Chapter 21

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The prestige business woman never imagined her life taking such a turn she would end up in the cold, dark, damp sewers of New York. Y/m/n wakes up wrapped up in a sheet on a chair in an unfamilliar place. It looks like a laboratory, there are monitors flashing odd symbols, strange and dangerous looking tools lying about, countless weird science things on shelves... A giant green alien thing doing something to her daughter.

"AAAAAAH!!! Y/n!"


"Get your filthy paws off my daughter!" Mom wraps her arms around your waist and tries to pull you towards her. The thing, compleatly unphased keeps her at arms lenght with one hand while holding her daughter in place with the other.

"Mom wait! Ow. You're screwing up my bandages! I swear down if Leo has to tape my ribs all over again.."

Since Raphael promply fell asleep upon arrival at the lair (you realy feel like following suit), Don's busy fixing him, and you are under no circumstance going to flash your tits at Mikey, Leonardo has taken it on himself to bandage up the remaining cuts and bruises. If Raphael wasn't passed out he'd be having a fit.

"Hello ma'am." Leo greets, but keeps focused on his task.

"I-it- it t-t-talked!? Aaah! The thing has three fingers and it talked!" Your mom is making discusted faces but at least she let you go.

"Please stop freaking out. They're my friends. They won 't hurt you okay mom?" You keep your voice steady and calm hoping it sends the message that you realy are safe here.

Th-they? Fr-f-friends?" your mom squeeks.

"Yes. Friends. My friends saved us both."

Donatello walks back in his lab when he hears the commotion.

"Aaah! another one!"

"Ah good you're awake. Madam I need to know if you have a concussion. Do you know what city you're in?" Don asks your mother.

"How would I know when you kidnapped me here!"

"Uughh moooom. ow."

"Keep still. " Leo says


Donnie continues to make sure your mom is alright while she screams and complains about every little thing. You're glad your mom is okay.

"If she's reacting like this to us perhaps it's better if you don't tell her about you and Raph. Not yet at least." Leo wispers to you.

You make a sour face. "I guess. Sorry my mom's freaking out."

"It's alright, it happens. We're used to it. Although you didn't react like that when we first met."

"Yeah but I was expecting it. Got used to Raph's dumb face long before we met, Leo. I did kinda freak out the first time I saw him though. Spend the entire night stress-baking with this giant turtle just snoring away in my bed."

Leo chuckles. "I can imagine he was quite the handful."

You nod. "Speaking of handfulls and freaking out, we should probably tell my mom about Master Splinter before-"




Not fifteen minutes later your mom is standing in the living room area. You have curled up to Raphael on the couch, the both of you half dozing off. Your mothers screaming woke Raph up and he is not happy to say the least. Leo and Master Splinter are listening in on your conversation with your mom.

"Oroku Saki won't give up so easily, he will be after us." Your mom anounces. "I called your father and booked a trip to europe. We're moving there."

"Whatever you think will keep you safe. I'll miss you though."

"Miss me? Young lady you are going with us."

"No I'm not." You deadpan, flabbergasted.

Raph chimes in, a deadly look on his face. "She aint goin nowhere."

Your mom just compleatly ignores Raphael, like he is nothing but air to her. "You as well as your brother are comin with us, Y/n. That's final."

"Can I borrow your phone for a moment Raph?" He gives his shellcell to you, slightly confused. You punch in your brothers number, memorised for just such emergencies as this. You put the call on speaker but request the boys stay silent.

"J 'ello, who dis?" Hearing your brothers voice calms your anxiety quite a bit. You know he can take care of himself but you're glad you have conformation that he's okay.

Your Mother starts freaking out over the phone as soon as it get picked up. "Our family is in danger! We're fleeing to Europe so pack your bags young man!"

"What, we're all in danger? How so?"

"It's a long story I can't realy tell right now, 'specially over the phone. I'll talk to you in person soon bro."

"What are you gonna do then lil sis? Going to flee the country?"

"I'm staying in New York."

"You are not! Be ready to leave in an hour Y/b/n!"

"Yeah no can do mommy. I'm gonna stay right here in the states. Gotta do my brotherly duty and protect my lil' sis. Have fun in europe." He hangs up.

"Bu-but b-bu-but..."

"Mom I'm not going halfway around the world so maybe I'll be more safe. No. I'm safer here, protected by my friends." You gesture around you.

"You are not living in a sewer." Your mom says affronted.

"Watch me do."


Saying goodbye to your mother so soon after everything that happened was hard. The both of you cried in eachothers arms, promises of keeping safe and to stay in touch were made and with a final kiss on your forhead and a "love you.""love you too mom." ,your mother gets blindfolded and escorted out of the lair. Europe isn't the end of the world, you would see your parents again some day.

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