Chapter 2

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<<<<<<<<<<<<< Ok! So this took me awhile to think of something to write but I finally got it together! So read this and if you haven’t read my first chapter! This part going be in Roc’s POV so should I say Chresanto or Roc? Comment after you read this chapter which one you prefer! Please?! Anyway read of readers! –Bigdaddy2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Chapter 2:

Roc’s POV

“Chresanto get your ass up! “, my “mother” came into my room yelling.

I know it’s the first day of school and I’m supposed to be up but DAMN! Nigga’s can’t get a better wake up call.

I swung my legs over my bed to go check my window. I lived across the street from my lifetime crush, Bahja Rodriguez.

No one knows this but me… I need you to keep it a secret.

                I get in the shower and do my clean check:







My Man Part (last part to be washed)

I mean, I have to take precious time with washing that off because girls praise the D.


“Where is Pinkie “, I asked What’s Her Name.

“Someone’s worried about their boo?” What’s Her Name said everyone started to laugh.

She isn’t my boo.

In my dreams she is, but in reality she will never be my boo :(

One day Bahja, you will be me MINES!

“No! It’s not like that it’s just I’m not used to you being out of her ass, since you’re her puppy.”

Not so funny now Bitch is it.

                Then I saw her strutting her way over towards us. Her pink hair was blowing in the wind. How fucking old is she? Pink fucking hair, really? She still looks hot as fuck.

“ Wassup Pinkie !” He says.

“Hey No Hairline! “.

She of course she came back with a smart ass remark. I can not deal with this chick she got issues.

She just left like it was nothing. Her two puppies followed her in.

Bahja can be kind of mean sometimes but it’s only a role for school. If she honestly was her true self she would have a lot of friends and everyone would stop paying attention to her so much. But, this B for you. Every head cheerleader is like super mean at our school at least that’s what I heard.

“Roc?” Chad said.

“Sorry, what did you say?”

“Is Bahja on your list of bodies yet?”

“Oh, naw ! She is a tough nut to crack yall know this. She is mean as hell. I wouldn’t want her anywhere near my balls I would be afraid she’d cut them off. That bitch is crazy. “

“Man, I would let her near mines. I heard she give the best head. “

My reactions kicked in and I body slammed Chad to the ground. I can’t keep doing that every time someone talks about my girl.

Wait, my girl?

My girl?

That sounds right.

Chresanto and Bahja


Roc and Beauty

Damn we should really try and date.

HAHA! I’m funny as hell! We could never date.


We’re sitting at our table. Yeah, our table. It became our table once we got on the varsity team freshmen year.

Drama drama drama !

Bahja always got to start something.

Why can’t she kindly ask someone to move or be quiet?

She always has to prove herself to these lames.

So far she has scared a girl and smashed some boys face in his tray.

“Man! Are we playing the game this year?”

“Man! We have slept with almost every girl in this school but Bahja. It’s no longer fun. But, we got fresh meat I’m in “

The guys and I do bets on girls. Yes! We trick girls into dating us or sleeping with us just so we can win money that we don’t need.

My bet is always Bahja, I always lose.

She so tough, if she would just come running into my arms one day.

Bahja came walking over to my table.

“Roc do you know anyone with the first initial D?”

“No. Why what is wrong with you?”

She showed me the note.

I swear my dream almost came true. If only she came running into my arms and crying over this note it would be so much better. But anyway, who is D? Why she trying to claim her “spot” back as head cheerleader? This sounds dangerous as hell.

I can’t help but stare into Bahja’s eye they are just so pretty. They are a pretty brown. I know everyone’s eyes are brown or almost everyone but hers are just really pretty. I can’t help but keep my eyes on her.

                “Nigga what the fuck you looking at?” She was looking at me confused as hell.

“Chresanto August report to the Office, NOW!” I might have forgotten to mention my mother is the vise principal of my school. I can’t ever get away from this women.

<<<<<<<<< Okay! Don’t forget to let me know what name you prefer to have Roc’s POV or Chresanto POV. And comment and let me know stuff. –Bigdaddy2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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