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Light Yagami sat in his room and stared out the window tiredly. He was supposed to be studying but he just couldn't concentrate for the life of him, which was odd. Light was very intelligent and at the top of his class, and studying wasn't usually a problem.

His father, Soichiro, was supposed to be home in a bit. Soichiro was the chief of the NPA (National Police Agency), and as far as Light knew, working on a very difficult case, the Kira case. Light didn't know much about the case, but knew a lot of criminals were dying of heart attacks.

It was odd, to say the least.

"Nii-san, dinner time!" Sayu, Light's sister called from the other room, breaking his train of thought. He wasn't thinking about much, but he was lost in his thoughts.

Light moved away from the window and out of his room, going into the kitchen where his sister Sayu, and their mother, Sachiko, were, serving dinner. Just as Light sat down, Soichiro walked in the door.

"Hey, I'm home," Soichiro called out, smiling as he walked into the kitchen. "Dinner smells heavenly."

"Thanks, Mom and I worked so hard," Sayu beamed, giggling as she helped dish the plates food out on the table.

As his family all sat at the table, Light smiled and took a seat with them. "So Dad, how's the Kira case going?" He inquired, taking a bite out of his food.

Sayu grinned happily. "There you go again, Light!" She chirped, looking at her brother. "Inquiring about Dad's work. You will be a great detective one day, won't he, Dad?"

"About that," Soichiro uttered, wiping his hands and face with his napkin. "Light, son… I know that you are so close to graduating high school, and almost ready to go to college, and I know that you are at the top of your class and very intelligent… And well, I know how much you want to be a detective, and…"

"Yes, father?" Light looked at Soichiro with hopeful eyes.

"Well, I was wanting to know if you would like to help us out with the Kira case."

Light almost stood up in shock. "R- Really?" He asked, eyes widened. He could not believe it; he'd been kind of investigating the Kira case on his own, but he couldn't do much, especially when he had to study a lot. This was an amazing opportunity for him.

Soichiro nodded with a small smile. "Yes."

"Then yes, yes, of course!" Light exclaimed, a grin on his face.

"Then it's settled," Soichiro smiled at his son. "Here's what you should do. Starting next week, I want you to go to school everyday, and then study for at least a half an hour to an hour or so after, and then come to my job and help us on this case for a few hours or something. Think you can handle that?"

"Yes, I can, I promise," Light nodded enthusiastically, getting up and putting his empty plate in the sink.

"So, I want you to study hard for the rest of this week so that next week, you're not so stressed. And I want you to know now, when you have to study for that last exam before you graduate, I'm going to probably reduce your time working on the case, okay?"

"Got it, Dad," Light smiled, sitting back down. "I promise I'll study."

"And since you asked how the case is going, I'll tell you a bit now," his father told him, sipping his tea as his wife and daughter cleaned up a bit. "Let's go into the living room." Light nodded and got up, following his father into the living room, sitting on the couch with Soichiro. "So far, about ten to thirteen criminals– give or take a few– are dying a day, all of heart attacks, and we noticed Kira only seems to kill in the afternoon or so, always after 4pm. Kira has also killed people that stand in his way."

"Wow," Light uttered, looking at his shoes, thinking. "Well… It seems to me like perhaps Kira is a student or something."

Soichiro nodded, grinning. "See, this is why I wanted you to work on the case. You think quickly and are smart."

Light smiled. "Thanks," he said faintly.

This is the start okay?? Sorry if i get some stuff wrong: I've got a bad memory.

Also, Nii-san = brother. C:

I hope you liked this c::

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