The Power of Love: Part II

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This time Luke didn't stop breathing or nearly die. He was rushed to the medical wing of the castle to be tended to. Lilly didn't leave his side once.

Almost everyone else in the Light Realm celebrated their defeat of the Dark Realm while Lilly waited for Luke to wake up again. Emily and Michael waited with her.

It had only been a couple minutes since Luke had passed out for the second time when a bunch of people flooded into the hospital room.

Serena, Olivia, Nate, Tyler, Jade, and her parents were over joyed to have Lilly back.

"Lilly!" Olivia tackled her friend in a hug. "You're here." She squeezed her tightly. "You're safe."

Olivia was always the one who showed her opinions and feeling easily. The guys on the other hand looked uncomfortable, like they didn't want to show how much they missed her. They were guys after all. Lilly rolled her eyes.

"Oh come here." She told Nate and Tyler who quickly joined in in the hug at Lilly's demand. The friends were reunited. Eventually they broke apart and Jade immediately hugged her sister with her parents close behind.

"We're never letting you go ever again." Mrs. Parker said what was on her and her husband's mind. It lasted a good minute until they broke apart. Lilly had tears in her eyes once more. She glanced at Serena who smiled.

"Mom, Dad, this is Serena." Lilly glanced at her twin. "Your daughter."

Mr. And Mrs. Parker looked confused. "Lilly, what do you mean?" They took a good look at Serena. She looked like Lilly with different colored hair and paler skin. The two remembered the daughter they thought they had lost when Lilly was born. She had been born with dark hair unlike Lilly.

Layla was the one who noticed the necklace Serena was wearing. It was a blue heart shaped locket with the name Serena engraved in silver on it. Mrs. Parker recognized it. She had made it when she discovered that she would be having twin girls. Lilly wore the other one which was red and gold and nearly identical. After Serena had "died" her locket had mysteriously disappeared.

"I ran a fool proof genetics spell on her. Lilly's telling the truth. She's really your daughter." Emily stated.

Mr. Parker and Mrs. Parker believed her. Serena was their daughter. Not only had they gotten Lilly back but they had found their long lost daughter too. They engulfed Serena in a hug. A couple drops of water fell from Serena's eyes, happy that she had a family.

"The only thing that I can't figure out is why she was taken..." Emily muttered.

"Taken?" Lilly asked.

"She clearly didn't die and babies don't just travel from realm to realm. She must have been taken." Emily turned to Mr. Parker who had just released his long lost daughter from a hug. "You were from the Dark Realm, correct?" Mr. Parker nodded. "Was there anyone who hated you there? Enough to want to destroy your life?" Emily asked.

Mr. Parker nodded again. "The Dark Realm's royalty hated me for the last couple months I lived there."

"Like Max's father, King Zander?" Emily asked. She clearly had done her research.

Mr. Parker shook his head. He looked hurt at the name. Serena looked astonished. "King Zander wouldn't do that. He was always very kind to me."

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