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Tsuna and his friends are walking in the forest in deep silence and Gon decided to break the silence.

"Ne ne Tsuna why do you seem different when you block Leorio and I'm pretty sure I saw your eyes flashed orange". Asked Gon tapping Tsuna's shoulder trying to have a conversation

Ahh! About that I.....uhh guess it was just the sun playing tricks on you ha ha". Answered Tsuna nervously scratching his cheek

"Oh yeah now that I remember you said about going home right". Butted Leorio

"Where do you live? It could be impossible that you don't know a way home". Kurapika said joining in the conversation

"I live in Namimori, Japan do you perhaps know where is it?". Tsuna said quietly hoping

The three looked at each other and shook their heads. Their conversation stopped when they came across a signboard but Tsuna can't read so he asked his friend. The three looked shock and read the sign for Tsuna.


After reading they heard a loud shout coming from the cottage they rushed to the place and when they were inside they saw a beast kidnapping a woman and on the floor lay a wounded man. The beast ran away as he carried the woman, they went after the beast.

"Leorio stay watch the man and heal him we'll catch the beast don't worry we'll bring her back". Kurapika said as he run off

Leorio went to the man's aid and performed first aid to the wounds.

"P-p-please bring back my w-wife safe and s-s-sound". The mean pleaded coughing blood

"Don't worry they'll bring her back". Leorio said comfortingly while bandaging the man

Tsuna and Gon are able to keep up in the dark while Kurapika strained his eyes to see.

"Ah!" Gon have sighted the beast with the woman.

He's fast, the beast thought.

The chase continues Gon is able to hit his head causing the beast to drop the woman and Kurapika caught her and the chase continues again.

Tsuna saw Gon hit the beast and now he is catching the beast but he also lost sight of the two. He is now in a clearing he heard a growl and know the beast is here but something is wrong his intuition said so. The beast had shone itself and slowly approaching Tsuna while he is still mussing why something was wrong when he look at the beast now he knew what was wrong.

"Ne beast-san who are you? Your aren't the one Gon hit". Tsuna asked tilting his head on the side looking cute

The beast only laugh hard but if you squint your eyes you'll see a pink tint on her cheeks

Hieee- ahem What going on? Why is he laughing?

With Kurapika
Kurapika is with the woman they were talking until he noticed the tattoo in the woman hand.

"The man that was wounded was he your husband?". Kurapika said wary but looking composed

"Ah! yes he was". The woman answered gulping unnoticed

"Then this tattoo why do you have it". Kurapika said pointing the tattoo

"Ah i-i-it's nothing". The girl said waving her hand

Kurapika explained about the tattoo and know that she cannot be married.

With Tsuna:

The beast kept laughing and after he stop he called someone.

"Darling hear this it's funny".GB (Girl beast) said waving her hand as if beckoning someone

Then another beast comes out and asked

"How did you know that she's wasn't me". asked BB ( boy beast ) crossing his arms

"Well, my intuition said so". Said Tsuna nervously thinking that they won't believe it

"Hmmm intuition huh? Interesting" BB said while chuckling to himself hand on his chin

They went to the cottage and on the way they met Gon. Like Tsuna Gon is able to differentiate the two by good observation skills. When they are at the cottage the proctors congratulated all of them for passing.

"Pssst Gon tell me which is which". Leorio whispered trying to get his attention.

"The boy is taller by a few millimeters and his voice is low while the girl is a few millimeters short and her voice is softer and high". Stated Gon like he was talking about the weather.

Leorio and Kurapika stared at the two beasts and still can't differentiate the two.

"Ugh! I give up". Leorio said while his hands are in the air.

After a while the beasts carried them to the next exam.

"I'm flying ha! Ha! Ha!". Leorio said while laughing loudly while Kurapika wants to facepalm but can't and muttering idiot.



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