#21- HH Sneaky Hayes

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You looked up at the bright blue sky and sighed. Today was a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky to be seen. You sat on a red and white plaid blanket at the park, watching the clouds go by. There was nothing else to do. At least at the moment. You had come to visit Hunter while he was on tour, but you hadn't seen much if him unless it was during one of his shows or right after when you headed to the tour bus. That's the thing about touring with a singer, you don't see them much with all the interviews and photos shoots and concerts.

Today, you decided instead of staying on the bus like you usually would until the concert, you would head down to the park that was only a couple minutes away from the arena. You had found a shady place that wasn't crowded before laying your blanket down and leaning up against the tree that sat behind you. Hunter would have come with you, but he was in the middle of a Coffee House. He had almost missed it because he was watching a movie with you and forgot. Nitro almost killed him. Almost.

'That one is definitely a bunny with a microphone,' You thought, trying to find shapes in the clouds. You smiled, thinking back to the times when you were young that you would do this for hours.

'That one is a guitar with legs,' you thought. You sighed. You wished you saw Hunter more. He even had a date planned for yesterday night, but he had more interviews. Just once, you wished he could get away and spend a little time with you. It wouldn't have to be much, just maybe a half an hour.

A voice broke you out of your thoughts. It sounded like a Russian accent.

"Excuse me? Miss? I'm a bit lost and I was wondering if you knew how to get to the Petunia Pavilion? I was supposed to meet my girlfriend there."

You turned to be met with a familiar pair of blue eyes. You smirked. "Oh no. Sorry sir."

He frowned. "Oh. Well I guess I'll just sit here and wait then." He sat down next to you.

He had on his baseball hat and fake mustache. You smiled at him before whispering in his ear, "How did you leave? I thought you had coffee house. Plus how did you know where I was?"

"It just ended and I asked Sam. He told me," Hunter explained. He intertwined your fingers behind your backs.

"Well. I'll have to thank him. But you need to go back before you get in trouble or get spotted by a fan," You pushed, standing up. He pulled you back down.

"I don't care. I just want to make everything up to you. Especially that date."

You smiled. He was so sweet. He leaned in to kiss you when you heard a squeal. You sighed.

"OMG. Is that Hunter Hayes?" you heard a girl whisper to another behind you. You turned to face them. They looked to be around thirteen.

Hunter leaned away from you and began talking in his horrible accent again. He turned to face the girls.

"Who is Hunter Hayes? I've never heard of him. Is he an actor?"

The girls played along, seeing him wink at them. "Oh. I guess its not. But he's a great singer. We both love him and wanted a picture. It would be a dream come true to meet him," One sighed as they began to walk away.

Hunter smiled and turned around to face you. "Go get those girls and tell them to follow you while I go back to the bus. Please?"

You nodded and followed the girls. They stopped and turned to you.

One squealed again. "Your Hunter's girlfriend!"

You laughed. "Yeah I am." You leaned in to whisper to them. "Follow me. Hunter wants to meet you girls, but he can't be spotted again or he'll get in big trouble. He wasn't even supposed to leave."

They giggled and followed you back to his bus. It only took a couple minutes. Along the way, you made them promise not to tell anyone where his bus was because Nitro would kill them. They promised. They seemed like nice girls.

"Okay. Time to go in." You opened that door and lead them in. Hunter was sitting on the couch trying to get the fake mustache off.

He jumped in surprise when you walked in. He blushed, not expecting you so soon. The girls giggled.

"Uh. Hi!" Hunter yelled, standing up. He gave the girls each hugs and then motioned for them to sit down.

"Do you need help?" You asked him.

He nodded sadly. You grabbed the mustache on one end and pulled. It didn't budge. You motioned for the girls to come help you. Hunter just sat there, his eyes screwed shut.

"On three, pull as hard as you can," you told the girls. You counted to three and pulled. The mustache came off, the three of you falling to the ground in a pile. Hunter sat on the couch rubbing at his upper lip, which was bright red.

"Ow," you all moaned.

Hunter extended his hand to help you all up. After that was over, he talked to the girls for a while. You sat and watched. You loved how he interacted with his fans. He took a couple pictures and signed somethings for them. He gave them each one final hug before you both walked then back to the park.

"Thank you Hunter! And thanks Y/N!" They called as you walked back to the bus.

You waved. Later that night, the concert was great. Hunter was amazing always. The only thing was his lip was still a bright red by show time, which was made worse by the bright lights.

After the concert, you both sat curled up on the couch in the bus. The band had gone to bed, but Hunter insisted on staying up with you to finish the movie you started earlier.

"Thank you for doing this," you said, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"No problem. You deserve it."

He gave you a kiss. Once you pulled away, you smirked.

"What?" he asked, looking at you confused.

"You are really bad at Russian accents."

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