Chapter 5

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<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Hola ! I think I have finally set a schedule for me and this story thing ! So I am going to update this story every Monday and Friday or Thursday. So I hope this is enough to keep you guys reading this book instead of leaving you hanging for so many months, that feel like years. I don't know why the words are so big XD HAHAHAHA LOL. I accidentally hit some buttons and now the words wont go small anymore. But anyway I hope you enjoy this part of my story and keep on voting, commenting and showing love because I really appreciate it and it also motivates me to continue >>>>>>>>>>>

Chapter 5:

( XD the words are like small again !)

Bahja's POV

So I'm totally just sitting her freaking out or whatever. OMG did I just think the words " or whatever ". This is a nightmare. My mom had to go to work , I don't have school and I'm all alone.

Well technically not for long !

I called by enemy ! I know its a punk, but DESPERATE TIMES CALLS FOR DESPERATE MEASURES !

I wish he hurries up. He acts like he doesn't live like next door. He has a key, I don't know why he has a key to my house but he does.

Right now, it doesn't matter !

I feel as though I am about to die right now ! Like seriously ! I keep hearing noises. 


See I'm hearing stuff now this is like not OK with me.

" BAHJA ! Where the fart are you ? If you don't answer me I am going to leave ," Oh this is a real person. In fact it is no one other than my enemy.

" Roc ! "

I said opening my door slowly to make sure this was not some type of prank. PLEASE DON"T JUDGE ME ! 

I'm like super paranoid !

" Bahja, what's wrong with you are you OK ?" Chresanto said popping up in front of my door making me jump almost 6 feet in the air.

" Oh my goshhhh ! Roc thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you ! " I said hugging him catching him off guard making him fall and me going down with him. 

" I'm know I'm hot an all but could you please get off of me." He said with a smirk. 

OMG ! Boy please ! Stop being so full of yourself.

" Sorry, I'm just really scared and didn't know who else to call ".

He chuckled. He got up and straightened his shirt out. OH ! It's OK, I can get up all by myself. No problem. " Is there something funny Roc ?" He must've said some joke that I missed.

" One stop calling me Roc and two yeaaa your funny " Ms. Queen B ", He did the air quotes and everything.

I walked into my room leaving Chresanto in the hallway to finish up his laughing. Since, he obviously took this as some type of joke.

 " Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you feelings but - "

" Why does there have to be a but why can't you just apologize ?"

" Because it was funny. "

                                                                       I don't care anymore. I walked over to my bed to go check twitter, instagram and don't call me a lame but Facebook. I still have to communicate with some of my friends on here so that's the only reason why I still engage in Facebook. It was so awkward with me sitting on my bed and having someone starring at you like their life depended on it.

" Is there something that your looking for ?"

" Oh no. See you were being really rude and didn't offer for me to sit down so I just thought-thought youd didn't want me to sit down. So I just resulted in watching. I know it sounds stupid but it doesn't matter ."

  OMG ! Chresanto August, the nappy-headed bastard has manners. Who would have ever thought.

" Hey ! I am standing right here. " I hadn't noticed I was speaking out loud. Oh, well.

" I just thought that because you have been in my room so many times you wouldn't need an invitation to sit down ."

Roc didn't reply he just sat down instead of saying anything else. I was just chilling on my bed. I hadn't noticed how sleepy I was until I had yawned. ( Did anyone yawn ? I yawned will I was typing it lol XD If you did we know have an emotional connection ) 

" You can go to sleep Beauty. I will watch over you, I'm here to protect you. "

For some reason I believe this fool and not only laid down but I laid down on his chest. I drifted off to sleep with Roc's arms around me and me being rocked to sleep with his steady rising of his chest. 

WHAT THE FUCK ? What is up with the Bahja and Roc moment ? They were like really nice to each then it was like I will protect OMG ! What do you guys think about that ? 

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I hope you enjoyed this part. If you have any comments as to whats happening please do share with me. I would love to hear all about it and answer anything as long as it doesn't spoil the next part. But anyway have a nice rest of the night or day and hopefully I update like I want to tomorrow. ILY ! And keep HOPE alive ! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Officially Miss Guided ! (RocXBahja)Where stories live. Discover now