Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

Roc's POV

      This morning when I woke up something was different. Well other than the fact me and Bahja aren't pretending we are in a relationship anymore like everyone at school is just acting really different. But i am know as a free guy now, so its time for me to start my hunt.

I see this really cute brown skin girl leave the office. She has on a black crop top and sweatpants with converses. She looks good even though her outfit is very simple.But than I see Bahja come out behind her with that Bra'Shae girl.

Yeah that's not a good idea to even try and be with this girl because it won't end well.

I'm still thinking about this girl, she really caught my eye but who is she ?

Everyone was whispering about this girl this morning but they were saying how she murdered someone. There had to  be another new girl here because it couldn't possibly be the same person. I can't get caught on this girl she is friends with Bahja.

"Hey bro", My mans Carlos said to me. Me and him were in 1st period. It always sucked.


"You trying skip today ?"

"Nah bro. I umm got some work to handle today." I can't even lie straight.

"Who is she? And what happened to you and Bahja?"

I sighed and looked away.

"Excuse me Mr. Teacher person me and my boyfriend need to be excused. He isn't feeling too well. I think I should take him to his mom."

Carlos, i swear is gay he has his ultra-gay moments like now. But he's my boy and knows when I'm in need of a bro moment. Me and Carlos have been rolling since together since we were like 6 or 7. He has always been there for me, i love this dude for that. I mean I'm not going tell him that cause then he'll take it to his head for real.

"Yes Carlos, you and Mr. August may be dismissed. But I want a note from the principal tomorrow."

"Your note is you keeping your job, lets go bro."

Me and Carlos are swiping into the library and then he starts questioning me.

"Do you have to poop? Is your penis shrinking? Do you need food? Did you miss your period? Do you need tampons? Do you have cramps? Is Bahja ok? Is everything between you and Bahja ok? Wait, is that whats wrong?"

"Yea bro. Me and her aren't together anymore."

"Aww damn bro. Its cool though because she came between our relationship anyway. But bro lets go find you a new hot babe."

All together I am just really sad. I mean I know it wasn't real but it was beginning to feel real. But i guess the feelings were one sided. I wonder if me ad her are still going to be cool after this and everything.

Bahja's POV

Me and Roc haven't talked since yesterday.

When I saw Bra'Shae pull up to school with her sister I was confused because she never said she had a sister. But her sister keeps to herself, doesn't really seem like a girly girl. She wore sweatpants for crying out-loud that is drastic. But Bra'Shae and Desiree seemed like they were mad at each other, like there was alot of tension when they were around each other.

I wore a pink skirt, with a white shirt and al white converses. It was a casual day for me since we won't have school tomorrow. I need to be ready. Me and Chresanto arren't really cool right now so I can't just expect him to be there for me tomorrow.

But I'm on my way to the store to go pick up the new pom pom's for the team. Last minute try-outs are next week and I have to be ready.

I haven't had a day with my mom lately I think I might have to schedule a spa day, oh maybe I can bring Bra'Shae and her sister. 

I walk into the store, the little bell on the door rings, the older woman behind the counter looks up. She smiles at me, since I am a regular customer here.

"Here to pick up the pom pom's darling ?"

"Yes ma'am. Do you have anything that you think we should use for our try-outs next week?"

"Nope. Nothing other than good sprit and luck.", She is rumpaging through the back of the store, I guess looking for my boxes.

"Trevor ! Trevor dear! Could you come here and give me a hand with these packages?"

My face lights up. "Ms.Ana who might this Trevor be?"

"He's my new helper around here. My son thought I could use some manly help."

This tall, toned guy emerges from the back of the store with a box, I'm guessing my boxes. He is gorgeous, reminds me of Channing Tatum. He looks up at me and winks. Oh no, its time for me to go.

"K. Thanx Ms.Ana but I got to go. Umm, yeahh I'll just take this box and leave."

"Umm, i can help you to your car its pretty heavy."

All  I do is nod. He will now be known as Mr.Sexy. He put the boxes in my trunk and then left no goodbye, he didn't try to flirt, nothing.

After Mr.Sexy basically blew me off, I left to head home.

I went straight to my room to call my girls, we talked about who knows what all night long. The storm was slowly approaching, I was no where near ready for it. I think I should take my sleeping pills my doctor prescribed me.

No. I'm not crazy but back when I was an OMG girl i didn't get sleep so my doctor would make me take meds, so I could rest up, but while I was resting I basically was unconscious. A big win for me.

I ran downstairs and was rampaging through the cabinet when I heard a snarly type of noise in the living room. I immediately thought of the worse, if was an animal. Being the dumb white b***h I am I go to investigate (no offense to white females but seriously in scary movies you always die because you are being stupid). When I get there its just my mom sleeping away.

Jesus was definitely with me today but back to my meds.

I go pop 2 with a glass of water and go to bed.

I wake up to a crack of thunder, I yelped, grabbed my covers and put it over my head. I can not believe that pill didn't work. I really can't deal with this. I peeked out and looked at my clock it read 10:04 am. Guess that means no school and that my mom is gone.


OMG, a killer is at my door. Someone is coming to get me, God why you doing this to me man. I thought you loved me.

"I'm sorry God for all my sins but just please don't let me die today. I enjoy living. Please don't let me die today, just please."


I slowly make my way downstairs. I open the door and see.......

(cliffhanger who do you think it is?)


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