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U r my star & I m ur sky:
Part 34:
Though the party was still on but still everyone's mood was a bit sad. Manik was sitting with Cabir when he noticed Mukti was not around. He gave his drink to Cabir & said,
Manik: Hey... I'll just be back!!
Cabir: sure...
Cabir got up & moved towards Nandini, Aliya & Dhruv while Manik moved outside to see Mukti sitting near the pool & Abhi sitting on her side,
Abhi: Come on baby doll.... Cheer up!!
Mukti: Plz Abhi!!
Abhi: What plz... I mean how can a beautiful girl like u be so dull when such a dashing guy is sitting just next to u...
Mukti didn't reply anything to it when Abhi saw Manik standing at the back.
Manik simply smiled at him & nodded his head a little. Taking the signal, Abhi got up & started moving inside after hugging Manik. Manik went closer to Mukti & sat beside her, taking her in a side hug.
Manik: Mukti!!
Mukti: I hate u Manik... Just go away!
Manik: Mukti stop acting like a kid.... U know Dad needs me out there.
Mukti: And what about me.??
Manik: U!! U'll be fine.... Everyone is here & plus u r good enough to handle things out here urself.
Mukti: Bhai!! U knw I m used to ur care & concern...
Manik: I know that but now I think u hv it from someone else also
Mukti immediately looked up at Manik, she had got his hint but a sudden anger filled up within her thinking that Nandini had told him about Abhi & her.
Mukti: What do u mean Bhai??
Manik: Come on!! U r my sister, and I know every beat of ur heart..... U like him right??
Mukti: Who??
Manik: Mukti!!
Mukti simply looked sideways without answering when Manik finally said,
Manik: Wow u really like Abhi!! So does he know... I mean come on now, tell me where has ur story reached.
Mukti: As if u already don't know...
Manik: Arey... I m ur brother, not ur spy!! How can I just know everything?? I just guessed it by ur recent meetings.
Mukti: Guessed??
Manik: Now don't underestimate me like this.... U should know that I know a great deal about u...
Mukti: U mean Nandini didn't tell u anything??
Manik: Nandini!!! What will she tell me?
Mukti just looked down & smiled, or rather blushed, she wondered how could she not trust Nandini & mentally patted her head.
Manik: Mukti.... I m waiting!
Mukti: yes... I like him!! And he does too....
Manik smiled broadly at it & hugged her.
Manik: And u didn't tell me but Nandini...
Mukti: Abhi told Nandini... The night when Nandini's leg got hurt.
Manik remembered that abhi had come to Nandini's place that night to tell her something important when he was there to take care of Nandini.
Mukti: Nandini asked me to tell u all myself or else u would hv felt hurt.
Manik: But still u didn't!!
Mukti: No Manik its not like that.. actually all this album & all came up so I just couldn't get time.
Manik didn't say anything to her & simply smiled. While Mukti was feeling relaxed after letting her heart out.
Manik: Ohk so now listen... Plz understand I need to go with Dad right now... So till I come back u can stay with Aliya or Nandini or here, wherever u want but just take care of urself.
Mukti: Chill Bhai... I'll take care!!
Manik: I know u will!!
Manik smiled at her & was about to leave when Mukti said,
Mukti: U need to talk to someone else as well...
Manik looked at her confused when he saw her pointing towards the garden area next to the pool. Manik looked in that direction to see Nandini sitting there alone, simply staring at the grass.
Mukti: I'll go inside... U talk to her!!
Manik smiled at her & got up to go to Nandini. He walked towards Nandini & sat beside her without even saying a word.
Nandini: I expected u to take a bit longer... Abhi told me that u were talking to her.
Manik: He did... But u didn't tell me about him!!
Nandini turned towards him to look at the serious look on his face, but before she said anything she smiled broadly & said,
Nandini: Don't fake it... I know u r happy for her!!
Manik smiled back at her words & then asked,
Manik: Shit ya wrong timing..... I could hv got anything if u would hv thought that i was angry.
Nandini: Ohhh really!!! Don't get ur hopes too high Mr. Malhotra...
Manik: U can say it Nandini... Don't stop urself!
Nandini rested her head on his shoulder & held his hand firmly. She waited for a long time before finally speaking,
Nandini: Parent's give us birth.... They bring us up!! They sacrifice their happiness just to fulfill ur small desires.... Then why Manik... Why are u thinking so much when all he has asked for is a Month? Manik, I know that u r thinking about ur responsibilities towards Mukti, but don't forget ur responsibilities for ur father should be bigger.
Manik looked at her & thought about her words, he knew she was absolutely right...
Nandini suddenly smiled a bit & said in a naughty way,
Nandini: And if at all u r thinking about me.... then let me tell u that u r being very selfish!! Coz I surely will be happy without u being overprotective all day about me, it will only be u missing me.
Manik: ME... Kuch bhi!! No one is gonna miss u at all...
Nandini: Ohk... Who said to miss me?? Be happy!! And concentrate on ur work.
Manik: Good.... Tension over!! I was tensed of hving such a high maintainance girl friend.
Nandini waved way his naughty mood & then seriously said,
Nandini: Ohk so u sit... Cabir had asked me to come back soon, he wanted to talk. I hv to go inside.
saying so Nandini got up & was about to meet when Manik held her hand & immediately stood up to hug her,
Manik: I m gonna miss u every minute..... Thank u Nandini, thank u very much for understanding. I love u... I love u a lot.
Nandini: I will miss u too Manik...
Nandini broke the hug & then smiled before turning away & walking inside. She moved a bit further & then turned back to call him,
Nandini: Manik!!!
Manik: Hmn....
Nandini: I hv my eyes constantly on Nyonika from the moment u step out of the country.
Manik smiled at her & without even waiting for a sec... She walked back in, leaving Manik totally tension less about Mukti. His only concern was Mukti being around Nyonika alone & now that too was vanished away.
Sometime later, all of them had their dinner together & the fun was back again. They all enjoyed a lot & especially with Raj along as they were quite attached to him. It was quite late when finally they decided to call it a day. Everyone headed home & Manik left to drop Nandini.
The entire way back Manik simply held her hand feeling her close for as long as he could. He knew he was gonna miss her but he still thought its just a month & that was normal. But as they were reaching closer to her place & it was finally time to drop her he was not willing to do it.
They reached the Moorthy mansion, but instead of entering the main gate Manik took a swift right turn & Nandini said,
Nandini: Manik...
Manik: Shh... We r going to the hill!! Its too early to go home anyway...
Nandini simply kept quite & they headed to their usual place & sat on the car top gazing the stars. But they didn't talk much & they continued sitting there for a long time with Nandini resting on Manik's chest. It was quite late when nandini noticed Manik's breadth calm, she understood that he was asleep. So she got up & slowly caressed his face,
Nandini: manik....
Manik moved a bit in his sleep & then she again said,
Nandini: Manik... Its late!! I think we should get back.
Manik opened his eyes listening to her & gave her a slight nod. After which they got off the car top. Manik was about to go to the driver's seat when Nandini said,
Nandini: Manik.... I m driving!!
Manik: No its fine.... I m well awake now.
Nandini: Then too I m driving... U come here.
Nandini said forcefully and took him to the other side. Manik resisted a lot & then said in a naughty tone,
Manik: Plz Nandini... I  m really scared from ur driving!! U know na because of my past experiences.
Nandini opened the passenger seat door for him & said,
Nandini: I don't care... Now sit inside & don't u dare say anything while I m driving. Not a word!! OHK..
Manik saluted her & said,
Manik: On ur command officer.
Manik took his seat & Nandini drove to the Moorthy Mansion.
As she parked the car out there she said,
Nandini: I would hv asked u ti stay here tonight... But i think u should be at ur place tonight!!
Manik simply smiled at her as she continued,
Nandini: I'll ask the driver to drive ur car to ur place.
Soon Manik left for home & Nandini too went inside. Manik spent the entire night with Mukti when they enjoyed a nice sibbling time. The next day however was not that special as Manik had to spend almost all his time in the office before leaving everything. Plus the last moment plan had done quite a problem for his work also. By the time he finished, it was only an hour left before he had to leave the country. Manik reached home to see all his friends already waiting for him.
Mukti: Bhai... Where were u ya?? We all hv been waiting from 3 hours.
Manik: Sorry Guys... Work u know!!
Cabir: No we don't.... U should thank Nandini that she stopped us otherwise we all were definately gonna come and create a scene at ur office.
Aliya: Yeah.. Nandini said that u must be wrapping up work!!
Manik: Really sorry guys...
Dhruv: I think u should hurry up... We need to reach the airport on time.
Manik: Sure.. I'll just freshen up & come.
Mukti: Bhai I'll come with u & show u what all I hv packed.
Nandini: Shall I go & check on once with Uncle, If he needs help??
Mukti: Yeah plz Nandini..
All of them walked away & Nandini went to Raj's room.
She reached there to find a guard standing in there with Raj.
Raj: I don't want any mistakes.. Got it??
Guard: Yes sir..
Raj: Good now go & make preparations before we leave.
The guard went away & Raj noticed Nandini,
Raj: Nandini... Come in my child!!
Nandini: Uncle can I ask something?
Raj: Sure...
Nandini: Uncle... I don't know if I m right or not but to what I can see u were discussing about Mukti's security.
Raj: Yeah... actually I just wanted to make sure-
Nandini: Uncle its fine..... I don't know if Manik told u or not but I know it all!! And yes, I just wanted to inform u that I hv already appointed my guards for Mukti. I had told this to Manik right after u mentioned that u would be leaving. Trust me Uncle, Mukti will be all fine & these guards hv been with me for about 3 years..
Raj heard her dumbstuck & then smiled,
Raj: No wonder they all love u so much... Thank u my child
Nandini: I think we should leave now... its time for ur flight. I just came here to ask if u need any help
Raj: No no I m ready.. Lets go!!
With this they all left the Malhotra Mansion.

U R MY STAR & I M UR SKY!! [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now