Chapter 46

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Part 46:
The next day Nandini concentrated fully on her work the entire day. She wanted everything sorted before she went back to Mumbai. Everything was almost done and she was sitting in her cabin with Frank discussing over some contracts that needed her signatures for renewal.
Frank: I didn't know about your arrival otherwise I would hv got the papers ready.
Nandini: Can't u mail it to me and i might scan it, sign it & mail it back to u.
Frank: Nandini these are about the renewal of contracts.
Nandini: Ohh... Then I'll hv to sign them personally.
Frank: Yes!!
Nandini stayed quite for sometime calculating the time for which it can be extended.
Nandini: These are not exactly necessary for the next 4 months right?
Frank: 4... Umn!! Yeah 4 months are fine.
Nandini: Ohk then..
Frank: Ma'am can I ask something??
Nandini: MA'AM??? Ohh sure.. Whats it?
Frank: There's a rumour that u r quitting business. Is that True??
Nandini: And u called me Ma'am to ask this?
Frank smiled at her and she said,
Nandini: Come on Frank u know me!! what do u think its true or not?
Frank: I dont know... But u usually never leave things on others completely.
Nandini: There u go!! Thats ur answer.
Frank: As in??
Nandini: Yes its true!! I m letting myself out of business. But then not completely. All the three offices will still be under me, not directly but yet indirectly. Plus, I hv nyc CEOs to look after the company properly.
Frank laughed at it & thanked her for her indirect praises.
Frank: Ohk!!! I'll get the papers ready & then send some executive to India to get them signed personally from u.
Nandini: No....U won't do that!!
Frank: Then?
Nandini: U urself with come to India. To get them signed.
Frank: Me?? Is it necessary for me to come myself?
Nandini: yes It is!! Plus, India is a nyc place. U might get ur family as well. They'll hv a good week out.
Frank looked at her confused while she continued concentrating on the file which she was reading. Nandini picked up a pen and marked at a particular section and said,,
Nandini: I want a check on this figure. I think its not right.
She looked up at him for a sec and saw his confused face. With this she got back to her file and said normally.
Nandini: Come on Frank... U r the only college senior who is in contact with me. And I definately want u there on my wedding!!
Frank: WEDDING??
Nandini: Two months from now!! U hv to come and thats an order. Though the news is not out yet so be quite about it.
Frank: OMG! I still can't believe it.
He noticed the ring on her finger and said,
Frank: And u r already ingaged...
Nandini: Ohh yes I m for about two years now.
Frank: Wow Nandini.. Congrats!!
Nandini: Thank u...
Frank: So who is the lucky guy??
Nandini: Ohh no he is not!!! I hv been lucky to hv him. His name is Manik Malhotra, he is also in business and in Music as well. U know Mr. Raj Malhotra from the Malhotra Industries, right?
Frank: Ohh yes!!
Nandini: His son!! He handles thier business in India & is the lead singer on one of the most famous bands now, Fab5
Frank: If I m not wrong. Isn't this the same band who performed here in Chicago the last time u came in.
Nandini: Ohh yes!!
Frank: They seemed quite popular.
Nandini: They are... But now if u remember. We are at work. Continue!!
With this Nandini continued with her work and soon finished it all and was all set to leave for India the next day.
And Yes.... Only two months were left for Manik & Nandini to tie up in a holy bond with each other. The two years of separation got them even more closer to each other & they couldn't wait any longer.
Nandini lay on her bed last night remembering the day when both of them decided to take their relationship on this step.
Manik had come to Dubai to surprise Nandini on her birthday. He surprised her by going directly to her office.
Nandini was attending a meeting with a few officials from America. Manik asked her manager when would she be free and he was simply told to wait for some time. Manik sat there in a nice personalised waiting room just next to the meeting hall in which Nandini was sitting. Nandini had no idea of his arrival and neither did he let her staff tell her anything. The glass wall of the waiting room gave him the clear sight of the meeting room's door which he was anciously waiting to open up fast. It had been about an hour that be had been waiting for her with a bouquet of while lilies and red roses.
Obviously, The Manik Malhotra knew how to make a girl happy. He knew his love was more of a simple girl and the biggest gift for her would be his presence over there & thus, he had planned a simple, quite and private dinner for that day where they could simply spend time together & talk.
His wait finally got over when he saw the door open and a few junior executives spill out of the room in different directions. He immediately got up and came out of the waiting room when he saw Nandini get out of the hall, along with Rishab and her PA, talking to one of the four Americans that he could see.
Nandini: I guarantee you that ur company is gonna get great success from this deal. Our company is new here in Dubai but Kamal Group has always been dedicated to this work.
As he saw her in front of his eyes after complete 5 months, his happiness had no bounds.
American: We know Ms. Moorthy!! We are glad to sign this deal with u.
Nandini didn't noticed Manik there and started walking ahead along with the others. She was wearing a denim jeans and jacket with a red top. It was really fasionable but somehow gave her a proffesional look as she always preferred at work.
Nandini: I'll send u the final contract by tmrw mrng & then we can start with the other proceedings. Ur team can take its time to study our contract and if there is any problem u can contact my PA so that we can personally resolve those in-
Manik was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even realise that she was busy and called her out softly from the back.
Manik: Nandini....
Nandini immediately stopped in her tracks as she heard her name. She didn't need to see him to know that he was there. Just his voice was enough for her. She immediately turned around to look at him and saw him smiling at her. The entire professional attitude that she had kept went in the back of her mind as she smiled to her broadest on seeing him. Manik looked behind her and gestured her about her guests. Nandini tried to control her smile but failed badly as she turned towards the americans.
Nandini: Thank u very much gentlemen for ur time today. We'll keep in mind all that was decided in today's meeting.
She turned towards rishab and said,
Nandini: I m sorry but I m a bit busy so Rishab will accompany u all outside. Thank u very much.
Rishab simply nodded at her as he walked away with the others. Nandini turned back towards Manik who was now standing right behind her and immediately hugged him as tight as she could. Manik too wrapped his hands around her & twirled her around burrying his head in her hair and inhaling her sweet fragrance.
There were a lot of people on the reception outside the meeting hall, all of them were Nandini's staff and everyone was shocked to see the view in front of them.
Manik moved Nandini back on the ground and whispered in her ears,
Manik: Happy birthday Nandini!!
Nandini immediately broke the hug & looked at him with slight tears in her eyes. She didn't let any of them fall as she held his hand and started moving towards the other side. She stopped in front of the reception counter on her way and said to the girl sitting there slowly,
Nandini: Ask Rishab to handle the next meeting with the investers. Cancel all my others meeting today. And send my usual coffee along with a cup of Earl Grey tea & pasta to my cabin. Also send Rishab in as soon as he comes up.
The girl simply nodded at her as Nandini walked straight to the last door, which was her cabin.
Manik: I m sorry I just didn't realise I was distrubing u.
Nandini heard him and immediately hugged him again.
Nandini: U can never distrub me Manik.... I just can't tell u how much happy i m to see u here today. I just couldn't wish for anything else today in this entire world.
Manik simply kissed her forehead and broke the hug bringing the bouquet in front of her.
Manik: These flowers were waiting from so long for u to accept them.
Nandini: These are beautiful....
She kept the flowers on her table as both of them sat on the couch in her cabin.
Manik: I can't believe that my Nandini just hugged me a few minutes back in front of her entire staff.
Nandini blushed a little listening to him as he held her hand.
Later that day both of them were sitting on the roof top of a nice five star hotel where manik had arranged for the dinner. They had finished there dinner and were sitting on the chairs with nandini resting her head on his shoulder as his arm was wrapped around her.
Manik: I just can't wait for u to come back to India. I just can't wait for these 6 to 7 months to pass.
Nandini: Why??
Manik: What do u mean by why? U r so far from me here, I miss u all the time.
Nandini: I m not saying that... I just meant what will change when I get back to India. All will be the same. U hv ur office, Music & I hv Music along with which I will search for something more productive to spend my time.
Manik stayed quite for a few seconds thinking about it when Nandini whispered,
Nandini: Will u marry me manik??
Manik heard her and immediately looked at her face completely shocked by her sudden question.
Manik: What??
Nandini: Manik...I m asking u, Will u marry me?
Manik smiled broadly at her and then asked,
Manik: Nandini.... Are u serious?? I mean Are u sure??
Nandini got up and picked up a roses which was decorated at the centre of the table and sat in front of him on her knees.
Nandini: Mr. Manik Malhotra..... I love u a lot and I don't think I can manage this distance between us anymore. So here I m, totally serious and sure that I wish to get married to u. So think about it properly for as much time as u want to and then answer this question, 'Will u marry me??'.
Manik immediately cupped her face in his palms and kissed her softly. Nandini joined him in the kiss as he answered her question by increasing the intensity of the kiss.

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