Chapter 23

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Leonardo has been helping you a lot with everything ninjitsu since you've first began training. Helping you with technieks, correcting your stances, teaching you achient bushido rules with stories and of course helping you with meditation. Every time Master Splinter gives you something to work on Leo jumps in eager to help. He is pratically your teacher at this point. Much to your boyfriend's chagrin you have become good friends with his older brother. Leo kind of reminds you of your own big brother actually, only less annoying. Since your body is still hurting you've been focusing on meditating, but that part of ninjitsu you have found the most difficult to grasp.

You abandon your lotus sit to sprawl yourself all over the ground of the dojo. Only Leo and you are currently using the room, so you don't care.

"Uunggh I just don't get it! How am I supposed to "free the mind from all thought." You do your best Master Splinter impression. "I'm thinking about it then arn't I?"

Leo laughs. "You've done it before."

"I have?" You sit back up with interest.

"When you calmed Raphael, remember? Here, let me help." Leo keeps meditating with you, giving you tips on what to imagine and whatnot.

Every now and then you touch your scar on your chest uncounciously.

"That scar is more then just physcical, isn't it?" Leonardo asks.

You are silent for a little while then answer him in a quiet and sad voice "I brought everyone in danger and couldn't do anything. I'm worse than useless..."

"First you're not useless at all. I've never seen Raphael this happy, him and I have hardly been fighting since he's met you. Having you around realy calms him. Secondly we throw ourselves in danger just about every other week, any one of us gladly takes on the Shredder to save a friend. And while I don't approve you jumped in alone, you did save your mother."

"I...I guess... I still feel like... I want to contribute something."

"Legends say ancient masters could mend broken bones, cure blindness and tame the most ferocious of beasts with just their spirit energy. Master Splinter believes you have that gift." Leo jumps up, quickly runs to his room and comes back with a hefty book. "Here read this."

You look at the cover. Its some old Reiki book.

"Y-you think I can heal Raph with this?"

Leonardo smiles and nods. A big ass grin spreads over your face and you hug him tight. "Thanks so much Leo, I will study hard!"

Raphael walks by the dojo just in time to see Leonardo and you hugging. He storms in, feeling enraged out of nowhere. Is it jealousy? Anger? Fear of losing someone he loves so much to his brother whom he loves just as much that it makes him act like a fucking asshole?

"The fuck are you doin with my girl Leo!" Raphael shoves Leonardo away from you.

"What are you on about."

"What I'm on about is stay away from her!" He shoves Leo again, but the oldest turtle doesn't budge.

"Raphael be reasonable. Y/n and I are friends."

"I am reasonable!"

"Raph talk to me, please? What's going on?" You try to interviene.

"Don't you play little miss innocent Y/n! You were all over each other!" Raphael points acusingly at you.

"All over... Raphael I'm just friends with Leo. It's not like I've never hugged him before."

"That don't make it better!"

You get defensive. "It's perfectly fine for me to hug my friends!"

"Lets all take it easy. Why don't we sit down and talk this through okay?"

"Yeah..yeah good idea."

"Here comes fearless leader again with his brilliant ideas! And shocker! My girlfriend is siding with him!"

"There are no sides here Raph." Leo tries. It only seems to make him angrier.

You rub your hands together. Raphael notices.

"Don't try that trick on me Y/n! I am calm!" Raph shouts.

"No you're not! You're acting like an irrational dick!" You shout back, losing your cool.

"Fine! Whatever! Have fun with my brother!"

Raph storms off towards his room, slamming the door so hard you think the hinges broke.

"Sorry. We both know Raphael can be a lot to handle sometimes."

"There's something bugging him, and it isn't our platonic affection." You worriedly look to where the hothead just stormed off.

"Good luck getting him to talk about it. Raph's as stubborn as a mule on the best of days."

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