It all began with a simple phone call from your father. The events that this mundane thing would induce would change the course of your life drastically. As if that hadn't happened enough in these past few months yet. Usually you didn't mind change, it is exciting and sometimes you make new friends because of it. But this change was a little too.. permanent for your liking.
You are in the lair. Master Splinter has been trying to teach you how to meditate to strengthen your Reiki, as Master Splinter calls it (The thing u used to calm Raphie ;), for the past couple of days, but he says you have trouble "feeling the energies", "Shutting up" and "sitting still".
'This is why I do Yoga.' You think mildly frustrated, when you hear your ringtone play from the side of the dojo. Master Splinter shoots you a displeased look, the rule is phones off or on silent after all, and you give an apologetic look back before running over to your phone with the intention of putting the device on silent. You look at the caller I.D and see your fathers name displayed on the screen. He normally doesn't call you up for a random chat, if he wanted to ask how you are he'd send you a text, so this might be important. You signal you need a minute and quickly exit the dojo.
The moment you accept the call your fathers voice comes through the small speakers. "Hey kiddo, have you seen your mother?"
"No? Didn't she have boring company meetings on the other side of the country?"
"Well, she did..But she told me she had some business to attend to in New York and I figured she'd make a stop at home..."
"I haven't seen her, but I haven't really been home much. Can't you just give her a call?"
You hear your father sigh. "I tried. Your mother always calls me after a flight, but when I didn't hear from her ..I tried to reach her but it says the number is 'disconnected', whatever that means. I haven't heard from her since she left. To be honest... I'm growing a bit worried here."
"Don't worry dad. Mom is a grown woman, she can take care of herself. I'll check at home and I'll give bro a call, yeah? Maybe he has seen her."
"Alright my baby girl, be safe. Love you."
"Yeah yeah love you too dad." You smack a smooch into the microphone and hang up. Before you can turn around to go back in the dojo two muscular arms circle your waist and pull you against a sturdy chest.
"Everything okay?" The gruff voice of Raphael murmurs close to your ear. You lean into the embrace.
"Yeah.. Dad is always a bit jittery when mom goes on trips alone. He'll be cool when I've found her.."
"I'm goin' with ya."
"Nah, I know how you get when you miss a chance to kick Leo's butt. Besides, I'm just going home." You smile up at Raph.
"What if it's dangerous? I gotta protect ya."
"Its the middle of the day dude, I'm sure I'll be fine." You kiss Raph on his cheek and worm yourself out of his arms.
You told your excuse to master Splinter, quickly said goodbye to the guys and made your way home.
There is nothing out of the ordinary at home. No travel bag, no note, no washed dishes, not a sign someone was here. So you ring up your brother.
"Y'ello?" The voice of your brother comes through after a few rings.
"Jo bro, you seen mom lately?"
"Anop." He pops the p. "Isn't she working?"
"Yeah, dad said she has a thing in NY but she hasn't been home."
It is silent on the other end for a few moments.
"Hmm... I checked out mom's flight. It landed in New York safely and on time. So she should be in the city.." You hear muffled sounds in the background. "What? Oh, Yeah yeah... Got to go little sis, text me if you found mom. And don't do anything stupid."
"Ahw you know me bro. I only do unstupid things. I'm stupidless." You grin when you hear your brother sigh and end the call. 'Okay so bro hasn't seen her either.'
You make two more calls to your aunt and a friend of your mother you know live in New York but they haven't heard from her either. For good measure you try to reach your mom's cell as well but just like your father said it wasn't in service. The last person you can think of to call is your mom's secretary. Your mother gave the number to you for emergencies and whatnot. He has some handy information to share with you. He tells you she has a business meeting in a nearby hotel at 5 in the afternoon. You look at the clock, 4:30 you could make that. You figure you can catch your mother before her appointment and quickly make your way out of the door.
You arrive at 4:48 and look around from across the street. No sign of her. You lean against a building and wait. After a few minutes a white Porsche drives up to the Hotel. It is your mothers car! Sure enough when the car halted your mom steps out. You are just about to call out to her and make your way over when a black freaking Lamborghini drives up behind her Porsche. A tall man in a very expensive looking suit steps out. You feel a shudder going through your body.
'Creeper sense is going haywire. Even weirder, I feel like I recognize him.'
He walks up to your mother and they shake hands before going inside the Hotel.
'He's the guy mom has a business meeting with? What a stinker.' You shudder again.
'But where have I seen him before? Maybe he's one of mom's regulars and I just happened to see him sometime? Naw I would remember meeting such a weirdo.'
You pace around a bit. From the corner of your eye you see a television. 'Maybe I've seen that guy on T.V.' Suddenly you remember and realisation hits you like a brick. "Oh no."

Raphael x reader
RomanceSimple boy meets girl story. Only the boy is a 6 foot tall terrapin. Y/n's life just became waaay complex. Slowburn If you have a fun idea you'd like to read please drop it somewhere in the comments!