Seriously? (Bif Taylor x reader)

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x female (gender neutral if you overlook a couple of things)
Word Count: 1410

A/N - I might post a story every night leading up to Christmas, depending on whether I stay motivated or not.

-This is probably my favorite out of what I've written so far-

"Are we there yet?" I annoyed, asking for at least the tenth time this hour.

Bif just chuckled, "Just a few more minutes beautiful, I promise." He gripped my thigh with one hand, the other on the steering wheel.

"What are we gonna do when we get there?" I questioned, intertwining my fingers with his.

"Whatever you want to do" he grinned cheekily, knowing that answer would bother me. It was his fathers cabin, how would I know what there was to do?

I huffed causing him to laugh again, "we're gonna be here all weekend, we'll figure it out" he squeezed my hand in reassurance as we pulled into a snow covered driveway.

"Finally!" I let go of his hand, jumping out of the vehicle as soon as it came to a stop.

I reached a shivering hand out for the handle to the back seat door when I heard the locks click. I looked up to Bif, confusion evident on my flushed face.

He just raised his eyebrows with an amused smile, "you aren't carrying anything in sweetheart," he tossed me the keys. I caught them instinctively, "go get warm."

I flashed a quick, yet loving, smile and 'thank you' before running to get inside the large, and hopefully warm cabin.

Once I stepped inside, I stripped off multiple layers until I was down to just my regular clothes. I smiled ear to ear, admiring the cabin and beautiful view that  basically an entire wall of glass revealed.

I gave myself a small tour as Bif brought our luggage in with ease. I knew I'd get lost if I wondered too far, so I gave up after finding the bathroom and kitchen. Those were the most important after all.

I went back to the window of a wall and stared at an entirely frozen lake in awe. Bif had just finished with the last of our things as he unexpectedly snaked his arms around my waist causing me to gasp.

I instantly melted into his embrace, resting my back against him as I laid my hands over his.

We stayed in that position for at least a minute before I turned to face him, wrapping my arms loosely around his neck, his hands moving to my hips.

"This is so beautiful Bif, thanks for bringing me out here" I leaned in slowly, placing a sweet kiss on his lips.

He repeated the action as soon as I pulled away, smiling lovingly down at me as we parted.

"Anything for you gorgeous," he stroked my cheek gently with his thumb, "speaking of, I need to get the firewood before dark."

I patted his cheek jokingly, a dorky smile on my face, "you go do that."

Bif mock laughed at me like a moron before walking out the back door.

I walked over to my bags, changing into a pair of joggers and t-shirt.

I went back into the kitchen, rummaging through cabinets.

Hot chocolate sounds good. I slowly found the ingredients needed, the only thing left was something to cook them in.

After searching through a million cabinets, I finally found a saucepan and brought everything to a boil. 

Just as I was finishing up, I heard the back door slam and lock.

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