Chapter 23 - HEAVEN x AND x HELL

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Tsuna and the Zoldyck Family finished eating and now were being served with desserts which surprisingly were not poisoned.

"Now that we had our fill. It is time for us to ask some questions". Silva asked turning serious, the air around them feeling heavier.

Tsuna made himself comfortable while eating a Dark Chocolate Cake served only for him and Milluki while the rest are eating coffee jelly. "What do you want to know though I won't be able to answer them all". Tsuna said taking another bite of his cake internally squealing in delight.

Each of the family members glanced at each other, they nodded, agreeing to the unspoken conversation. Silva propped his elbows at the table, his fingers intertwined, half his face hidden by his huge pale hands. "Is it you who opened the gate?.....No, let me rephrase..... How did you manage to open all seven gates?" he asked with a scrutinizing gaze, the tension in the room rising.

Tsuna licked his spoon, savoring the remains of his chocolate cake, "Hmmmm, how I opened the gate? I just put strength into the gate, unlocking it and accidentally opening all the gates when I was supposed to open a space just enough for me". Tsuna answered asking for another slice of chocolate to the nearest butler along with Milluki. Well, its not exactly a lie and I need to be cautious of them. Tsuna thought smiling lightly to the butler

Tsuna and Milluki felt a kind of kinship as the both nodded in approval with each other, a sweets lover to another. Everyone was surprised with Tsuna's nonchalant response, curiosity is eating them up but they did not pry further. They know that it would send warning bells ringing. It is common sense that a person would be wary much less if they are currently inside dinning with a family of assassin that could easily kill them in half a breath.

"What is you relationship with my dear Kill?" Kikyo asked calmly spooning a jelly though her aura speaks otherwise.

"Killua is one of my friends and I came to talk to him". Tsuna said in business mode.

"Friends?! My Kill would never have friends!". Kikyo said in distaste, her head snapped facing Tsuna in outrage.

"Killua does have friends, four of us to be exact and their on their way here soon". Tsuna said while finishing another slice of cake.

"What!- ", Kikyo's outburst was cut short Silva's intervention.

"Tsunayoshi, Illumi, when and how did you to met each other?", Silva asked eyeing them both straight in their eyes.

Tsuna and Illumi both looked at each other, replaying their memories with each other.

"Hunter Exam", Illumi said with a slight twitch on his eyebrow displaying annoyance only those with trained eyes can notice.

"3rd phase in the hunter exam, I was with him in the Trick Tower along with Hisoka", Tsuna answered specifically with a slight twitch of his mouth.

The first time they met each other wasn't quite.................memorable. Those two were almost killing each other in their minds.


"Ah! your Gittarakur-san, right?!. The one who almost failed the cooking exam for burning the whole pig". I asked innocently and sweetly as I could. Hmmm, if my guess is right he may be Killua's older or younger brother considering he was in disguise and both of their killing intent being the same

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