Chapter 10

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*I am loving this break No lie*

Bahjas POV

All day long I've been "dating" Roc. Like that's even possible. I mean, sure I like Roc but will I ever tell him that.

Right now we're in the janitor's closet on the 3rd floor. We've been making out for awhile now, kind of ready to leave but won't say anything.

Roc has been going along with this entire loveyy doveyy  scene thing. Hopefully he doesn't take any of this seriously.

How long am I going to have to do this?


"Roc we gotta go the second bells about to ring! "

He hurriedly grabbed his bag and we ran down the halls trying to get to class on time.

When we got to my class I waved bye and ran into class, I hope he makes it to class on time.

All day long every girl in the school has been giving me the evil eye. All the guys have been checking me out, like do you not know who my "boyfriend" is.

It's getting quite annoying.

Like I can feel their eyes burning into my head.

A orange head girl turned around looked at me, she kind of looked like she could be a Wesley from Harry Potter but anyway she made me so mad I snapped, "Wtf are you looking at me got Damn act like you ain't never heard of a girl dating a guy, turn around and get a fudging education you stupid b#*ch. "

The teachers head snapped around and I looked at her like "Don't test me, you'll get it too" and she just continued with her lesson.

Gosh, why do people gossip ? Why can't to 2 people be in a relationship and not have everybody else in it too?

The relationship isn't even real and will end before the week is over because I can't deal.

End of day

I just got home and shoot my best friends a text:

I'm totally stressing right now !

Chresanto was on his way over so we could talk about all of this. I can't deal with all the madness, before the weeks out I will have grey hair better yet I'll be......bald.

Call me a  drama queen whatever but this was a serious matter. I can't be bald.

"Yo yo yo! ", Roc said knocking on the door before entering.

"Roc sit down now. All this needs to end I'm getting so stressed out, when I'm in class I can't concentrate, which you know is hard anyway. Every female wants to fight me, I may have a past but with the route we're going I won't have a future. Those girls are crazy and half of them are just ugly. They hating on something that's not even real, like sit down and calm ya tits." I started my rant to Roc.

"Please don't get me started on the emo chicks. ", It's just too frustrating. Chresanto is just standing there chilling like this isn't a crisis.

"Well , Beauty I don't know. Give me some time to think of a plan until then, want to watch a movie ?"

I guess he's right. I popped in a movie, he got the popcorn, I grabbed more pillows to lay on and we began our movie date. Is this a date? No we do this all the time, right?

We were watched a Chinese movie, lots of fake blood and fake knifes/swords. Then it clicked in by head, why didn't I think about this almost 2 days ago?

I got up and ran into the bathroom.

I think I might be having the next baby Jesus.


*lol this break is doing me good I have free time to write and just think about stuff endlessly *

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