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The battle was to start soon. They were planning on attacking soon. Serena grasped her sword. She had spent many years watching the Knights practice, but never had the opportunity to try so herself. She had in just in case. She had to protect Lilly.

The two stood inside a protective enchantment. No one could see or hear the two of them while they were in there, but they could not be harmed from the outside and only a magic user could get in.

Lilly was in chains. It had been Max's idea to keep her out of the battle. Lilly was not happy about it. She absolutely hated it. Lilly wanted to be on the field with her friends. She wanted to fight against Max... But she couldn't. All she could do was watch the battle.

Serena had the key to unlock Lilly's chains, but she wasn't going to. Lilly was safe in here. She was safe from the battle as long as she was in here.

The battle was going to start any second now. Luckily for Serena, Max wasn't controlling to the point of knowing everything that they say inside the magic bubble, so Serena was safe to tell Lilly some new information.

"Lilly, I need to tell you something." Serena announced. Lilly looked at her.

"Okay... What is it?" Lilly said cautiously. She was worried about what Serena might say.

"I'm a spy for the Light Realm." Serena told her. Lilly was stunned but only for a couple seconds.


"I've given out information to prepare them against Max's attack. Your sister, mother, and father are all fighting alongside your friends. I met them a few days ago." It was weird for her to say your sister, mother, and father because as of recently she had discovered that they are hers too.

"You met my family? How are they?" Lilly asked. Then she burst out. "How's Luke?!"

"Your family is fine, well as fine as they can be without you. They seem worried. Luke wasn't very happy about me helping them. He was very nervous and worried about you. It was so obvious." Serena informed the blonde girl. Lilly let out a sigh.

"I don't want them to have to fight. But maybe if they defeat Max in the battle will be free from him. That's what the book said anyway." Lilly jumped up excitedly. She might be freed from this place of uselessness. She hated being the damsel in distress.

"Lilly, there's another thing. Emily told me a story. Your parents said that you had a twin sister-"

"And she died a couple hours after we were born. My parents told me. What does that have to do with anything?" Lilly asked confused.

"She didn't actually die." Serena started to say.

"What?!" Lilly exclaimed. "How could she still be alive? Mom said that the doctor told her and Dad that she died of a lung problem."

"She never died in the first place. Somehow she wound up alone without a family far away from her true home." Serena told the blond girl in a soft tone.

Lilly gave her a curious look. "How do you know all this?"

"Emily," Serena just had to say that one word before Lilly started understand.


"Emily did some sort of magic trick. I'm no magic expert but I believe she's right."

Lilly smiled missing her friend. "Emily's always right about these things."

"She found her. She found your twin sister. And she's closer than you think." Serena finally confessed to Lilly. Her twin's eyes went wide.

"Serena..." She whispered. Suddenly everything became clear to her. All her parents had told her was that she had had a twin sister named Serena who died when they were very young. For some reason she trusted Serena.

"It's you, isn't it?" She asked shocked.

Serena nodded. If Lilly's hands weren't in cuffs she probably would have hugged her long lost sister. Serena knew what Lilly was thinking and gave her a hug.

"I can't believe it, but I just know it's true." Lilly said.

"I was stunned when I found out too." Serena told the other girl.

The two sisters stood in a comfortable silence inside the enchantment. It didn't last too long though. Their moment was interrupted when they noticed people start to flood the field.

The battle was starting.

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