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Tsuna and his friends are on the way to the tree.

"Oi! should we really trust the old man?". Said Leorio trying to convince the trio. "The correct way is the other way around and we should take the bus there". He added pointing the direction on the map

"Leorio-san this is the way the man is not lying my intuition said so". Said tsuna already walking to the three

"Yeah! The oji-san is kind to us and I sense that he is not lying". Gon said running after Tsuna

"You?". Leorio asked kurapika

"I'll be with them (pointing to tsuna & gon) their interesting". Stated kurapika following the duo

"Tch, don't come crying on me if you got the wrong way". Said leorio while walking away to the direction of the bus.

The three looked at each other looking at the direction Leorio went and shrugged and went on their way. Tsuna grinning a little bit.

With Leorio:

Tch what's wrong with those three? Nah! not my problem if they fail mused Leorio while checking the schedule of the bus. He was about to line for the bus when he heard something.

"Ha! Ha! Can you believe that they got fooled by the bus". Laughed B1 hands on his stomach

"Yeah! They didn't know that the bus will only go in circles". Smirked B2 leaning at the wall

Leorio heard enough and sprinted to where the three is, "Oi wait up". Leorio shouted running after them

"So who got fooled now hmmm?". Smirked kurapika while Leorio grumbled putting his hands on his pants

When they are in a deserted place Tsuna suddenly heard something and stopped in his tracks.

"Hmmm? What's wrong are you tired?".Gon asked while peering in Tsuna's face

"Sshhh! There are people here". When tsuna said that the sound became noticeable.

There in front of them are people who had weird mask then suddenly they part and give way to an old woman.

"I'm the next proctor you may only go to the next if you answer correctly my question". The grandma said stamping her staff

Then suddenly there came a man (who have been following them since they stepped on Zaban City. Everyone noticed except Leorio) who volunteered to answer the question first.

"Ahem I'll explain the rules the time limit on answering is 20 sec (I changed it) and you can only answer 1 or 2. And now for the question, Both your mother and lover is in danger whom would you save first? 1. Mother 2. Lover". The proctor said narrowing his eyes.

"1". Said the man (AhemstalkerAhem) looking proud

"Why". Questioned the grandma her eyes narrowing

"Because you only have one mother but you can look for another lover". Stated proudly the man puffing his chest

"Hmm you may pass". And the people made way

The grandma looked to them and asked "Are you going to take this individually or as a group?"

The four looked at each other and said as a group nodding with each other

"Here's the question: Your brother and sister is kidnapped whom should you save first?". Narrowing his eyes and stamping his staff


(Same event but Tsuna stopped leorio from hurting the grandma in HDWM without the flame and Kurapika explaining everything and Gon keeps thinking about the question)

After passing the gate they are now in the woods and it's nearing sundown. They have to find a place to stay but the question still lingers in their minds everyone was quiet.

Hmm what if the same question happens in my guardians what if there comes a time where---- arghh stop worrying yourself. When the time comes I'll be sure to protect them. His eyes are burning with determination and dying will.



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