Chapter 9

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Raphael grabs the hand you still had on his and pulls you out of his room and to the dojo. Unlike his brother Leo, Raphael just storms in to the training room, uncaring if he happens to disturb anyone.

"Master Splinter! You have ta train Y/n!"

Raphael comes to a stop right before the meditation mat master Splinter is sitting on. You stumble up behind him and almost trip from the sudden halt if it wasn't for your hands whom are still interlocked with each other. 'I'm...hands...holding hands...with Raph.' Your throat suddenly feels dry. You were so distracted that you almost didn't catch what master Splinter had asked you after he had scolded Raphael for his rude entry.

"The art of ninjitsu is preformed both physical and mental. Are you prepared to learn how to strengthen your abilities?"

"Sure I'm always up for learning something new." You finally pull your hand out of Raphael's to bow to master Splinter.

"I mean yes master."

"Then I will see you tomorrow morning for your first training."

"Yes! Thank you master Splinter!" You jump pumping a fist in the air.

You don't even think about it when you grab Raph's hand again and drag him out of the Dojo. "C'mon! Lets go tell everyone!"

You don't see Raphael's mask disappearing in the blush on his face when he realises you are holding his hand, and that he had done the same just a few minutes ago.

Everyone is ecstatic that you'll join them for training. Especially Mikey. He's been chatting your ears off about it since you told him and it doesn't look like he's stopping soon.

"-and you can help me with my ultimate flying dragon kick, and we can be sparring buddies! We have to celebrate dudes!" Before he even finishes his own sentence, Mikey is already in a frenzy, trying to set everything up as fast as he can.

One thing you have to admit, Mikey knows how to throw a party. There are snacks, drinks, games and movies at the ready. A few bean bags have been placed near the couch so everyone could have a place to sit. April and Casey are coming to bring pizza. And at the background some hip-hop album is playing, probably one of Mikey's cd's.

It doesn't take long for April and Casey to arrive and as soon as they do, Donnie practically leaps into April's arms and starts conversing with her. Mikey had moved too fast for your eyes to follow when he grabbed the pizza boxes.

Raphael wastes no time to drag you over and introduce you to his buddy.

"Jo Casey, this is Y/n." Raph introduces you. You notice his arm is around your shoulders.

"Goengala." Casey says surprised. "This is the girl you told me about?" Casey holds out his hand and you shake it.
"Hey babe, Casey Jones."

"Heya. Aahw Raph, you do think about me when I'm not there." You put your hand on your heart in a  dramatic way.

"Oh yeah, it was all Y/n this Y/n that. He wouldn't shut up about you." Casey teases Raph with a grin on his face.

"Zip it Casey!" Raphael looks pretty mad. Time to poke him a little more.

"Aaahw that's so cute Raphie!" You punch Raph in the arm playfully.

"Don't call me Raphie!" Raphael tackles you.

"Or cute!" The two of you are rolling on the floor throwing playful punches at each other. You are laughing, play-fighting with Raph has become a thing you two often do. The hothead really likes to fight. He's always careful not to hurt you though.

"Goengala!" You hear Casey jell as he joins in. The fight soon becomes a bit too rough for you to handle so you crawl out and watch from the sidelines until the boys are done.

"Hey Y/n, you throw a pretty good punch, for a girl. Let's smash some Purple Dragon scum sometime!" Casey says as he walks up to you.

Ah the Purple Dragons. A notorious street gang robbing folks blind and bringing grievances to many people in New York. You had the displeasure of meeting them a few times. You're lucky you are fast on your feet, and carry pepper-spray.

"Sure, when I've learned how to fight from master Splinter."

You chat some more with Raphael and Casey. Then April walks up to you and introduces herself.

"Hey! April O'niel." She takes your hand and shakes it. "It's so nice to finally have another normal girl here."

"I wouldn't be so sure about the normal." Raph says grinning, earning a punch in the arm from you.

"Shaddap." You give him an fake angry look. "It's nice to meet you too April, I'm Y/n."

You and April hit it off pretty well and talk until everyone settles down near the Tv to watch a movie.

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