#24- CH Memories [AU Military Series]

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A/N: In honor of Veterans Day, I decided to post a series of Military imagines. I'll continue to post these throughout the week and into the weekend.

If you know a veteran, please thank them for everything they do or did. They are true heroes.

You laid there on your bed as Calum talked to you on Skype. You were having one of your notoriously long calls.

He sighed. "Remember when we first met?"

You smiled. "Yeah. Way back when I was 5 and you were 6."

You both let the memory take over, Calum beginning to tell the story.

You were on the playground, eating your lunch. You sat at a picnic table with all your friends, sharing cookies and chips.

"Wanna play on the swings?" Your best friend asked.

"I'm gonna finish eating and then come play," You explained, motioning to your cookies you were saving for last.

She nodded, running over to the swings to wait for you.

You began to eat your cookies, Oreos, your favorite. Suddenly a hand reached and grabbed one of your cookies. You saw a boy with black hair running away with your cookie in his hands. You quickly got up and chased him all around the playground.

Finally he began to slow near the grassy field. You decided to tackle him while he wasn't looking. You ran to him, his back turned, and tackled him straight to the ground. He groaned at the impact.

You flipped him over and then pinned him to the ground using the technique your brother had taught you last night.

"Woah! I'm sorry I took your cookie! I was hungry! I didn't think you would chase me for it," he trailed off, mumbling the last bit.

"Well I wanted to eat my favorite cookie," You said in your defense. You continued "If I let you up, will you run?"

He shook his head. "Nope. I'm not messing with you again."

You smiled, letting him sit up. You took the somehow unbroken cookie and broke it in half. "Here. We can share."

His eyes lit up and he graciously took the half you offered him.

"What's your name?" he asked as you finished your half.

"I'm Y/N. What's yours?"

"I'm Calum."

"Let's be best friends! After all we both love Oreos," Calum suggested, excited to make a new friend.

"Okay! Race you to the slide!" You yelled, getting up and running in that direction.

You laughed as Calum re told the story. "That's one of my favorite times together," You told him.

He laughed. "Me too. It's not as funny as the time in 2nd grade when we got our hands stuck to that piece of paper."

You groaned. "That was horrible!"

"But it was funny, you gotta admit," Calum pushed, trying to hear you laugh again.

You giggled. "Fine it was kinda funny."
You began to recall the day.

It was Valentines Day and the whole class was making valentines. You and Calum were working together since you were good at writing and Calum was pretty good at drawing.

"Ready to glue the heart?" You asked him, looking over. You had finished your half, and all he had to do was glue the heart he drew and cut out on the card you wrote.

"Yup! Let me go get the glue," Calum said, running to get a glue stick.

You sat at your desk, watching your strange friend. He returns quickly as you doodle a little on the edges of the card.

"Got it!" He yelled excitedly, grabbing the heart and gluing it to the card. He had a bottle of glue, so the glue got all over the card. It didn't look like normal glue, but you didn't ask him about it. Maybe it was that new glue your teacher bought.

"Ta-da!" He yelled, holding it out to you. You grabbed the other half, looking at it.

"It's perfect!" You said, going to let go. Except you couldn't.

"Uh, Calum?" You asked, him not paying any attention.

"What?" He asked, looking at you. He tried to pull his hand off, and he looked shocked when he couldn't.

"We are stuck," You said, laughing.

"I must have grabbed the super glue," Calum trailed off.

You both walked quietly to the bathroom, trying to get the card off with water. You ended up ruining the card, but you were free in a couple minutes.

"Sorry I ruined the card," Calum told you as you walked back to class.

"It's okay. We can make a better one!"

You laughed as Calum smiled at you through the camera. "What?" You asked.

"You look beautiful. I wish I was there. I miss you both," Calum sighed, looking off to the side to his fellow soldiers. Calum had been deployed to Iraq about 4 months ago. This was one of those rare times when he could Skype you and see you.

"I know. I miss you too. So does Carson. He's always sleeping when you call." Carson was your son. You and Calum had been married for a year now and you had your son shortly after you got married.

That made Calum smile. "He's only 1, Y/N. He is going to sleep a lot." He sighed again. "I miss you so much, baby girl."

"I miss you too. You'll hopefully be home soon."

"Yeah. I have to go princess, others need their turn."

"Alright," You sighed, tears forming in your eyes. You cried every time he ended a call. You couldn't help thinking about how this might be the last call.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you Calum."

Just as Calum was about to end the call, you heard a small voice behind you. "Daddy?"

You turned and smiled, seeing Carson standing sleepily holding his favorite blanket. You picked him up and set him on your lap.

"Hey bud!" Calum said to your son, Carson waving to him.

"Daddy, miss you," Carson said cutely, his words still not being pronounced correctly.

"I miss you too. Daddy has to go back to work, okay?" He told Carson.

Carson nodded and put his hand up to the screen in a fist. They did this every time Carson got to see his dad on a Skype call. They would give each other a fist bump when they had to end it.

Calum held up his fist and they did the explosion at the end. "Bye bud. Bye Y/N. I love you both."

You waved goodbye, ending the call.

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