In the City of Love

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A/N: This is a rather important chapter. With lots of important details. The plot is definitely moving forward. Be prepared.

That night Luke tried to sleep but one thing repeated over and over in his mind making sleep difficult. The bloody body on the ground, his friends being murdered, and lastly Lilly dying. He still questioned whether or not it was another vision that the mirror had shown him or a trick.

Luke awoke for the second time that night after watching Lilly die once more. Why was this torturing him? Why was this repeating over and over in his mind?

He sat up. He wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. Why was he having these visions in the first place? Was it because of the tomb? Was it "the mummy's curse"?

Dozens of questions filled his head, giving him a splitting headache. Maybe Emily would know what to do.

Luke crawled out of bed and left the room without waking the other guys. He went across the hall and knocked on the door. Emily opened it, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Do you need something, Luke?" She mumbled.

"Sorry to wake you, Emily, but somethings been bothering me." Luke told her all about the visions he started experiencing when he entered the tomb. Emily's eyes went wide when he told her.

"Luke, you're a seer." Emily told him. Luke looked at her confused.

"I'm a what?" Luke questioned.

"A seer, a human with the ability to see the future. The mirror was most likely a trick, but that first vision you told me about is probably true." Emily stated.

"Wow..." Luke mumbled, taking the information all in. Emily continued.

"Visions happen when you come into contact with a supernatural object or creature, right?" Luke nodded.

"I'm almost positive that your a seer." Emily said. "Now if that's all, I'm going to bed." She shut the door in Luke's face.

Luke shrugged. Now that he knew that the mirror was probably a trick maybe he could finally get to sleep.

The next week flew by as the friends went sightseeing wherever they could.

On Friday morning, the friends decided that they would finally go to the Eiffel Tower as it was the last day that the potion was going to need to completely  finish boiling.

Emily pulled Luke aside as they were eating breakfast one that morning.

"Today's the day, Luke." Emily told him. He looked at her confused.

"Today's the day to tell Lilly how you feel."

"What?! I can't! There's no way. I just can't!" Luke spluttered, shocked at her words.

"Luke, the stars told me through a reading that if you don't tell her today then someone else will steal her away from you. You don't want that, do you?" Emily questioned.

"Well, no-"

"Then man up and tell her how you feel!"

"What if I ruin our friendship? What if she hates me?"

"She's not going to hate you and your not going to ruin your friendship." Emily told her friend.

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