Chapter 45

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Part 45:
Nandini got out of the airport to see a man dressed in formals holding up a board with her name. He seemed to recognise her as she approached him.
"Hello Ma'am... I m Mr. Frank Stelle's secretary, I m here to recieve u"
Nandini: Hello!!
The man motioned towards the driver standing behind him to take up Nandini's lauguage. While he himself took up her laptop bag. Nandini followed him to the car and soon they left.
As they moved forward Nandini realised how fond she was of Chicago. She had spent a good time of her life over there. Wherever she was today was bcoz of this place. She continued glancing out of the window when she suddenly said,
Nandini: Where are we headed to??
Secretary:"The Brown leaf Hotel Ma'am... Ur suite is booked there."
Nandini: Turn around... Straight to the office.
Secretary: But Ma'am-
Nandini: NOW!!
The driver heard her & immediately chaged the route. They had almost reached when Nandini ordered them to stop the car at the staff entry. As they reached there Nandini entered the office through the staff entry when no one knew her. Everyone was confused to see this young confident girl, looking extremely smart in her black jeans & baby pink top with a amzing black jacket to go with.
She walked through one wing satisfied to see the staff doing their work. She entered the last cabin, authoritively without even knocking & said,
Nandini: U r the manager of this department??
Manager: Yes... But who are u & what r u-
Nandini stopped him from speaking further & said,
Nandini: 20 mins... In the main conference room!!
And saying so she got out of his cabin. Within 20 minutes she had walked through all the wings, setting the entire place on fire. Three junior executives lost their jobs, as they were found doing something or the other which was not exceptable too Nandini.
Nandini: Come in!!
Nandini said as she heard a knock on the conference room door & all the managers entered looking equally confused. A few had guilty looks on there faces, while the others had smiles as they knew Nandini from her yearly visits. But all were equally confused as this was the first time her visit was a surprise for them. At the end entered the CEO of her Chicago Branch, Frank Steele. He walked towards her & shook her hands,
Frank: Miss. Moorthy... So good to see u!!
Nandini: Hello Mr. Steele.
He smiled at her & took a seat next to her.
Nandini: "Now I think those who didn't know me have no confusion about who I am. Relax... I know I was a bit out of protocol. But since u r here, u hv to learn to live with it. No Choice, I m sorry!!
Ohk so now lemme come to the point directly.
I m here for just two days, so none of u has time. I want a detailed report from all the departments on my table tmrw mrng. I m quite an early person so be on time. And better be precise or I don't know. Now get going... be fast!!"
All of them got up and left the room in haste. Many of them clearly intimidated by her. Both Nandini & Frank left the room together when Frank said,
Frank: Such a surprise Miss Moorthy. Ur brother informed me of ur arrival just two hours back.
Nandini: I wanted to see whats going on here Properly.
Frank: I know.. I figured it out.
Nandini: U know me well Frank & plz call me as u used to earlier. I m still ur junior from college, the same Nandini.
Frank: Ohh yes...
Nandini: Now if u'll plz excuse me for a while. I hv some work.
Frank nodded at her as Nandini entered her cabin. The lavish cabin was the front was of glass as it showed the pleasant Chicago evening. Her laptop was already on her desk. She kept her phone on the table & turned towards her right.
Nandini: Hi Amma-Appa.
She whispered to the big photograph of them on the right wall of her cabin.
Nandini: Ohk Amma... I know u hv a lot of compliants but lemme first talk to Appa.
She took a pause and tears filled up her eyes.
Nandini: Everything is done.... I finally finished it all Appa. I hope I stood upon ur expectations all this while, I hope that u r happy and proud of ur daughter. I finished everything that I planned. Everything. She took out a key and unlocked the top drawer of her desk to take out a peice of paper, which had a list made by her four years back when she lived in Chicago.
Nandini: Mumbai... done. Ur hospital... done. Our company is back to the top as it was when u were here.... Kapoor Uncle... sorted. Rishab.... sorted. Chacha-chachi & Amms... they are going to settle in Dubai along with Rishab after 6 months as Chacha gets his retirement. I think that was it.
She kept the list aside and looked up.
Nandini: Ur daughter did it Appa. I told the world that I m ur daughter. Mr. Kamal Moorthy's daughter. Are u happy Appa?? I wish u could simply touch my head and tell me urself that u r happy by me. I wish u could just say if there is any thing else that u wish from me or for me. I wish u were here for a bit more longer for me to gain my senses and tell u that I loved u truely. A few more years with me. A few more memories with me. A little more training for me directly from u. I just wish.......
Nandini turned her face away and composed herself. She knew she was not the person who would just break like this. She removed her tears & turned around again with a smile.
Nandini: Now ur turn amma... I know I hv been more a daughter to Appa than to u. I hv been always more interested in my studies and Business & all which kept me equally busy as Appa. And I know how much u hated him for not giving that much time to u. So obviously U hv the same complaints for me. But I promise, I m going to be a lot lot more considerate now. Just a few more days and u'll definately see a change in me. I will learn and grow up to be an amzing lady as u were. I promise!! I miss u both a lot. I love u a lot and -
Nandini's emotional conversation with her parents was interrupted by her phone ringing. Nandini moved to her chair & sat picking up her phone. She knew who was it calling and turned to face the glass wall.
Nandini: Hello!!
Manik: Nandini... Why didn't u call me on reaching??
Nandini: Ohh I m so so sorry. I just got into work.
Manik: Where are u??
Nandini: Office!!
Manik: Couldn't u take some rest before starting with ur work. U must be tired by ur flight na
Nandini: Manik... Relax!! I m fine...
Manik: Nandini!!!
Nandini: Hmn...
Manik: Hv u been crying? U sound like u just cried.
Nandini got a slight smile on her face knowing how well her man knew her. Yes, he did know her more than anyone else ever could.
Manik: NANDINI...
Nandini: hmn... Ohh no Manik!! Relax.. I m fine.
Manik: Missing Amma-Appa??
Nandini: Hmn!!
Manik stayed silent for her to continue and speak up her heart out.
Nandini: I just wish they were around for a little longer... I wish could get a bit more of them.
Manik: If u had them around for a little more longer & then they would hv went away. Would u hv been happy then?? I know you wouldn't. Nandini there are somethings in life that we always want more than we hv. We are never satisfied with them. No matter how much we hv, we always want more... But we hv to live with our share. U hv made ur parents proud with whatever u had of them & that u should keep in mind.
Nandini continued staring out of the glass wall in silence. Processing manik's words completely. After a long time she finally said,
Nandini: I love u Manik... And thank u for being there!!
Manik: Thank u for making me able for being there for u...
Nandini: I just can't wait to be back.
Manik: And I just can't wait to hold u finally knowing that u are mine & only mine.
Nandini: I m only urs from the day I said yes.
Manik: But still I had to share u with ur bisuness right!! I want nothing to separate us now. I want u... The whole of u.
Nandini: Manik I-
Nandini was interuppted by a knock on the door.
Nandini: Manik hold on for a sec!!(loudly) Yes!! come in...
Frank: Nandini... U hv a moment.
Nandini: Frank Come on in.... Just a sec.
Nandini picked her phone back up and said,
Nandini: Manik.. I'll call u back!! I m a bit busy.
Manik: See I m still sharing u....
Nandini(whispered): Manik....
Manik: I know.. I get it!! Bye & take some rest now. Go to ur hotel.
Nandini: I will... Thanks!!
Nandini disconnected the call & Frank started discussing some work. After about half an hour they finished and Nandini said,
Nandini: Thats cool!! But now I think I should call it a day. Dead tired!! I think I might now go to the hotel & crash.
Frank: Ohk!! I ask the driver to drop u off.
Nandini: Ohk!! I'll be downstairs in Five.
Soon Nandini went to her hotel & then lied down on her bed.
Nandini: Just one day more Manik... Then u won't hv to share me with anyone.
She whispered looking at his picture on her mobile wallpaper and went to sleep.

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