The moment you walk through the door of the so called Lair you get tackled by a green and orange blur.
"GASP! Leo brought a girl!" His voice sounds so exited. You wiggle in the bone crushing hug of what you asume must be Mikey.
"Hi...Can't...Breath!" You try to pry yourself loose. You never thought about how heavy and strong these turtles actually are. You wonder if Raph is this strong...
"Get offa her!" Think of the devil and he appears. Raph pries the offending turtle off of you like it's nothing and holds him in the air. His eyes trail your body from head to toe. His stare almost makes you feel naked, and you feel a blush creeping up your cheeks.
"You ok?" Raphael asks. You know he means more than from the Orange clad turtle dangling in his arm.
"Y-yeah, I'm okay. Thanks."
Raphael looks relieved you aren't hurt and holds out his other hand to help you up. He then sets his brother on his feet and smacks him on the head.
"Ow! Hey, what was that for!?" Mikey rubs the assaulted spot.
"For almost smothering Y/n, shell for brains!"
"Bro, you know this chikita?" Mikey looks between you and Raph. "Wait. Is she your-"
"Don't say it Mikey."
"Giiiiiiiiiiiirlfriend~" Mikey finished laughing. Your cheeks dust pink.
"Alright that's it!" Raph charges for his youngest brother.
Mikey dodges and runs away laughing hysterically with Raph on his heels.
Leo places a hand on your shoulder and starts guiding you through the Lair. "Come on, master Splinter will want to meet you."
He stops in front of a sliding door and knocks on it's frame. "Master Splinter?""Leonardo, come in my son. What is all the ruckus about?"
You walk into a dojo with at the centre a carpet with candles on it. Sitting in between the candles is a giant meditating rat. You aren't even surprised.
The moment you walk in master Splinter starts critically observing you.
"Ah, you must be Raphael's secret. Welcome. I am master Splinter. Please sit."
You do as he asked and introduce yourself.
"Miss Y/n, did Raphael finally decide to take you here?"
"Actually Leo brought me." You look at the blue clad turtle sitting quietly next to you.
"Tell me the full story miss."
So you do. From the first time you met Raph to why you're here now. At the end of your story master Splinter is in deep thought.
"Hmmm, this is very troubling indeed. I will need to have a word with Raphael as well. Miss Y/n, it is very important our existence stays a mystery. You must not tell anyone. For your sake as well as ours."
"I promise I won't tell anyone about any of this."
Master splinter looks you deep in the eyes.
"I believe you miss Y/n. You are welcome to stay as long as you like."
"Th-Thank you master Splinter." You smile shyly.
While Raphael is getting chewed out by master Splinter you decide to take this time to look around the lair. Your tour brings you to a lab where you find the last turtle you had yet to meet, surrounded by all kinds of electronica and experiments you couldn't make any sense of. He looks completely emerged in his work and you don't want to bother the purple cladded turtle, but you want to introduce yourself. I'd be rude not to, right? Luckily you don't have to make the decision, as Mikey comes running up to you and calls out to his brother.
"Jo, Donnie!"
"Not now Mikey, I'm working on some very delicate experiments. You know, boring grown up stuff." Donatello doesn't even bother looking up from his work to address the youngest turtle.
"But bro, there's totally a girl in your lab."
"Wh-what?" Donnie looks up from his work to see you standing there. You wave sheepishly.
Mikey slings an arm over your shoulder. "Dude, this is Y/n. Raphs girlfriend."
Your cheeks flush pink again. "I'm not his girlfriend!"
"Don't worry, give him time, and Mikey will only get more annoying." Donnie says with a smile.
"Hey!" Mikey exclaims then leans closer to you. "I'll have you know, I'm the cool one. I'm also the strongest, bestest and most handsome turtle."
"And I'm guessing you're the most humble as well?" You ask Mikey, holding in your laugh.
You can't help but burst out into laughter.
You hang around in Donnies lab for a bit. He shows you all the things he's currently working on. You have no idea what half of it does, since it's all alien technology, but you are interested non the less.
After a while Mikey drags you away from the lab and insists you play video games with him. You totally pwn him 2 out of 7 rounds. It's impossible to win against someone who puts this many hours in playing video games. You get obliterated by Mikey until Raphael emerges from the dojo.
You walk up to him and suddenly feel guilty. Raphael looks properly lectured and exhausted.
"I- I'm sorry I got you into trouble Raph." You look at your feet in shame.
"Whatever." Raphael scoffs. "It woulda happened sooner or later.. Did someone show ya yer room."
You shake your head.
Raph leads you to a mostly barren room. The only furniture a desk, a closet in the corner and a futon on the ground. 'This must be a guest room.' You think. 'It's perfect for a few nights.' You smile up at Raphael with gratitude and bid him a good night.
When you had unpacked some of your belongings, showered and changed into your P.j's, you are more than ready to hit the hay. It had been quite the eventful day. So far, you really like Raphael's family and hope they think the same of you.

Raphael x reader
RomanceSimple boy meets girl story. Only the boy is a 6 foot tall terrapin. Y/n's life just became waaay complex. Slowburn If you have a fun idea you'd like to read please drop it somewhere in the comments!