Sick (Tad Spencer x reader)

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x gender neutral
Word Count: 1118

A/N - This is so cringeworthy but I didn't want to leave it unfinished.
Also, I haven't forgotten any requests! I have them written down and I will start on them as soon as I can

"Y/n!" Tad waved his hand, jogging over to me.

I was on an aimless walk around Bullworth Vale for the third day in a row. School has started getting to me and I've been far too stressed out. What started as a step outside for fresh air quickly became 'where the fuck have I made my way to now.'

"Y/n, hey" Tad breathed, gently grabbing my shoulder; finally getting my attention.

"Oh, hey Tad, what's up?" I stopped in my tracks to face him, smiling sheepishly with my cheeks burning. I must've looked like such an idiot not noticing him before now.

"Are you alright?" His eyes were full of concern, his hand never leaving my shoulder.

I rested my hand on top of his and smiled reassuringly, "yeah, I'm fine. Just getting some air." I squeezed his hand gently before resting it back at my side. 

"Where are you off to?" He questioned, removing his hand from my shoulder.

"Oh, no where in particular... Wherever my feet take me I suppose" I stared at the ground nervously.

"So getting coffee wouldn't be out of the question?" He held his hands confidently behind his back and looked me in the eyes.

"Coffee?" I raised a brow as I lifted my head to look back into his eyes, confused. Was Tad asking me out? The guy who could get anyone he wanted from his wealth alone?

"Yes, coffee," he chuckled, then predicted my next question, "and yes, like a date."

"I guess it wouldn't be too far out of the question..." I playfully responded with a smirk.

We never really spent time together outside of school. We always partnered up in class and made small talk in the hallways, along with lame jokes and occasional flirting that I eventually ruled out as more lame jokes.

He laughed, holding out his arm for me to grab hold of.

I hesitantly accepted, taken back slightly by his actions.

We made it to a nearby cafe when Tad held the door open for me.

"Ooh what a gentleman" I laughed as he shut the door behind him.

"Haha. I can be a gentleman, thank you" he scowled at me playfully, "If I want to that is."

"So... I'm special?" I batted my eyelashes at him with an amused smile.

"Very" he grinned over at me and snaked an arm around my waist as he ordered his coffee.

I quietly gave my order before breaking Tads grip and sitting in a booth by the window.

He paid before taking a seat across from me with a huge grin plastered on his face.

I tried avoiding his gaze by staring out the window, but failed miserably.

I laughed with a grin as wide as his, "why are you looking at me like that? Stop. It's creepy."

"I can't help it," he chuckled, "I have to be honest, I had my doubts that you would want to go out with me... Why did you agree?" Both of our grins faded to a thin smile.

"Hmm... Nothing better to do" I giggled when he playfully glared at me, "okay okay, I think you're actually kinda cool. I guess." I blushed at my lame semi confession.

"Well I guess that's better than just being something to pass time" he laughed at my strange response.

The barista called our names for our coffees just in time. The conversation had took an awkward turn, making me uncomfortable. Tad muttered a quick, "I got it" referring to the coffees and quickly got up. Apparently he felt the same.

"So why did you ask me out then? Seeing that my response didn't go over so well." I beamed up at him as he handed me my drink and sat back down.

He laughed at my bluntness, "well I also think you're actually kinda cool," he jokingly mocked me causing me to lay my head on the table from embarrassment, "and I like you... A lot." I couldn't see his face but his voice actually sounded sincere.

Being my idiot self, my instant response was a slightly disgusted "why?" I never lifted my head due to my regrettable response.

He just let out another laugh, his tone changing from sincere and nervous to more comfortable, "why? Well... You're beautiful, smart, funny, and I just like you. I'd go more into detail but it's getting late."

I brought my head up to see the sun setting.

I groaned before realizing everything he had said before 'it's getting late'.

"Wait, really?" I look at him confused, noticing a small blush on his face.

"Yes, really. You're amazing" He examined me quickly before his voice was laced with concern, "are you sure you're feeling alright?" He reached across the table, feeling my forehead with the back of his hand.

"You're forehead is burning Y/n" he somewhat scolded before pulling his hand back and standing up. "Come on, I'm walking you home and taking care of you."

"Okay" I didn't feel like arguing so I just scooted out of the booth and threw my cup away.

We exited the little cafe and Tad grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers as we walked down the side walk. It was the closest we'd ever been, but I wasn't complaining.

"I've just got a fever, I'm not going to die" I laughed at his sudden over protectiveness as we made it to my street.

"You're sick Y/n. You need to get better, no wonder you've been acting stranger than usual" he smiled down at me.

"Stranger than usual? Oh, okay, I see how it is" I smirked, pulling my hand from his and crossing my arms.

Within a matter of seconds he'd swooped me up bridal style. I clung to his neck from the sudden action as he just laughed at me.

After my heart stopped racing from fear, I pointed out my house and he walked me in. He set me back down in the living room and looked around for people. No one was home.

"So were you planning on staying?" I walked into the kitchen with him close behind me.

"If you want me to stay then I suppose I could." I opened the fridge grabbing two bottles of water.

"If I'm as sick as you claim I am, why would you want to stay?" I raised a brow at him.

"I'll leave then" he grinned, obviously amused by my indecisiveness.

"No, stay and watch movies with me." I handed him one of the waters, taking his other hand in mine and dragging him to my room.

"You are so strange." He laughed at me then whispered, barely audible, "I love it."

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