#7- CH, New Friends

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You are 5 years old. You had just moved to a new town and today was your first day of school.

"But momma! I don't wanna go! I don't know anyone and no one will like me!" you yelled at your mom.

"Baby, they will all love you, you'll see. I'm sure you'll make some friends. How bout I make a deal with you. If you make at least one friend by the end if the day, I'll let you stay up until 9:30 on Friday."

You thought that was pretty good. Being 5, you didn't stay up very late. That was the latest you had ever stayed up.

"Okay mommy!" you said.

Your mom helped you get ready. You had on a blue sweater, a pair of dark blue jeans, and a pair of black sparkly converse. Your hair was up in two high pigtails on the sides of your head.

"All ready mommy!!" you yelled down the stairs.

"Okay baby. Come on down and I'll drive you to school." she answered.

You walked downstairs and she drove you to your new school. You first day of kindergarden in this new town.

You were excited but scared. What if no one wanted to play with you? But Momma said they would love you.

Your mom opened you door and unbuckled you. You both walked inside.

"Hello. I'm here to sign in my daughter, Y/N, she is new here." your mom said.

"Ah yes, Y/N, room number 104. It's right down the hall. Just turn right and you'll be fine." she said as she pointed in the direction.

Your mom walked you to your class. She stopped outside the door.

"Okay baby. Have fun and be yourself, okay?" she said.

"Okay mommy."

She kissed your forehead and walked off. You walked in the classroom.

The teacher looked over.

"Hello there! You must be Y/N! Come on in, don't be shy." she said.

"I'm Mrs. Parks. Class lets say hi to our new classmate, Y/N!" she said.

"Hi!" the class yelled back.

"You can go sit at that desk right there." she pointed to a desk next to a black haired girl.

You walked over to your seat and sat down. You found out that the girls name was Natalie. You became friends.

About three hours later recess rolled around. You and Natalie ran outside to the playground.

"Lets play hide and seek!" Natalie said.

"Okay I count and you hide!" you yelled.

You began to count as Natalie hid.


You looked around for Natalie. You couldn't see her. You walked around the playground, looking for her. You found her, playing with another group of girls.

You began crying. Your only friend, left you to play with other girls. You ran to the swings and sat down. You were still crying as you sat there.

'Why would she leave me?' you thought.

You felt the swing next to you move, someone must have sat down.

"What's wrong?" a voice next to you asked.

You looked over at the voice. Sitting on the next swing was a boy with black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a power rangers t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and a pair of tennis shoes.

"Nobody wants to play with me." you said sadly.

"Why?" he asked.

"I'm new. Today is my first day. Nobody wants to be friends with me." you answered.

"I'll be your friend." he said.

"You will?!" You said excitedly.

"Yeah! What's your name?" he asked.

"I'm Y/N. What's your name?"

"I'm Calum." he responded.

"Well, how about we play a game? TAG YOUR IT!" you yelled as you poked him and ran away.

"I'm gonna get you Y/N!" he yelled as he chased after you.

You went home that night and told your mom about Calum. You invited him over the next night and she seemed to love him. You and Calum ended up having many play dates and sleepovers over the years.

14 years later, your still together. Not as friends though, now your a couple of 2 years. And to think that it all started by you not having anyone to play with on your first day of kindergarden.



That's all I have to say haha.



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