getting his opponent in every opening. The only noise the sound of metal grinding on metal. He can't keep this speed up forever. The moment he falters Shredder takes the opportunity and attacks Raphael back ruthlessly, making him take a defensive position.
Michelangelo is having trouble keeping the ninja running into the room from god knows where at bay, when they surround him and attack him from all sides. Hun catches Casey Jones hockey stick, splintering the wood in his grip. He janks the hockey stick and with that Casey still holding onto the grip, towards him. Hun then punches him in the gut, sending Casey flying into a wall.
Just when they seem to be on the losing side the rest of the team arrives.
Leonardo jumps in front of Raphael, katana's blocking Shredders attack.
"Go get her!" Raph nods his thanks to his brother and runs to your side.
Donatello rushes into the battleshell to turn it around so they can make a quick escape. April gets Casey Jones back on his feet and they help Mikey with keeping the steadily growing army of ninja back.
"Raph..Knew you'd come." You smile through the physical pain.
"Always. Hold on, I got you outta here in no time." Raph cuts the straps. Hun however, won't let him get away that easily. His massive fists destroy the tilt table in an impressive hulk smash not a second after Raphael pulls you off it and behind his shell in one swift movement.