Chapter 47

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Manik: Mukti yr.. whats taking so long. u knw na i m already getting late. Be fast!!
Manik shouted as he moved here and there in Mukti's room,waiting for her to get ready so that they could go to the airport to receive Nandini.
Manik: u knw what i m leaving... U come behind me with the others. God knows why everyone is taking so long today.
As he said this Cabir entered the room saying,
Cabir: No one is taking long, its u who is before time. Manik relax, we still hv an hour before Nandini's flight lands.
Manik gave him a I_dont_knw_wat_u_r_saying look and looked at his watch.
Manik: I m going... u wait for Mukti n then u both come with Dhruv n aliya whenever they come.
Cabir: Dhruv couldn't come as his mom is ill so Aliya went there to help him out.
Manik:Ohk then u both come alone.. I m leaving...
Mukti: Bhai chill yr..
Mukti said as she came out of the washroom. She came closer to both of them and said,
Mukti: Lets go.. I m ready!!But what will u do sitting in the waiting room of the airport.
Manik: I dont knw now plz cn we move.
All three of them reached the airport and sat in the waiting room. Manik was continuously looking at the watch in every 5 mins anciously waiting for her flight to land. And finally his wait was over as he heard her flight being announced. Mr. Kapoor, Varun n two of her company managers had joined them as Manik got up.
Mukti:Bhai wait!! U hang on out there in the car... We'll go n welcome her.
Manik: But-
Cabir: Come on Manik it will be fun n I m sure she must be expecting u ahead of everyone of us. U wait in the car, we'll tell her that u are in some meeting or something and then u can surprise her.
Manik thought about it for a second and mukti said,
Mukti: Come on bhai after such a long wait, i m sure u can manage a few more minutes. Now go!!
Manik moved out unwillingly but still excited. While the others moved out to welcome Nandini. Five minutes later Nandini walked out pushing her laguage along with her. She noticed them all and Cabir could see her eyes search here and there for Manik. She reached closer and Cabir went ahead to hug her. He picked her up in his arms saying,
Cabir:Welcome back Nandu... We really missed u a lot.
Nandini giggled at it and said,
Nandini: Thank u... Put me down!!!
Cabir followed her words. And Nandini looked back when Mukti hugged her.
Mukti: Hey Nandini... U look so good.
Nandini: Thank u Mukti.
Nandini again looked here and there when Mukti said,
Mukti: He couldn't come... He got caught up in work.
Nandini's face clearly fell as she heard her. Just then she noticed Mr. Kapoor, Varun and the others which cheered her up. Varun greeted her with a beautiful bouquet. She gave it to a guard and hugged Mr. Kapoor.
Mr. Kapoor: Welcome Ma'am.
Nandini: Uncle retirement ke baad toh beta bula lijiye mujhe...
Mr. Kapoor smiled at her as Nandini hugged him.
Cabir: Come on Nandini.... Lets go!! We hv planned a celebration at ur place tonight.
Nandini smiled at him and they walked outside.
They reached her car and the guard opened the door for her, Nandini got inside switching on her phone wishing Manik would call her when she heard his voice,
Manik: I couldn't miss this for the entire world madam.
Nandini looked at him and the smile on her face had no bounds. Tears flowed down her eyes as she jumped to his side and hugged him. Cabir motioned the driver to get out as he and Mukti got ahead in the car. None of them said anything and simply left the place to leave behind the eyes staring at Nandini.
Nandini: I actually thought u were busy.
Manik: Come on Nandini how could i not come to receive u....
Nandini shed down her tear even more and before Manik could know she was sitting on his legs, totally curled up on his laps. Manik held her close making her comfortable as she continued crying. Mukti saw her and said,
Mukti: Aww!! U guys are so cute..
Manik: Mukti yr i told u na i should be there, look at her now
Mukti smiled at him n said,
Mukti: Bhai its not coz u weren't there... Just seeing u after so long is overwelming for her. U hv to agree with me, u might knw Nandini well but u still don't understand girls much.
Manik didn't say anything to her and just caressed Nandini's back.
Cabir: Come on Nandu cheer up. Now u r not going anywhere alone. We r about to reach and i hope u don't want ur guests to knw that u hv just cried.
Nandini: Guests???
Cabir: I told u na that we hv planned a celebration.
Nandini: Yeah but i thought its only going to be us...
Manik: There is a surprise for u!!
Nandini looked at him as he kissed her forehead and removed her tears. Nandini slowly got down his lap n cleared up her face to hide all the tears. Soon they all reached the Moorthy Mansion and Manik whispered to her,
Manik: Welcome back home...
Nandini smiled at him as they got down and moved towards the enterance. Nandini walked ahead and entered to see d living room empty. The room was just the same as she remembered with no one there.
She turned to look at Manik and gave him a confused look who smiled at her and pointed at the other end.
Nandini turned to look at the source of the sound and saw a no. of ppl emerging from the pool side. There was Dhruv, Aliya, Abhi, Navya, Chacha-Chachi, Amms, and a few of her close managers from work.
Nandini looked at all of them and her smile grew to its widest. Her happiness had no bounds. She ran towards her Amms and hugged her tight.
Amms: Welcome back kanna.
Nandini: Oh Amms when did u all come?? How??
Amms: Manik invited us, So we came.
Nandini hugged her again and soon the celebration began.
They were all sitting on the pool side when Amms said,
Amms: ohk so now as Nandini is back. I think we should all start preparing for the wedding. And Nandu, I don't want u arguing with me this time. It's my daughter's wedding and I'm gonna plan it my way.
Nandini simply smiled at her and then turned to look at Manik. He face clearly showed one thing on his mind, Finally!!!
His expression made her laugh which didn't go unnoticed by Amms.
Later that night, after everyone left Nandini freshened up and was about to sleep when she heard a faint knock on her door.She got up and opened it,
Nandini: Manik what are u doing here??
Manik kept his finger on her lips and entered her room closing the door behind him.
Manik: I m going to stay here tonight.
Nandini: But Amms-
Manik: I'll leave before she wakes up.
Nandini smiled at him as both of them moved to the balcony and sat there.
Manik: I can't wait for the day when I'll get to sit like this with u everyday.
Nandini: We are almost there Manik. Just a little patience i guess.
Manik: By the way there is a good news...
Nandini: What??
Manik: Mukti is free from the court's order of meeting Nyonika every month. Now finally Nyonika will have no say in her life.
Nandini: Wow Manik that's great.. congrats!!
Manik: Same to u.. And one more thing, I told Nyonika about the wedding.
Nandini: U did?? What was her reaction??
Manik: Nothing new.. Shocked, Furious and totally what was expected from her. But gladly she didn't create a scene out it.
Nandini: What do u mean??
Manik: She didn't call or msg even once after she got to know.
Nandini held his hand and kissed it,
Nandini: I know somewhere or the other u wish her to come around, and I'm sure she will definitely do so one day or the other.
Manik hugged her closer to himself and looked up at the sky saying,
Manik: U know Nandini, my life without u was like a completely black sky. But from the day u came, u came like a star sent by god to brighten my dark life. U really are my star and I'm ur sky.
So was this their happily ever after.
Maybe or Maybe not!!
Who cares.... It didn't matter at all until they were together.
Manik and Nandini as Manan...
Ps: Hope u all like it...
Navya Mishra...

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