Chapter 14

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Raphael feels nervous. Actually nervous. He's pacing in front of the dojo doors.

"What do I do what do I do? I can't just confess to Y/n, what if I ruin everything?"

"Calm down Raphael. It'll be alright." Leo tries to calm his apprehensive brother down.

"Easy for you ta say. Yer not about ta wreck a friendship."

"Dude chiiill, she's been flirting with you like crazy. You'll be fiiiine." Mikey whines. Raphael gives him a pointed look.

"What am I even gonna do with her?"

"Swing from a vine, then you'll tell her: Me Raphael, you mate. Oegaboega." Mikey pretends to be a monkey, this earns him another smack from Raph.

"Why don't you take her somewhere on your motorcycle? I'm sure she'll like that." Leo suggests.

Raphael thinks about it for a moment.

"Thanks bro. I think I know where I wanna take her."

"Donnie's with her now, I'll text him to bring her here?"

Raph nods in agreement.


"I got a text from Leo." Donnie says to you with a mischievous look on his face. "You better get ready."

You quickly dress in something cute but warm. Asking the purple clad turtle for an elaboration only makes him flash a sweet but mysterious smile. What did Leo text, what is going on? And why did Donnie insist you wear something cute?


It was already starting to get late in the evening when you arrive at the Lair. Raphael is waiting by the door and greets you when you walk in.



The two of you shuffle around unsure for a bit. Man this feels awkward. You haven't talked to him in days.

"Ya look cute." Raph has trouble making eye contact.

"Thanks." You feel your cheeks heat up at his compliment.

You can barely make out Mikey giving a thumbs up from where he's hiding.

"Do ya wanna go somewhere?"

"Uuh, sure?" You still have no idea what is going on.

Raphael leads you to his motorcycle. 'Oh yeah he has a bike.' You think. 'Man that thing looks like it'd be fast.'

Raphael hands you a helmet and sits down on his bike, you look at the helmet bewildered for a few moments.

"What's ta matter?"

"Last time I wasn't even aloud to touch your "baby" Now you're inviting me on? Where are we going?"

Raph crosses his arms defensively. "It's a surprise, are ya comin or what?" He deflates as soon as he said so. "I mean, only if you wanna."

'Is he... Is he taking me out? Is he trying to patch things up between us? Am I looking too deep into this? This has to mean something, right? Oh god I hope this is a date.' You feel your stomach churn in nervousness and anticipation when you put the helmet on and climb behind Raph on his motorcycle.

"Hold on." Raphael calls over the roar of his beast. You hesitate. Where was okay to hold? The last thing you want is to make this awkward again. Raphael however, doesn't give you enough time to mull it over. He hits the gas and you grab onto his shell in reflex.

You have your arms circled around Raphael's shell, your hands barely rest on his plastron. The dark streets of New York swoosh by so fast it becomes a blur. You tighten your grip around Raphael's middle. He takes a hand of the steering wheel to squeeze yours for a moment, before returning to its previous position. Soon the packed centre of the city gives way to suburbs and that changes into the quiet open road.

About an hour of driving later Raphael stops somewhere in a forest. It's close to midnight, and you can see the stars peaking out between the leaves.

"S'not far from here. C'mon."

Raphael walks you to a hill. You two sit down at the top. You are looking over the trees. There's a lake in the distance, the reflection of the moon and stars can be seen glittering in the water. 'Holy fuck, what is it with this way too romantic scene? Have I been transported to a romcom or something?! How does Raph even know this place?'

"I found this place drivin around some time ago. Sometimes come here when I wanna be alone." As if Raphael could hear your thoughts he had answered your question. So he had taken you to a place he considered special.

"It's really beautiful here."

Several minutes pass in a semi-comfortable silence with the two of you just taking in the scenery. Raphael steals glances at you waiting for the right moment, and the right words to confess his feelings for you. 'It's now or never.' He thinks as he opens his mouth.

"Hey Y/n." "Hey Raphael." At the exact same time you two try to speak.

"You first."

"No, you go first." Rapahel insists.

"O-okay." You take a deep breath. His vibrant green eyes are staring straight into yours.
"First I wanna say I-I really value our friendship and I don't want that to chance be-between us." You nervously run your hand through your hair.
Raphael feels his heart sink. 'She does just wanna be friends.' he thinks.
Unable to keep eye contact you continue. "I-It's fine if you don't feel the same..I understand but I think you at least deserve to know how-how I feel, about you that is." Raphael's intense gaze is completely focused on you. 'Where is this goin?' He thinks. Your heart feels like it could burst out of your chest any moment. "I- Raph I L- URGH I'm no good at this!" You exclaim frustrated before putting a hand on Raphael's cheek and crashing your lips onto his. Raph goes completely still. This was not what he had expected. You keep your lips pressed on his for a few seconds before pulling back, a little out of breath. "Well..You get the idea."

Raphael just stares at you, bewildered for several moments. "You can't be for real."

You retract your hand immediately and start apologizing. "I'm so sorry- I jut thought.. I got swept up in the moment and Donnie said to take direct action and this was the only thing I could think of to-" You start rambling and hide your face in your hands, utterly embarrassed.

"Why're ya apologisin?"

"I kissed you without consent?"

"Eh, there's worse things then being kissed by the girl i'm inta. I think I'll live."

Your face explodes in red when you processed his words. He watches you with an amused grin and scoots closer. Before you know what's happening Raphael captures your lips in his again. Your mind is hazy from the kiss and the lack on oxygen as you break the kiss. You take a few gulps of air, trying to cool your body down. That became a nearly impossible task however when Rapahel puts his forehead on your and stares straight into your eyes, nearly taking your breath away again. The beautiful green captures you and you have never seen his expression this soft, full of affection, but also of worry. He trails his finger over your cheek when he lifts his head again, never breaking his gaze.

"Yer so beautiful. Why me? I aint even human."

"And I'm not a turtle. This doesn't bother me. Does it bother you?"

Raph shakes his head. "But I aint exactly easy to look at."

"Dude you kiddin? You're buff as hell and your eyes are so fucking gorgeous." You're getting lost in his eyes again.

He takes your hand in his. "S-so, do ya, I dunno, wanna go on a date or something sometime?"

"Here I was, thinking this is a date." You entwine your fingers with his. It's a bit weird at first, him having tree fingers and all, but you get used to it fast. "Sure feels like one, don't you think?" You shoot him a wink.
Raphael can only nod and blush.

The rest of the night the two of you lay on the hill, cuddling and looking at the stars.

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