7. A Song Out Of Sadness

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The next day was the day we had decided to show our french tutor our work, but he stayed in class because he didnt want to see me. I got more hurt by that and told his partner that I would be in the library and that they can pass the artwork up themselves if he doesnt want to see me.

I went into the library, crying a little. I scrawled and scribbled on a paper, ignoring my other friends when they asked me what was wrong with me. Soon, I got so frustrated that I went out again in time to see my frnech tutor arriving and them walking towards him, and all three of them going into the computer lab. I could see it all clearly for the computer lab was directly opposite of the library. I was even hurt when I saw that he really came down with his partner because that means he really stayed in his class because he didnt want to see me.

I walked until I reached the door of the lab. I put my hand on the doorknob, contemplating whether to get into the computer lab like nothing happened, joining them, or staying outside till they exit the lab. But, if I went in, it would freeze the mood, and so I waited outside. I even tried eavesdropping, I don't know what for. Nothing was right with my mind at that moment, for I rarely have quarrels with my friends, much less with a boy.

I couldn't stay in front of the door when they were coming out, though. I hid myself behind the pillars, bidding myself to have courage and step out. I did, but he did not seem startled. I asked him whether he is still mad at me and after a second's pause he said no. I said okay and retreated back behind the pillars as fast as I could, for the tears had welled up again and were threathening to fall, and I would not allow myself to cry in front of them. They went away, leaving me alone, and I went back to the library.

What intrigues me is how could he say that he isnt mad at me with a calm face when he was reluctant to see me?

I went back to scribbling and scrawling on the piece of paper I had.. sometimes just meaningless lines and patterns.. sometimes lyrics of forgotten songs.. and I made a song, as bizzare as it can be. I do not remember the lyrics anymore, but I remember how to play it on my piano.

When I asked him about it again at night, he said sorry for the first time, but he never elaborated. He said he did not want to talk about it.

He said, another time.

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