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Manik stopped the car in front of a farm house & got down. He opened the door for Nandini. Nandini smiled at him, held his hand & got down. Manik led her towards the house, as they got in Nandini saw that the entire house was beautifully decorated. Nandini looked all around & said,
Nandini: Wow Manik, its so beautiful..
Manik: Not more than u!!
Nandini turned towards manik & saw him looking at her. Manik moved closer towards her & said,
Manik: So now its time for u to answer my question??
Nandini saw him coming closer & was about to move when Manik held her hand & pulled her back making her back collide with his chest. Manik slowly moved closer to her ears & whispered,
Manik: I won't let u leave until u say.
He felt her shiver due to his closeness. Nandini was slowly loosing her senses due to his closeness.
Nandini: Mani..k
She slowly said. Manik heard her & took a step backwards leaving her. Nandini turned around & looked striaght into his eyes. He could see her blushing.
Nandini: What do u want me to say Manik??
Manik: I want to know what u said that day was the truth. I want u to say that u trust me when I say that I'll always be there by ur side. I want u to say that no matter what u'll always be by my side just like u hv been till now.
Nandini heard him clearly & looked down. She turned to her side & started moving ahead. Manik saw her doing so but still waited when he saw her reached the other end & turn back. Nandini looked at his direction & said,
Nandini: Yes Manik.... u r right, I really meant those words when I said them. I'll always shine for u, like ur star. I'll always be there by ur side. And I'll trust u hamesha!!!
As she said this Manik smiled broadly & moved closer towards her. He went behind her & closed her eyes by placing his hand on them.
Nandini kept her hand on his & said,
Nandini: Manik??
Manik: Shh... Do u trust me?
As he said this, she immedaitely removed her hand & he said,
Manik: Just walk straight.
He lead her to the back side pool of the farm house when Manik slowly removed his hand from her eyes & whispered in her ears,
Manik: Open ur eyes Nandini!!
Nandini slowly opened her eyes to see hundreds of fire flies all around her & a few more trapped in jars on the edge of the pool. She saw all those fireflies glowing as brightly as they could. As the smile on her face grew seeing the view in front of her, Manik slowly whispered in her ears,
Manik: Nandini.... I love u!!
Nandini immediately turned to face him with her eyes full of surprise.
Manik: Yes Nandini... I love u a lot... I don't know how but u hv become the most important part of my life. U hv changed my way of looking at things. U hv made me a all different person. U hv given me a number of reasons to smile. The Manik Malhotra whom no onw had ever seen smiling whole heartedly, now laughs out loud & the reason for this change lies onlly inside u... I LOVE U!!
Tears flowed down her cheeks as she heard his heart felt confession, she moved towards him & hugged him tight. Manik hugged her back, picked her up in his arms & twirled her around. Nandini kept on hugging him for a long time & then he slowly placed her down. She broke the hug with her eyes still closed, Manik kept his forehead on hers & closed his eyes too. But the very next minute, he realised Nandini's hands around his neck as she placed her lips on his. Manik opened his eyes & looked at her as she pulled him further close towards herself. Both of them were enjoying their sweet little kiss until Manik entered her mouth & turned it into a passionate one. Soon they broke the kiss due to lack of oxygen. Nandini looked at him straight into his eyes & Manik hugged her again.
Mukti & Aliya were sitting in Aliya's room enjoying their nice girly time, but Mukti was continously messaging with someone, which was irritating Aliya. She ignored it a few times but them when Mukti again picked up her phone, she immediately snatched it from her grip & ran,
Aliya: Whom r u msging with at this time??
Mukti: Aliya give me my phone back na...
Aliya: Come on tell me.. Or u want me to check the msgs...
Mukti: Aliya its no one yr!! Don't behave like a kid, give na...
Aliya ran further ahead & saw the contact name saved as "Idiot". She read the recent msg & it said, "Hey beautiful... Please pick up my call, wish to talk to u!!"
Aliya: Oh ho.. Beautiful!! Who's he tell me..
Mukti snatched her phone back & said,
Mukti: No one yr....
Aliya: Come on Mukti... U don't hide things from me!! Tell me na who is this IDIOT..
Mukti: Aliya... He is just an idiot!! He was irritating me & thats why I wasn't picking up his calls... Forget him..
Aliya: Nop first tell me who is this HE...
Mukti: Aliya come on u don't know him & neither is he so important.
Aliya: U r blushing!!
Mukti: No I m not.. U r mad!! I never blush.
Aliya: Ohh Mukti u r seriously blushing...
Aliya tickled her in her stomach due to which Mukti again got up & ran. They got out of the room, running behind one another.
Aliya: Tell me na Mukti!!
Mukti simply smiled at her & kept on running when she collided with someone & was about to fall when he suddenly held her close by her waist. Mukti looked straight into Harshad's eyes & immediately pushed him away.
Harshad: Carefull Mukti!! I know u still love me a lot but at least don't make it so prominent by coming closer towards me by some way or the other. At least think about how much ur dear brother hates me..
Mukti: Shut up harshad... I m not at all interested in u or ur shitty talks.
Harshad: Ohh really then who just banged into me??
Mukti: I was looking backwards at Aliya but if u saw & heard us coming them why didn't u get away.
Harshad: Mukti.... Stop making such lame excuses... I know-
Aliya: Bhai enough!!! Please stay away from us. And let us be in peace.
Mukti: Leave it Aliya... Ur brother is not gonna understand ever, u know na Losers hv lower IQ level!! Lets go I m sleepy.
And saying this, before Harshad could say anything, Mukti turned around & walked inside Aliya's room. She immediately got on the bed & soon both of them drifted to sleep.
Moments later Manik & Nandini were comfortably sitting on the sofa, nandini resting her head on his chest & holding his hand tightly. Manik looked at her face & saw her smiling looking at the fireflies. Just then Nandini opened up his plam & wrote a 'I LOVE U" with her finger. Manik smiled at it & said,
Manik: Nandini, can I ask something??
Nandini: Hmn...
Manik: Why do u bcom so happy, seeing these fireflies??
Nandini held his hand tighter & said,
Nandini: Manik, Amma always used to say that fireflies symbolise true love. Whenever there is true love around that time these fireflies glow their brightest light. U remember, the first time when u came to my room, when I got my leg injured. That day as u held those flies & passed them to me, it was the first time when I saw them glow so brightly. I had never seen them so bright ever before.
Manik: U mean, u knew about all this from that day itself.
Nandini: I had a bit of an idea, but i was waiting for myself to feel this.
Manik smiled at it & wrapped his arm around her shoulder & kissed on the side of her head. A few minutes later, Manik suddenly remembered something & said,
Manik: Madam, bhook nhi lagi kya??
Nandini turned towards him & nodded after which they went inside & had a nice romantic, candle light dinner.
After the dinner they stayed there, admiring the aura created by the number of fireflies.
Manik: Nandini, tommorow Fab5 is gonna celebrate today's victory & I want u also to be there, afterall its u becoz of whom this was possible & moreover, its ur victory too.
Nandini smiled at it when a thought stuck her mind. She immediately panicked at it & said,
Nandini: Manik, what will we tell them about us??
Manik: Simply the truth!!
Nandini: Nooo... Manik, I don't know how will they react?? Can we plz hide this from them for a few days.... I know u never hide anything from each other but plz...
Manik: Ohk... U don't need to say plzz.... But why don't u want to tell them?
Nandini: Manik,  I do want to tell them but before that I want to tell about my feelings to Cabir. If he gets to know all this suddenly, then he'll be very angry as well as hurt. So, I want to tell him first slowly & steadily & then we can tell the others.
Manik kept on looking at her with a smile. Nandini saw this & asked,
Nandini: Manik, why r u smiling??
Manik: I m seeing how lucky i m to be hving u sitting like this with me. The way u think for others & care for everyone... I m falling in love with u even more..
Nandini blushed at it & again sat resting her head on his chest. They sat there for a long time, when Manik realised that nandini had fallen asleep. He smiled at it & slowly picked her up in his arms. He made her sit in the car carefully, making sure that she doesn't get distrubed & then moved towards the driver's seat. He saw the time & it was 1 am, & he started the car & drove towards her place. He was driving ever so slowly as the peaceful smile on her sleeping face was the best sight for him to see. After a slow drive of about 45minutes, they reached the Moorthy Mansion. He got down the car & slowly picked Nandini up in his arms again. He moved inside the Mansion & as he did so, both her bodyguards & three of her servants came running towards them seeing nandini lying in his arms. Manik looked at them & slowly said,
Manik: She is Fine.. she is just sleeping!!
Just then Nandini moved in her sleep & wrapped her arms more tightly around Manik's neck & hid her face in his chest. All the workers, bent their head low & moved back, seeing their madam like that. Manik smiled at it & slowly moved up towards her room. He made her lie down & cover her with the duvet. After that he sat next to her & kissed her forehead & whispered,
Manik: I love u my star, good night!!
Nandini's lips curved into a sweet smile as he did so. Manik looked at her in shock & confirmed that she was actually sleeping, when he found that she could even get his voice in her sleep. He smiled at it & got up to leave, when his eyes fell on the jar of fireflies. He saw them glowing brightly & said to himself,
Manik: I'll make sure that u keep on shining like this for her.

U R MY STAR & I M UR SKY!! [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now