Chapter 11 - THE x SPLIT x MOUNTAIN

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Tsuna's P.O.V

"Oi! oi! oi! I think somebody poisoned the proctor".

"Is he that bad at cooking?".

"Yes! we don't have to do this stupid cooking test".

"Wait! harming the proctor is not alloweed right?".

Sigh! Here we go again. I turned to face everyone, "Don't worry everyone. I didn't poisoned them and they're not dead, They'll wake up for a few minutes". I said seeing their disbelieving faces.

Both of the body of the proctors suddenly twitched gaining the attention of the other examinees. Then both of them showed faces of pure ecstasy and they both opened their eyes, feeling refreshed, eye bags underneath their eyes disappeared. They scratched their own body and the black skin peeled of revealing baby- smooth skin. Buhara feeling something rumble in his stomach quickly ran to the restroom.

"Umm, Menchi-san if your curious as to what happened to you and buhara. It was the result of medicinal cooking, it released the fatigue in your muscles making it hard to stand in your part and your eyes feel refreshed right? it is as if you've slept for days. Your skin turned black but it wasn't because of poisoning that black thing is the dead cells in your body and as for buhara it detoxifies the wastes in the body". I said finishing my explanation seeing the shocked expression of everyone, silence surrounded the place.

Well, if you've been living with Bianchi and you have no choice but to eat beacause you tutor keeps saying that a mafia boss never refuses food made by a lady, you're dead a long time ago. It's a good thing I asked Verde for help in making medicinal dishes to negate the poison.


"Tsuna I have cooked you a delicious pie made with love", Bianchi said placing a pie in front of a tied Tsuna.

Tsuna already ate a candy he made beforehand with medicinal cooking, he asked Verde a list of foods that can negate poison and which food combination is dangerous. He wanted to test his cooking if it works against Bianchi's poison cooking.

"Ahhh", Tsuna said opening his mouth surprising Reborn at his willingness but still wearing a poker face because a No.1 Worlds Best Hitman do not get surprised easily.

Reborn and Bianchi waited for Tsuna to break the ropes and run to the restroom but he finished chewing and swallowed but nothing happened, no reaction at all

"How?", Bianchi said disbelieving at what she was seeing

"The power of love of course", Tsuna said remembering Bianchi's favorite phrase and saying it as sarcasm but it had the opposite effect on Bianchi.

"Yes! at last someone who understand", Bianchi said with sparkly eyes and holding Tsuna's hand and saying a bunch of things he can't understand.

Reborn's eyes narrowed and went to find a green-haired scientist to demand an answer

Flashback End

With Tsuna

"Ummm, Menchi-san did I pass?", I asked breaking the silence

"Huh? ah!", she looked for something then she held out a pass sign, "Yes, you passed. The food you cooked was excellent". This year's exam is going to be interesting. I wonder what made him learn medicinal cooking. (Menchi- san I think it'll be good for your health not knowing ^_^)

"I won't take this b******t! this exam is stupid! what the! I came here to be hunter not a freaking chef", a person shouted followed by a chorus of agreements

An old man fell out in the sky wearing kimono with a ponytail on his head and thick beard and stretched earlobes

"Ho! ho! ho! I see Menchi-chan~ your having a hard time with the examinees. How many examinees passed your exam?". The old man said scanning the faces of the examinees

"Only one Chairman Netero-san. All the other examinees didn't serve me sushi only burnt rubbish", Menchi said earning the glares of the examinees who served the said food.

It took a second before everybody realized, "That old man is the chairman!". Everyone shouted at the same time. They couldn't believe that happy-go-lucky old man is the most powerful nen user. All of them shut their mouths when Menchi give them a death gare.

"Hmm, that can't do, Menchi-chan~ how about the remaining examinees take another test but shorty there can chose to take it or not either way he already passed", Netero said pointing at Tsuna, Tsuna's right eye twitched, Hisoka's face paled, Gon and friends are shaking stopping themselves from laughing and the other examinees looked confused and others don't care

"How about the Split Mountain? the birds have already laid their eggs this time of year". Menchi said earning confused faces as to what they are talking about.

Split Mountain

Clap! clap! clap! getting the attention of everyone, "This is your new test rather that me explaining, watch", Menchi said jumping on the cliff startling everyone thinking she wants to die. Slowly everyone peeked at the cliff seeing her still alive hanging on a spider's silk thread. everyone's confused seeing her not moving and as if waiting for something. She let herself fall getting an egg in the process then a strong gust of wind blew her over the edge of the cliff.

"This", she said holding up the egg the size of her hand, "is an Spider Eagle Egg. My test is for you to get at least on-". Before she could finished talking, Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio jump at same time hanging on the thread. Surprised everyone followed after and some didn't make it falling to their despair. A lot of weight was put to the thread and starting to move dangerously. Tsuna feeling little childish took pills and put on his glove. Tsuna was flying in front of Gon and friends smiling

"What the! hey! that's not fair", Gon and Killua shouted kicking their feet moving the thread in the process

"The proctor didn't said anything about not flying", I said getting an egg and dangling it at Leorio's face knowing he's the easiest to provoke. Gon and Killua only pouted handsomely (cutely). Kurapika only chuckled lightly. Tsuna flew to the edge and presented the egg to Menchi.

"You really are something kid", Menchi said turning around putting the egg at a large bowl boiling it.

After a few minutes everyrone was eating boiled spider eagle egg with smiles in their faces at how tasty it was.Only a few examinees are left and they made their way to the next exam. Tsuna smiling remembering his famiglia left in Namimori.

I wonder how they are right now? definitely a bunch of paperworks are waiting for me there I smiled wider missing my rowdy guardians.. a little. Who am I kidding I miss them a lot but not the paperworks I shuddered at the idea.


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