#15- HH First Kisses

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(Your 6, but it's very descriptive:))

"Come on Y/N! We don't want to miss it!" Your best friend Hunter yelled as he dragged you down your front steps.

"Slow down!" you yelled back.

The summer air was hot as you and many other kids chased the ice cream truck.

Some were riding bikes, some were running, and some were just walking.

The truck finally stopped.

All the kids crowded around the truck, voices mixing together.

"Okay. One at a time!" The ice cream man yelled.

You all formed a line the best we could. You and Hunter walked to the back, not trying to get in the way of the older kids.

The kids a few years older than you were arguing over who got there first. You both ignored them.

You talked about the new music teacher and if you liked her.

Finally it was your turn. Hunter got a vanilla drumstick, and you got a fudge pop.

You walked back to your house, and into your 'clubhouse'.

It was your family's old shed that your dad made into a play house for you. He put some small furniture and a window in there for you and Hunter. You come in here all the time.

Hunter opened the bright blue painted door.

The inside looked so different. There was still a table in the middle, but it had a red table cloth on top and some bowls covering things on each end.

"Come on..." Hunter said as he grabbed your hand.

He dragged you over and pulled out a chair for you. You sat down and smiled at him. He sat across from you and pulled off the bowls.

You giggled at what was under them.

Under one, there was a couple peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Under the other was a couple cupcakes.

He blushed.

"I thought you might like this... My mom says that if you l-lov-ve some one, you should show it. So.. I d-did." He stuttered.

Your eyes widened, then you blushed.

"What do you do when you love someone?" you asked shyly.

"Well.. In all those Disney shows, they kiss." Hunter thought out loud.

"Yeah. Like in Ariel when her and Eric get married." you said. You loved the princesses.

"So. Do you love me?" he asked.

"I-I guess. Do you love me?" You asked back.

"I guess so. So.. do we kiss?" he asked.

"I don't know. How do you do it?" You replied.

"You just put your lips on each other's I think. That's what it looks like." Hunter explained.

He pulled his chair by you.

"On three?" you asked.

"On three."

You two shook on it.

"1...2...3." you both counted together.

You both leaned in and bumped heads.

You laughed and tried again.

It was a quick peck.

"We aren't going to tell anyone right?" you asked, blushing.

"Yeah. I promise. Promise?" He said as he stuck out his pinkie.

"Promise." you said as you locked pinkies.

You both laughed.

"You want a sandwich?" he asked.


Hey! I finally updated. Sorry it's so short!

But this is for


Please follow and read her stories!

Thank you guys for everything! All the reads on this book is amazing! Same as Baby Steps! And all of Liz's stories!

And 84 followers?! That's crazy!

Thank you all for sticking with me! It means a lot!

~Taylor <3

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