Chapter 11

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**Lol I'm updated so quickly......u should be proud me****

Chapter 11

Roc's POV

I'm just sitting here letting Bahja's words replay in my head.

they hating on something fake anyway

Bahja doesn't even really want to be involved with me forreal.

Oh well.

This movie she put in is so lame. Like seriously the blood's fake and the swords are too.  Just as I was thinking that Bahja ran to the bathroom.

I guess someone has the sh*ts.

"Bahja got the sh*ts!"

"No Roc leave me alone. "

"Someone on their period or naww? "

Then she came out the bathroom crying. Was I right?

"Roc I think I might be having the next baby Jesus."

Baby ?

"Wait you're pregnant? "

"I think so. My periods 2 days late. "

"Who's the daddy? "

She looked at me as if I just called her a female dog or something.

"I'm a virgin No one is the daddy but God he has blessed me with a child like he did Mary and Joseph."

I died of laughter.  Was she listening to herself? She thinks that God implanted a baby in her?



"Are you mentally retarded or something because I'm pretty sure I just said that."


Bahja Rodriguez is a virgin everybody.  No one has ever f#&ked her, I Chresanto August could be her first.

"Bahja, come lay down. I'm sure it will come sooner or later.  Until than let's take a nap I'm tired.  "

She came and laid down on me. I wasn't sleepy I just couldn't look at her without laughing. She's truly an idiot. But she's my idiot.


                            Bahja's POV

I woke up the next morning with an achy feeling in my stomach.  God please stop this awful pain, I don't like it. Wait, this can only mean 1 thing. My periods coming yayyyy !

It's nice to wake up knowing you aren't holding the next baby Jesus in your uterus.

I ran to the bathroom and  hopped in the shower . I'm so overjoyed.

I blowdried my hair,  got dressed, did my hair cleaned my bathroom .

Next task wake Roc up.

Chresanto August is the worst person to wake up early in the morning.

I started by poking him. He didn't budge so I tried called his name. He didn't budge.

This next move is really drastic. I climbed on top of him and straddled him. This is guaranteed to wake up. Which I am right because he then rolls us over and is on top of me.

"Good morning. "

"Morning. Got your period? "

All I could do was smile.

"Great! "

He looks me in my eyes and kisses me.


****Good morning everybodyyyy. I am so happy this morning Lol have a good day everyone hopefully I update again later.******

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