Chapter 4

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<<<<<<<<<< I'm so not feeling good right now but writing this is seeming to help my body stop being soar >>>>>>

Chapter 4:

Bahja's POV 

Man am I glad today is over it was a struggle with all the newbies. Ughhh, and that threat I got today totally not cool. OMG !

" Mommy I'm home ! "

I walked into the living room to see my mother's head on the floor with her feet in the air. She is trying, big note on trying, to do some yoga. And is failing drastically, we don't have a TV in the living room because of her. She fell over knocking the TV on the floor, shattering the screen.

" Please don't judge me ", She sang to me.

An that right there was my cue to go.

                                    I ran upstairs to go chat with my bitties. We do this call almost everyday. Since we don't have the same classes we need to tell each other about our days to keep ourselves together. It was getting dark outside really quickly, I think a storm might be coming. I have the worst life first my period now a fucking storm I get so scared its unbelievable. But don't tell anybody its a secret.

Just then my phone rung. " Hello ! ".

" Hey B, hey J B is on the line ", Lls she said JB like Justin Bieber. Haha.

" So whats new! anyone we want, anyone haters! Tell me, tell me, tell me ! ", I was a junkie wen it came to gossip. I was like gossip girl in the flesh.

" Well, there is some girl in my class totally digging Chresanto ", This bitch ! Why does she always have to bring him up. Like you would think she is the one with the crush on him.

Wait, what ?

Anyway, I wasn't really listening to the girls talk because it started raining really hard. Like it sounded like someone was bringing to break into my window with a bunch of water pounding at the window at one time.

" Bahja ? Bahja ? ", J said.

" Oh my bad, its raining really hard outside. I zoned out what were you saying ?"

" Well never mind ! Obviously you didn't hear my whole rant about this boy "

" Wait what boy ! Whats his name ?! Are you talking about Connor ?"

" See bitch if you was listening you would know I wasn't talking about a boy at all "

So this trick is playing with my mind. She knows how much I like to gossip and she is going to pull that.



I dropped my phone and everything, didn't grab no shoes or nothing. I ran, i ran for my life. Before the thing could get me. Ain't nobody got time for that. 


" Bahja ! Its just the thunder and lightening ! Calm it down girl ! It isn't that serious. Seeing the way this story is you might not have school tomorrow.

I needed to take a nap. My blood pressure was really high right now and I needed it to go back down. I went upstairs to my room so that I could get myself together. I will wake up later so that I can eat or something.

Roc's POV

                     It was like 6 in the morning and I'm still laying in bed. Alot was going through my head right now. Bahja has really been on my mind lately. I needed to go get in the shower so I can get ready for school so I can see her.

" Chresanto ! You don't have school today, the storm was so bad it caused the power in the school to go out. But I have to work and should get off by 9 or 10. "

" K ma "

Cool so no school today. I should probably go out somewhere.

I go look out the window. " Hell no ! It's raining cats and dogs out there ". It was really coming down out there. The trees and everything was blowing and you could barely see anything. No wonder we don't have school today. I mean I ain't complaining but still. 

" I guess I can lay it on back down "


Ring Ring Ring !

" Hello !"

" Chresanto ! I need you to come over I'm scared shit-less and my mom isn't home. Please please please PLEASE ! "

" Ard. I'm on my way. "

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I know your probably anger that its so short and a that I left you with a cliffhanger. Oh well you love me so dearly. Anyway I feel so much better now that I have written this part. Aside for the part that I took some medicine.......don't worry the pills were prescription ! Anyway hope you enjoyed comment, vote, inbox me, fa me and yeaaaaaaaaaa ! Keep HOPE alive ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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