#11- MC, Middle School Bullies

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You are 12 years old. Today was your fist day of middle school. You had always been that girl who wasn't popular and was a slight geek. You weren't a normal book geek, you were a singing geek.

You had your books in your bookbag and your lunch box along with your bag of wipes and tissues in your hands. Man was your bookbag heavy!

You walked to your bus stop and waited.

About 7 minutes later the bus came. You climbed on and tried to decide where to sit.

There weren't many open seats, so you had to share with someone.

You didn't know anyone on the bus very well so you took a seat with a girl that looked your age.

She had black hair and brown eyes.

"Hi." you said, trying to make conversation.

"Hi. I'm Sarah." She said.

"I'm Y/N. What grade are you in?" you asked.

"I'm in 7th. What about you?"

"I'm in 7th too."

"Oh cool. Let me see your schedule." she said.

You handed her your schedule.

She studied it for a moment along with her schedule, until she handed it back.

"Looks like we have 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th together."

"Ok cool." you answered.

The bus pulled up to the school.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later." she said as you were walking into the school.

"Yeah bye." you answered.

You began to walk down the hallway, making your way towards the choir room at the end of the hallway.

Suddenly, a group of boys came in front of you.

Oh great, you thought, their back.

It was Nick and his gang.

Nick was the leader. Then we had Daniel, his right-hand man. Next was Noah, one of the tag-alongs. And finally was Dylan, a tag-along as well.

That group had always bullied you, ever since the 5th grade.

"Where you going little girl? Don't you know it's not safe for you to walk alone?" Nick asked.

"Leave me alone." you said

"Aw look she thinks she can make us leave. You couldn't even begin to try and make us leave you little wimp." Daniel said.

"I'm not weak! Leave me alone."

"Looks like we are going to have to teach her a lesson. She knows what happens when you talk back." Nick said.

"Dylan! Noah! Show her what happens when you talk back." Daniel said.

"No! Please!" You said.

They had done this to you before and it hurts. Dylan and Noah were fastly approaching. You knew had to get out of here or you were risking another trip to the hospital. It was that bad the last time. You had a broken arm and a sprained ankle.

Just before they could grab your arms, you ran towards the choir room. Tears were streaming down your face like a silent waterfall.

You could hear Nick's shouts and feet running behind you.

You know that eventually they will catch up with you, but if you could get inside the choir room, or far away enough, they wouldn't follow you. They didn't want to be seen with the geeks.

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