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Nandini: CABIR!!
Cabir now finally noticed her & this tym he was the one to be shocked,
Cabir: Nandu.... OMG!!!
He rushed towards her & hugged her tight. Nandini too was very happy to see him after soo long. He picked her up in his arms & twirled her round twice in happiness. While all the others stood there, totally confused to see him so happy to see this new girl in college. When all the others where trying to figure out, who she was to Cabir, one pair of eyes were turning red in anger. Mukti noticed Manik's face & signalled Aliya about it. Both of them smiled as they knew manik was getting jealous.
Cabir: Nandu... When did u come back ?? Why didn't u call me??
Nandini patted his back a few times & then said,
Nandini: Call.... I hv been calling u from the past 2 days for about a zillion times but ur no. was not responding..
Cabir: Ohh actually my sim-
Nandini: Leave it, its ohk... U don't need to worry, I hv already finished the admission process & from now I will be staying here in Mumbai with u.....
Cabir: And i can't tell u how much happy i m about this... Its so good to see after so long!!
And with this Cabir hugged her again. By now Manik was filled up with anger & thus left the room followed by the others.
A few moments later Cabir broke the hug & said,
Cabir: Come i'll introduce u to my friends!!
Cabir turned towards the other side to find no one there.
Cabir: When did they leave??
Just then his phone beeped with dhruv's msg, reading,
" Hey we didn't wish to distrub u So we r going to the canteen.... See u soon "
Cabir: Ohh gr8 they r all in the canteen lets go!!
Nandini's pov:
" No i was not yet ready to face him. Those eyes always gave me a different look & I was not really ready for it. But then seeing Cabir's happiness, i couldn't say no to him. I stayed numb. And he dragged me to the canteen, being super excited."
They reached the canteen & Cabir took her to the table which always was reserved for Fab5 in the corner of the canteen.
Cabir: Come, meet my friendz.... My family... Fab5!!
Nandini: Ohh yes I heard about Fab5, but it looks like every1 is very scared of u all.... They say u r quite good but they call u as evil minds.
Listening this Mukti got up & said,
Mukti: But it seems that u aren't scared from us at all...
Nandini: Why should I be scared?? U can't do me any harm!!
Mukti: And how can u be so sure!!
Nandini: Bcoz i m confident enough to handle a bunch of overconfident evil minds like u very easily!!
Aliya: Ohh really... Is that so??
Nandini: Well i think u'll see that soon...
Mukti: Cabir, i think she's just the way we r.... (smiling) Nice to meet u, I m Mukti...
Aliya: And I m aliya!!
Cabir took a sigh of relief & then said,
Cabir: Girls u scared me, i thought u were actually not being friendly at all...
Aliya: Chill Cabir, she is with u... How can we be bad to her... But atleast introduce her..
Cabir: Ohh ya right... Sorry guys meet Nandu!! My sweet Baby!!
Mukti: Hi... NANDU!!
Nandini: Ohh its Nandini... This idiot calls me that...
Aliya hugged Nandini & Mukti whispered in Cabir's ears,
Mukti: Cabir, stop hugging her again & again or else manik will break ur nose right now...
Cabir looked at her in a confused expresssion & she continued,
Mukti: Idiot, look at his face, ur Nandini is the same girl we all were talking about near the parking....
Cabir: WHAT???
Nandini heard him & turned round to ask,
Nandini: What happened??
Cabir smiled at her & said that it was nothing. He then turned towards Dhruv & said,
Cabir: Nandu, meet Dhruv... The only non evil mind of our group.
Nandini smiled at his discription & shoke hands with Dhurv. Just then Cabir added,
Cabir: And u hv already met, Aliya, Dhruv's girlfriend & off course our dear Mukti!! And now last but not the least the soul of Fab5... Manik.... Our beloved friend & off course Mukti's brother.
Manik had been continuously staring at Nandini from the corner of his eyes, right from the tym she came there... But it was most in anger or to be prisice in jealousy but the moment their eyes met, he felt something really different. Nandini simply shaked hands with him .
Cabir: Nandu come join us... I m very hungry!!
Nandini: Cabir, again food.... U'll never change!!
Mukti: cabir, I guess ur girlfriend knows u very well.
Manik's pov:
" GIRLFRIEND.... CABIR'S GIRLFRIEND..... As I heard this, i don't know why but i felt like getting up & instantly punching Cabir right on his face... I hv no reason why i felt so but i did.... Maybe bcoz i had expected him to tell this to me earlier.... Yeah, thats it!! I hardly know that girl, but i knew Cabir, & he should hv told it to me... But then y i m feeling so different?? Am i trying to convince myself, or what?? Ohh god i need to get out of here"
Nandini: Girlfriend??
Cabir: Mukti... I guess u took it wrong... Nandini isn't my girlfriend!!
Mukti: But u just called her ur sweet baby right...
Cabir: She is my sweet baby as she is my childhood friend & has just returned from Chicago!!
Aliya: Ohh actually u two seemed to be very close so we misunderstood.
Nandini: Yeah... Actually we meet each other after 12 long years so it just felt overwhelming & Cabir is more like a possessive elder brother for me!!
And listening this Manik's eyes got a sudden shine. He looked up towards Cabir but then suddenly got back to his original form. Ans then he opened up his mouth for the first time & said,
Manik: Cabir, plz stop standing up on my head, can u guys plz sit & talk... Girls, plz take a seat na!!
Cabir: Ya sure u all sit... I'll get something to eat... What will u guys hv??
Aliya: Hot coffee..
Mukti: Sandwitch with a coke 4 me plz..
Cabir: Ohk girls.. Manik, Dhruv do u guys need anything..
Manik: No thanks
Cabir: Nandu!!
Nandini: Ohh yes... A veg-
Cabir: A veg grilled sandwitch with no cheese & a cold coffee with chocolate.... Right??
Nandini: Absolutely!!
Cabir: I knw... I'll be right back..
Cabir went away & Mukti said,
Mukti: Wow that was awesome, he really knows u well...
Nandini: He does!!
Dhruv: So u r from Chicago??
Nandini: No, I was just there for my MBA!
Aliya: Ohh so u hv finished ur MBA??
Nandini: Yes... Now i m here for a one year program & then i'll get my degree in Music as well..
Mukti: But how come MBA finished so soon... Whats ur age??
Nandini: I m 21... But still I hv done my MBA.. I had to do it soon so i went to Chicago.. Otherwise my family lives in Mangalore..
Just then cabir returned & joined them with the food.
Mukti: So Mangalore haan... Then how do u knw Cabir?
Nandini: Actually, I lived here in Mumbai earlier, until I was 8 yrs old, when both my parents died in a car accident.
Cabir saw her face drop & thus he changed the topic suddenly, which was noticed by the others.
Cabir: Manik u knw... Nandu too is a gr8 singer.
Manik: Ohh yaa..u were awesome today...Sorry we heard u by mistake..
Aliya: Yes u were fantastic...
Mukti: I loved ur veena a lot, I would love to jam with u someday, but officially we hv to be compete with each other.
Nandini: Ohh then i guess that u will hv to prepare for it... Bcoz i m not like others
Manik: And no one has ever been able to defeat Fab5...
Nandini: Lets see till how long will u keep ur winner tag of urs..
Manik: Ohk.. we'll wait for it!!
Both of them kept on staring into each others eyes & smiled. All the others looked at them.
Nandini: Now i m sure, I m gonna love to jam with u ... Hope to get a chance soon...
Manik heard her & suddenly his smile faded away & he said bluntly,
Manik: I don't know how to play Music... U can jam with Mukti!!
Nandini heard him & looked towards Cabir, she thought it was too weird for Manik to change his words like this. The rest four knew why Manik said so, but they didn't wanna change the mood so Cabir said,
Cabir: Can i plz ask are u both complimenting each other or challenging.
Nandini: Chill cabir, i just got that ir frnd is very possesive about u all & he clearly shows it..
Aliya: And Nandini, i guess u r really gud in understanding things between the lines... U get people's intentions very well.
Nandini: Thanks Aliya... I'll take that as a compliment.
Dhruv: I hope u mind his tone... He doesn't talk to girls much... Especially like u, You seem to be a nice girl!!
Cabir: Ohh no no Dhruv, don't go on this innocent face...... There is much more hidden behind this cute mask. Nandu is one big prankster. I started my pranks seeing her only. I always try to be careful from her, so should u!!
Nandini: CABIR!!
Cabir: Ohk madam... Sorry.... But i hope u knw, its the truth...
Nandini: Ya ya whatever!! Ohk so now i hv some work, so i'll take a leave... U guys carry on!!
Cabir: But where r u going??
Nandini: Cabir, chill I m in the college only!!
Cabir: Ohk but listen we'll go home together Mom would love to meet u!!
Nandini: But driver is standing outside the collge for me!!
Cabir: So send him back... I'll drop u home latr.
Nandini: Ohk cool see u.... By the way it was nice meeting u all.
Mukti: Same here!!
And with this Nandini left, not forgetting to give a glance to the two eyes staring at her. Later that day Cabir took Nandini to his place.
Cabir: Mom.. Look who is here to see u!!
Cabir's Mom: why r u shouting Cabir... Whose there??
She came out of the kitchen & saw Nandini standing with Cabir. She was seeing her after 12 yrs & never had ever she seen her pics also, so she couldn't recognise her. Still she smiled & said,
Cabir's Mom: Hello.... But i m sorry I couldn't guess who u r!!
Nandini: U don't knw me Mom...
Cabir's Mom: MOM!!! Cabir who is she??? Ur girlfriend??
Nandini: I thought u will never forget me but i think i was wrong... Thats not fair mom!! I won't talk to u now...
Nandini acted just like a child. Cabir just stood there, remembering how Nandu used to act in the same way when she was small & she wanted something from Mom. He saw him walk towards the Sofa & sit there with a pillow in her hand. His mom turned towards him for help but he didn't say anything, so she walked back towards nandini.
Cabir's Mom: I m sorry but I really hv no idea who u r my child...
Nandini: I will never talk to u now... And i will eat all the chocolates from ur fridge today!!
Cabir's Mom: NANDINI!!
Nandini smiled at this & hugged her tightly...
Nandini: Yes... Nandini... U forgot me so easily!!
Cabir's Mom: How can a mother forget her daughter.... Its just that this Cabir never showed me ur pictures & see now my cute little girl has grown up in such a beautiful lady!!
They sat like that & continued to talk for a few hours. It was around 7 in the evening, when they both were preparing dinner & Cabir was in his room & the door bell rang.
Cabir's Mom: Nandini beta... Can u plz go & answer the door plz!!
Nandini: Sure Mom!!
Nandini walked towards the door & was about to open it when Cabir too came to open it, he saw her there & thus stopped in the way itself.
Nandini opened the door to see a nervous navya standing outside, with a few files in her hand.
Nandini saw her & hugged her saying,
Nandini: Navya... What a surprise?? Come in...
Navya was shocked to see Nandini there, but still she went inside. Cabir saw her & asked nandini,
Cabir: Nandu!! U knw her??
Nandini: Ohh yes... I do!! U knw yesterday na i got her late bcoz of me. I went to SPACE for the admission, & she helped me out but due to that she got late for her work!! U knw she has a very bad boss...
Nandini turned towards Navya & asked,
Nandini: Navya... I hope ur sadu boss didn't scold u much!!
Navya didn't say anything to her & simply kept looking down at her feet. Just then Nandini heard Cabir's Mom laughing at the other end of the room.
Nandini: What happened Mom!!
Navya hurriedly kept the files on the table & said,
Navya: Sir... These are the files u asked for!! And i wanted to remind u that tommorow morning u hv a meeting at 9am in the office. Ohk bye!!
Navya ran outside the house before Cabir could say anything to her, while his mother kept on laughing.
Nandini: Arey Navya wait!! Why did she run away like this??
Cabir's Mom: She ran away bcoz the sadu boss whom u were talking about is standing right here in front of u...
Nandini looked towards Cabir & burst out laughing loud.
Nandini: Cabir... Sadu!! Really....
Cabir's Mom: Navya is Cabir's secretary...
Soon they all had their dinner after which Cabir went to drop nandini. On the way Cabir asked,
Cabir: So how do u like my friends??
Nandini: Ya, they r nice... But i don't think they liked me much
Cabir: Ohh there was nothing like that... Actually we all hv always been only us, & never do we even try to make any frndzz... In fact, i was shocked to see that they all actually like u & spent such a time with u!!!
Nandini: Is that so..
Cabir: Ya... And now on, whenever u hv any problem & if i m not around, u can surely relay on any1 of them.
Nandini: Thank u 4 that..
Soon they reached her place & then Cabir left.

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