Chapter 11

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"Mornin guys." You greet Leo, Donnie and Mikey as they join master Splinter and you for breakfast. "Where's Raph?"

Right then the entrance to the Lair opens and Raphael walks in.

"Mornin Raph!" You say but Raphael doesn't acknowledge your greeting.

"What were you doing topside Raph?" Leo asks.

"Scouting Y/n's neighbourhood. Didn't find any Foot, I think they've moved on." Raphael answers.

"Do you think it's safe for Y/n to go back to her place?" Donnie asks.


"Noooo, I don't want Y/n to go!" Mikey exclaims as he pulls you in a hug.

"Dude, Mikey, it's not like you'll never see me again." You pat his head. "You have my digits so we can text whenever. And my folks are usually working so you're all always welcome at mine."

After training you pack your belongings. When its dark outside you hug everyone goodbye and thank them again for letting you stay over.
Raph and you make your way up to the surface. The cold night air is a welcome change after sitting cooped up in the Lair for nearly 4 days. Wow time had moved fast, hanging out with the turtles was a lot of fun. But it was high time for you to get back in your daily routine, and you were glad you could sleep in your own bed again.
You chat a bit with Raphael on the way, but it doesn't really go anywhere. He had been absent for most of the day now you think about it. You wonder if there is something on his mind, but don't ask. Raph doesn't look like he wants to talk about it. He drops you off at your bedroom window and you hug him goodbye.


The next couple of weeks you spent mostly occupied with school/work, visits to your brother and your friends, and hanging out with your parents at home before they went on another business trip. You text with the guys and April almost every night. At odd nights, one, or all of the turtles come to visit or take a break from their patrol for a few minutes. Every chance you get you go over to the lair, either to have a lesson in ninjitsu from master Splinter or just to hang out and ketch up with the guys. The only one keeping their distance from you is Raphael, and you start to wonder what is going on with him. It doesn't help that your feelings for him grow stronger every day, and he doesn't seem to notice your advances.

Even though you still have no idea what you're doing, you do know one thing. You want dat booty. So, over the past few days you have tried to get Raph's attention with subtle hints you like him, hoping he would notice and take the initiative in asking you out. (IF he likes you like you like him) But he seems absolutely oblivious to your change in behaviour. If anything, he seems to be even more reluctant to hang out with you alone. So now you have set up a plan to show exactly how you feel. You call it:
Operation flirt like there is no tomorrow since the guy you are into can't take the hint.

Step one: dress sexy

Oeeh this one was going to be a doozie. Going on the assumption Raphael would like cool biker chicks, you already had the outfit planned in mind. Short jeans with fishnet stockings underneath, a low-cut top, a leather jacket and long black boots that make you a few inches taller. You also put a bandanna on your head and finish off your look with make up. You paint your eyes black and your lips as red as Raph's mask.

Step two: Attract his attention.

This was going to take a little bit of work. Raphael wasn't going to fall off the edge of his seat if you just strutted by. No, you needed to do something big to get the guy to look at you. It was time to showcase some of your talents.

Step three: Get the two of you somewhere alone.

You wouldn't want to be disturbed if a move happens to be made now would you?

Step four: ????

Step five: Profit. Hopefully.

'Don't forget to make lots of eye contact and smile.' You remind yourself how shitty your plan is as you walk into the Lair, ready to embarrass yourself and hopefully not kill your friendship with the red cladded turtle.

The moment you walk through the entrance you bump into Casey. Quite literally as you fall on the ground.

"Woah, hey babe, you ok?" Casey asks as he helps you up.

"Heya Jones! Yeah thanks." You see Raph standing a few feet behind Casey.They were clearly leaving the Lair. Was this the end of your well thought out plan? Snuffed out before you could even begin? Then you catch Raphael slowly trailing his eyes over you. Oeehhh he noticed the outfit alright.

"Where are you guys going?" You ask.

"We're going to bust some heads!" Casey exclaims. "Wanna come?"

You think about it for a moment. You have made good progress in your fighting abilities over the last few weeks, and you knew Raph and Jones would protect you. But these clothes weren't exactly for fighting.. But! This could be just the thing you need. It would be a good opportunity to show Raphael what you are capable of and fighting is sure to get his attention. You agree to go. While you're walking out of the lair you zip up your jacket and poke some holes in your bandanna and tie it around your eyes as a mask, you don't want to be recognised by baddies.

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