Warehouse Date (Tad Spencer x reader)

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x gender neutral
Word Count: 1130

"Hey guys!" I chirped, walking up Justin, Parker and Tad at the gym in old Bullworth vale.

"Why, hello there Y/n" Parker greeted.

"How're you?" Justin asked seconds later.

"I'm good. How about you?" I replied not really caring, but being polite. I think Tad was too caught up in the current boxing match to notice my presence.

Parker glanced at Tad then turned to Justin, clearing his throat as if signaling it was time to leave.

"Oh, I'm excellent," Justin smiled apologetically, "my apologies Y/n, parker and I must go..." He paused, thinking of an excuse, "get ready for our boxing tournament."

"Indeed we do," Parker added, "we will see you around Y/n."

"It's okay, bye guys." I smiled, and then turned to Tad who was already looking at me. "Hi Tad" I greeted sweetly.

"Hello Y/n. Listen, we have been good friends for a long while now, and I would like to take this to the... next level. How about a date, tonight?" He confidently asked in his fake English accent.

His confidence slowly faded as I took my time to respond, "that is, if y-you wanted to..." He said, slightly nervous.

I just giggled and smiled sweetly at him again, "that sounds nice, what'd you have in mind?" He let out a small sigh of relief and grinned victoriously.
"I was thinking a nice dinner followed by a movie."

"The movie part sounds good, how about I plan the first part instead?" I asked. He looked at me questionably.

"That's alright I suppose..." He said hesitantly.

"Great, meet me at your dads warehouse in Blue Skies at seven." He looked slightly disgusted at the mention of Blue Skies. I just raised my eyebrows and glared at him to indicate not to argue.

He raised his hands slightly in defeat, "alright."

I turned around and left as he continued to watch the fight.


The reason I wanted him to meet me at the warehouse is simple. Tad always brags about money and the things he buys like he's never been taught to have fun or be happy without it. My father lives in Old Bullworth Vale and has money, but he hardly ever wanted to spend it on me, so I learned to cope. I wasn't spoiled, or a prep even, so I had to find joy in the little things. Tad has never had to do that.

"So what are we doing here?" Tad asked emphasizing the word 'are', as he walked up to me, a bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates in hand.

"You'll see." I smiled as he handed me the gifts, quickly kissing his cheek and going inside. He slightly smiled and followed behind me.

I grabbed his hand as we entered and ran towards the back of the large building. In one of the compartments, I had set it up with a pile of blankets and pillows, with a picnic basket beside it.

"You truly prefer this over a fancy restaurant?" Tad asked surprised, but not a bit rude. I covered our setup with a tarp, grinned cheekily, then continued to run to the back, hand in hand.

I had two bikes set up in the back with a couple of water guns beside them. I could tell that Tad was beyond confused at this point. I got onto a bike and tossed him a water gun as he got onto the other bike.

"Doesn't this seem a bit... dangerous?" He questioned unsurely.

"Maybe... loosen up Tad." I playfully punched him in the arm. "I've put buckets of water throughout the warehouse to refill the guns."

"What about our clothes?"

"I brought extra chang-" I was interrupted by a blast of water hitting my face, and Tad speeding off on his bike.

"Oh, it's on Spencer." I said, determined. Tad's laughter echoed through the building.


By the time our war was over, we were both soaking wet. We walked upstairs to get changed. I made sure to put the clothes somewhere that they couldn't get wet.

I threw Tads clothes at him then turned around, taking my shirt off, changing it. I could feel him staring at me and I laughed, "Get changed perv."

Once we were done changing, we walked back to our setup downstairs, and Tad pulled the tarp off.

We sat down and I opened the basket, handing him a beam cola and sandwich. He eyed the sandwich like he'd never seen one.

"Just eat it" I smiled.


When we were done eating, Tad laid on his side toward me, and I laid on my back looking up at him. He started to slowly run his fingers through my hair.

"I do have to admit, tonight has been fun Y/n, but why did you do all of this?" He asked in a voice slightly lower than usual, almost a whisper.

"To show you that you don't need to spend a lot of money to have a good time" I smiled sweetly up at him.

Our eyes met and he returned the smile. He slowly leaned down and kissed me. I instantly started kissing back, wrapping my arms around his neck loosely. I felt him slightly smile into the kiss, placing a hand on my cheek.

After a minute of making out in that position, I broke the kiss, pushing him onto his back. He grinned his victorious grin up at me when I got on top of him, then I started making out with him again.

After a few seconds, I broke the kiss again to take off my shirt while Tad did the same, sitting up. He placed one hand on my cheek and the other on my waist as our lips met again.

Just as I got his belt off, we heard the door at the front of the warehouse open. Tad quickly reached for my shirt, handing it to me as I got off of his lap. I hurriedly threw it on as Tad did the same.

We walked over to see a few townies coming inside. Tad stepped out to angrily confront them, "what are you doing here? Must I tell father that we need to have a security system installed? I should call the police on you!"

The townies quickly left and I giggled. Tad turned around still a bit angry and looked at his watch, "Oh my, we missed the movie Y/n."

I laughed at him and gave him a hug.
"That's fine," I smiled, whispering in his ear, "I've had a lot of fun anyways."

His victorious grin returned as I grabbed my stuff.

"Walk me home?" I asked.

"Of course." Tad grabbed my hand and we left. This has been the best date ever.

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