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After leaving Nandini's place. Manik & Cabir went to their offices while Mukti, Aliya & Dhruv went to the Malhotra mansion. That evening Manik returned home to find all his friends there. He was not very pleased to see them as he had planed to go to Nandini's place to check on her but now he was thinking how should he sneak out.
Manik: Hey Guys Whats Up??
Cabir: Yo buddy... Good u r here!!
Mukti: Bhai... We all are going to check on Nandini, wanna join??
And listening to this he smiled happily. But then he controlled himself & said,
Manik: Sure!! Why not?? Just gimme 5 minutes, I'll go n freshen up!!
Cabir: Cool!!
Manik went to his room & changed into casuals & soon got back down.
Aliya: That was quick...
Manik: Lets go!
All of them moved out & soon reached Nandini's place. They entered the house & Cabir asked the servant,
Cabir: Where is Nandini??
Servant: Sir she is in her room.
Cabir: Good... I hope she hasn't moved from there.
Servant: Yes sir!
Cabir: Ohk u go!!
With this all of them moved upstairs with Cabir in the front. They reached her room to find a servant & a guard standing just outside the room in case she needs anything. The servant bowed & the guard saluted them. Cabir was about to enter her room when Manik held his hand & whispered,
Manik: Cabir... At least knock once!! She is a girl...
Cabir gave him a sorry look & knocked. "Come in!!" came a reply from inside. He slowly opened the door & entered followed by the others. As they saw the room they stood there totally shocked. Nandini was sitting in the middle of the bed with her laptop on one leg & a file in her hand. The entire bed around her was filled up with a few open & many closed file. She was wearing her spectacles & her eyes were fixed on the screen. And then she said without even looking up.
Nandini: Kaka I m fine... U don't worry & yes Get me a cup of coffee plz..
All of them stood there silently & on hearing no reply Nandini finally looked up.
Nandini: Guys... Hi!! I m sorry I thought it was kaka!!
Cabir: Nandu... What the hell is this?
Saying this he moved further in followed by the others. Nandini realised what he was saying & then said in a cute way.
Nandini: What u all asked me not to move, so I m sitting here only & doing my work.
Mukti: Nandini don't try to act cute.
Cabir: Can't u just take rest for a day or two.
Nandini: But work is also important na guys....
Nandini could see that none of them was buying her argument so she added.
Nandini: Achcha Manik... U tell me what would u hv done if u were at my place.
Manik: Nandini I m not at your place.... So don't defend urself. U r at fault here! And now u r not going to work at all, till we permit u to.
Nandini: What?? This is not happening.
Manik(with his famous smirk): This is happening. U knw Manik Malhotra never takes a no as an answer.
Nandini: Whatever!! Achcha guys sit na...
Cabir looked at her bed & then looked back at her as there was no place to sit. Nandini smiled apologitically & said,
Nandini: Sorry!! Just a minute.....
Nandini picked up all the files & kept them on her side in a stack. All of them sat & Mukti said,
Mukti: I really don't understand how do u manage work & college together.
Nandini: I just keep an overview at work.
Aliya: But u still r really gud at all this...
All of them smiled & just then Manik noticed a file with Malhotra Ind's symbol on the top. He read the title & understood that it was related to their joint project. so he picked it up. As Nandini noticed it she said,
Nandini: Manik, that file....
Manik: I know its the same project's file but what is it doing here, now.....
Nandini: Manik leave it na... I was just going through it.
Saying so Nandini snatched the file from him. Manik understood something was wrong so he said sternly,
Manik: Nandini... Give it back!!
Nandini: Manik, I don't wanna discuss work at home. Leave it!!
With this nandini called out loud, "Mohan!!". A servant who was standing outside entered the room & Nandini said,
Nandini: Take all these files to the study.
But before the servant could walk further in, Manik said,
Manik: No need... U go!!
The servant quitely obeyed & Manik said,
Manik: If its nothing then let me see!!
He took the file from her hand & moved a bit away so that she couldn't reach him.
Nandini: Manik!!
Nandini tried to stop him, but too late he was already reading it. 5 minutes later they saw his eyes filled with anger. All of them noticed it including Nandini. Nandini motioned Aliya to take back the file from him & she did so & returned the file to Nandini. Nandini simply kept the files on a side, while Manik was quite,  trying to control his anger. Then he slowly asked,
Manik: I knw that u very well know its meaning.
Nandini didn't say anything & kept quite. And with this Manik shouted very loudly.
Manik: Don't be numb.... I knw u do, then why the hell did u sign it damn it!!
Just as he shouted, a graud came hurriedly into the room with his gun in his hand. Nandini looked at them & then said sternly,
Nandini: OUT!!
All of them returned back & Manik sat next to Nandini & held her shoulders & said,
Manik: Speak up Nandini!!
Nandini held his hand & said,
Nandini: Manik calm down..... I know this deal isn't correct but i don't hv any problem with it.
Manik calmed himself down & then said slowly,
Manik: Nandini plz try to understand.... That lady is just taking advantage. She knows that u won't take away this project from her bcoz of me....
Nandini: So what Manik, its just another clause.
Manik: Look Nandini, I know this is very important for u... Its ur appa's dream & thus u r very emotionally thinking about this... But plzz try n understand. Nyonika is not a person to be dealed in such a way.
Nandini stayed quite & Cabir asked,
Cabir: Manik whats the matter, tell na.......
Manik: Yr plz explain her, Nyonika is trying to take undue advantage of her & even after knowing all this she is readily accepting that.
Mukti: Nandini, I think u should listen to Bhai. We all know Nyonika very well & she is not at all worth it. Plz listen to Manik.
Cabir: Nandu!! Whats in ur mind??
Nandini looked at Manik & said,
Nandini: Ohk I'll not agree for this but only on one condition.
Manik: What??
Nandini: U'll let me handle it my way & u won't say anything to Nyonika Ma'am.
Manik: But Nandini-
Nandini: Manik, I know what I m saying. I hv handled such people before also.
Manik: Nandini... Nyonika is not the person u think she is..... U can't even imagine what all she has done to me & Mukti.
Nandini: Manik.... Let me handle this offically.... I knw what I m doing. Plz trust me!!
Manik looked at her & then simply nodded. Nandini picked up her phone & called someone,
"Mr. Kapoor.... I want to meet u at my place tommorow morning."
They all sat for sometime & then Cabir said,
Cabir: Chalo now u must rest for sometime, ohk...
Saying so he was about to get up when by mistake his hand pushed a jar kept on the side table.
Nandini: CABIR carefull!!!
Nandini shouted as the jar was about to fall down.
But just then Manik held it, as Nandini saw it she sighed a relief.
Cabir: Nandu.... I always ask u, why r u so attached to these....
Nandini: Cabir!! Not agin plz....
Saying this she streched her hand towards Manik to take the jar from him, Manik simply bent forward & gave it to her. And as she took it from him, the fireflies inside the jar started glowing. Nandini looked towards the jar in shock, but soon her shock was replaced by a lot of happiness to see her flies glowing so bright. All of them saw her happy & Dhruv asked,
Dhruv: Nandini why r u so happy??
Nandini: Nothing!!
She simply kept the jar aside & soon everybody left her place. The next day Nandini met Mr. Kapoor & then called Mukti.
Mukti: Hey Nandini....
Nandini: Hey!!!
Mukti: How is ur leg??
Nandini: Its good... Actually Mukti, I called for a reason...
Mukti: ya say na!!
Nandini: Do u wanna see something exciting?
Mukti: EXCITING!! Like what?
Nandini: I don't wanna be a spoiler to ur fun!! Go to Manik's office in exactly 2 hours  & u'll see what i mean!!
Mukti: I m already excited by ur tone....
Nandini: Ohk... Bye!!
Mukti: Bye...
And Mukti was in Manik's office 15 minutes before the 2 hours finished but not alone, she took Aliya, Dhruv & Cabir as well. They entered Manik's cabin & Mukti said,
Mukti: hey bhai!!
Manik: Guys!! U all here?? How come???
Aliya: Just like that.... For something Exciting!!
Manik: Exciting.... And that too in my Office??
Mukti: Yes...
Cabir: I guess Nandu is coming here!!
Manik: Nandini... here?
Mukti: Actually she called me & told me that if I wanna see something exciting then I should come here, so i think she is coming here & she has planned something.
Manik: No... I don't think so!!
Cabir: Why??
Manik: Guys I hv seen that when it comes to work she is very proffesional. I don't believe that she would come here to my office moreover she can't even walk properly to come here. I think this girl is upto something big but what can it be in my office.
Manik tired to think of something & so did the others.
Aliya: Don't worry Manik.... She has sent us here, that means there must be something that would be there in her mind.
Manik smiled at it & then said,
Manik: That is what the problem is Aliya.... U guys know that Nandini is a full on choto packet bada dhamaka!! We can't be sure when she plans what prank & when she is serious.
All five of them laughed loudly at it & then sat.
5 minutes later, the door of the cabin flung open & Nyonika stromed in angrily.
Nyonika: MANIK!!!
She noticed all the others but then ignored them & said to Manik.
Nyonika: Manik... I need to talk to u right now....
Manik: Nyonika, if u can't see I'm busy so whatever it is say here itself.
Nyonika: Manik did u discuss bisnuss with Nandini Moorthy.
On hearing Nandini's name, all of them immediately looked up.
Nyonika: Speak up Manik, I asked did u discuss business with that cranky-
Manik: NYONIKA!!!
Manik shouted & then got up & said,
Manik: Think a 1000 times before u even say a word against her.... And the answer to ur question is a NO.
Nyonika kept on looking at him angrily.
Manik: But will u take the trouble to tell me what made u distrub me like this.
Nyonika: Ur dearest friend Nandini has taken away the project from us.
Manik(shocked): What??   
Nyonika: Not only this, she has claimed that we wasted her time, forcely stopping her to contact other companies & thus according to the law either we pay her a subsidy of 5 crore or get to the jail for one week.
Fab5 looked at each other on hearing this,
Mukti: U mean Bhai will hv to go to jail if he doesn't give her the subsidy.
Hearing this Nyonika just stood there silently while manik turned towards Mukti & said,
Manik: Actually that project was under Nyonika's name. So.....
All of them tried hard to supress their smile.  But then Manik asked,
Manik: But why did she take away the project like this randomly.
Nyonika: just bcoz I wanted to get an extra clause added in the contract, which she visibly didn't like.
Manik: So what do u want from me??
Nyonika: what do u mean Manik?? U can't just let this happen, I mean the reputation of Malhotra groups is at stake here. U hv to stop this anyhow & without even giving her a penny.
Manik: I'll see what I can do!!
Nyonika: Manik U hv to do it.... U don't hv any option.
Manik: And u don't hv any right to order me.... I m the boss here, not u!!!
Nyonika simply gave him a plain look & left the cabin. As soon as she left Mukti said,
Mukti: Woooh..... That was so so gud!!
Manik: I never expected nandini to be that awesome...... I mean, its the 1st time I'm seeing Nyonika like this. She is just gone!!
Aliya: Nandini really knows well to handle her.
Just then Cabir's phone rang with a vedio call from Nandini. He picked it up & Nandini straightly said,
Nandini: I hope u all would hv already got the news!!!
All of them came closer & then Mukti said,
Mukti: Nandini, u really had it on her head...
Nandini: I knew it.... I know the weakness of such people. Nyonika ma'am is not the first one I'm handling.
Manik: But now what??
Nandini: Nothing, r u free tommorow morning??
Manik: Yeah!!
Nandini: Ohk then ask ur manager to call my office & arrange a meeting with me & yes, don't forget to get Nyonika Ma'am along with u..... U both will come, we'll discuss the project in detail, lay down new points & then the deal will be on again. And yes, don't worry I'll not put the clauses which will not be in the favour of ur company.
Manik: I know that!!
Nandini: Ohk... so see u soon!! Bye Guys....
Mukti: Bye!!!
After disconnecting the call Nandini said to herself,
" Tommorow it is gonna be the end of it all. From tommorow ur life is gonna change Mr. Manik Malhotra. And when I say life I don't mean it professionally but personally as well.... Just wait & watch what this Nandini Moorthy does for u!!!"

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