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Part 37:
The party was going in a full swing. Having Manik back all of them seemed to have relaxed & also the drinks were taking up their minds, when  Aliya said,
Aliya: Come on yr!! Lets go something special this time. Its been a long time & we have not made any special memories. Something to cherish later. I want the magic of Fab5 back. I miss that!!
Manik: Ohk... So be ready at 6 tmrw morning.
Dhruv: 6... Why??
Manik: We are going out for two days... All of us!!
Cabir: Where??
Manik: Thats a surprise... Just pack up everyone & be ready. Cabir, no office... Mukti, u invite Abhi as well & Nandini, no office!!
Nandini didn't say anything while all the others got excited & started making out plans.. Manik noticed her & asked,
Manik: Nandini.... What happened??
Nandini: Manik when are we returning??
Manik: Tmrw is 22nd .... So we might get back by 24th afternoon, I think so.... Why??
All of them turned silent & looked at Nandini, who smiled guiltly & said,
Nandini: I m so sorry for this guys... But Manik, I have got something to tell u!!
Manik: What happened?
Nandini: Actually there was a reason why I was forcing u to come back on 23rd. I had got something planned.
Manik: So whats the problem..... I m here on 21st!! Isn't that good for ur plan.
Nandini: Yeah.. But actually... I---
Manik: Nandini... Speak up.
Nandini: I was thinking to have the hospital opening ceremony on the 23rd. I wanted u to be here. All the invites are printed, I was going to get them distributed tmrw
Manik: Come on Nandini... Work always!! I m sure we can shift this by a week or so. Plus we hv the album launch on 25th, we can't go that time...
Aliya: Right... Nandini!! Shift it na... I m sure we'll hv fun on this trip!
Nandini looked at all of them & finally said,
Nandini: Ohk then, as u all say.
All of them smiled broadly & Mukti hugged Nandini.
Cabir: Now can we please eat something... I m hungry!!
With this the party started with drinks & snacks & more. Manik noticed Nandini had still not in a perfectly fine mood so he asked her slowly,
Manik: Nandini.... U don't seen fine with this plan, Do u want me to change it??
Nandini: NO NO... Manik see how happy they all are, Plus I know u want this & I can't ever say no to u.
Manik smiled at it while Aliya took Nandini away. But this didn't clear his mind still as her face clearly gave over her inner feelings.
After about an hour or so, Nandini suddenly got up & said,
Nandini: I need to make an important call... I'll just be back.
And saying so she walked upstairs. Manik watched her go & then said to Cabir.
Manik: What happened to Nandini?? She was perfectly fine when she got here, but now I think there is something bothering her up.
Aliya: Yeah... I too felt so!!
They all fell silent thinking about it, when suddenly Cabir said,
Cabir: Guys whats the date today??
Manik: 21st feb... Why?
Cabir: Ohh freak... Thats why she wanted it to be 23rd.
Manik: Cabir... Whats it?
Cabir: Manik its Kamal Uncle's birthday on 23rd Feb.
Mukti: Kamal Uncle???
Manik: Whose that??
Cabir looked at Manik in disbelief & threw a cusion over him.
Cabir: Manik!! Its her Dad... Kamal group of Industries, her company.
Manik: Yes... Why didn't she tell me that? Guys, I 'll be back. I need to talk to her.
Manik got up & went upstairs to look for Nandini & found her sitting in his room, resting her head on the bed rest with her eyes closed. He walked closer & caressed her face. Nandini opened up her eyes & smiled at him.
Manik: All good??
Nandini: Yes... I was just coming down.
Manik: Nandini... I wouldn't be able to know u at all if u don't talk. I m sorry I know I m a bit dominating but u hv to speak up.
Nandini: Manik whats wrong? Why r u saying so??
Manik: The hospital's opening ceremony will be held on the 23rd itself.
Nandini: No Manik its fine... We can go on this trip & then do the opening.
Manik: But then it won't be your gift on ur dad's birthday.
Nandini looked at him stunned & Manik continued,
Manik: See it was so easy just to spill out stuff... U can always talk to me & tell me ur plans. Its not like I will force u with mine always.
Nandini: I know u won't.
Manik: But u don't act like u know.
Nandini: Ohk I m sorry!!
Manik hugged her & rubbed her back.
Manik: This is going to be the bestest gift to your father. And I know how much it means to u. Its ur father's dream & we are gonna make it amazing, thats my promise.
Nandini: I love u Manik.
Manik: I think we should get going down now or else they r going to kill me this time.
Nandini: Lets go!!
Nandini: Ohh my God.. I m so nervous, I don't want anything to go wrong today.
Mr. Kapoor: Its ohk Ma'am... U urself have gone through the preparations twice. Its going to be fine.
Nandini: Yes.... I m sure it is.
Mr. Kapoor: We'll be there in two to three minutes now. Are u fine Nandini??
Nandini: Ohk... I m fine! Thank u Uncle...
It was the day of the opening & Nandini was quite nervous just before it. They were in the car on the way to the hospital 7 Mr. Kapoor was sitting in the front with the driver while Nandini was sitting at the back. They reached there to see the parking lot filled up with a lot of cars.
Mr. Kapoor: I guess most of the guests are already here...
Nandini: I think so too!!
The driver stopped the car as the press surrounded them.
Mr. Kapoor: Ma'am, U want to talk to the press now or after the ceremony.
Nandini: U bet after this it will be great.
Mr. Kapoor: Ohk sure!!
Mr. Kapoor got out of the car & motioned towards the guards whose immediately made the press get back as one of them opened the gate for Nandini. Nandini picked up her clutch & crossed her fingers once before getting out but the moment she was out no one could even dream that she was nervous. A beautiful young confident lady stood in front of the press with a professional smile stuck on her face. She was looking breath takingly beautiful in her red-black gown.
The guards held over the press as she slowly walked inside followed by Mr. Kapoor & another manager.
A guy from the organising staff rushed towards them & halted seeing Nandini. He simply smiled and nodded to her as he went behind her to brief Mr. Kapoor about the arrived guests. Mr. Kapoor talked to him as they continued walking towards the hall.
Soon Mr. Kapoor briefed Nandini about a few things & by then they reached the party hallway. Nandini smiled & shook hands with a few people standing outside, after which she finally entered the place. She looked around, reliefed that everything was looking just as she had expected & then checked on the arrived faces. But she couldn't find the person whom she wanted the most. When he was no where around she slowly moved a bit forward & looked sidewards & whispered to Mr. Kapoor.
Nandini: Uncle isn't he here yet??
But before she could get a reply she heard his voice from her other side.
Manik: May I??
She turned towards him to she him holding out his hand for her, which she gladly accepted with a smile.
Mr. Kapoor smiled at him & said,
Mr. Kapoor: Hello Mr. Malhotra!!
Manik greeted him with a formal handshake after which he left with the other manager.
Manik: U look beautiful.
Nandini: Thank u!! But u on the other hand are increasing my nervousness.
Manik: No one can say by your face that u r nervous.
Nandini: I m glad about my makeup then.
Manik: Its not ur makeup Nandini... Its u urself. But how am I increasing it??
Nandini: I think I hv enough work already today to be looking around for the girls drooling over u.
Manik: Ohh really!! But I might take that as a compliment of u.
Nandini didn't reply anything but finally Manik could see her hiding her real smile behind that professional face.
She walked ahead & moved to one of the guests.
Nandini: Hello Mr. Pathak... Thank u for coming!!
Mr. Pathak: Hello Ms. Moorthy... Mr. Malhotra!!
Manik: Hey!!
Mr. Pathak: Congratulations to both of u... I must say its an amazing place. It looks nice.
Nandini: Well Thank u!!
Soon they moved further & the conversation was almost the same everywhere. When they suddenly heard someone saying,
" So u both made it!! I guess I didn't help"
Both of them turned around to see Nyonika standing behind them. Nandini turned back to the guest she was talking too & said,
Nandini: Excuse me!!
Both of them turned to Nyonika & Manik said,
Manik: Yeah u really didn't want it to happen this way I think!!
Nyonika: I did wanted it to happen.
Manik: Not in a right way but.
Nandini: Ohh thats not the point.. It just happened & I think we did it together & its good.
Manik: I bet she wouldn't hv let u do so.
Nandini: I think its time to go on. We'll see u around.
Nyonika: Sure!!
Nandini held Manik's hand & walked away. When they heard someone's voice,
"A perfect couple one could find these days!!!"
Both of them turned around & saw their friends standing in front. All of them hugged them after which Manik said,
Manik: Aliya... Check ur volume before giving such compliments!! There is press around. And we don't wish to change the headlines in tmrw's newspapers from the hospital to our relationship....
Aliya: Ohh I m so sorry Nandini!! I know u wouldn't want that..
Manik smiled at her when Nandini said,
Nandini: Not tmrw... But thats just bcoz of the hospital, other than that I don't think I hv any problem with this.
All of them looked at her shocked, especially Manik. She smiled at him & winked when Manik said,
Manik: Its nice to know that u would be happy to.
Nandini: I m glad that u know now.

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