Santoro's Secrets

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The group of friends went to the Argeluna Museo*. All sorts of exhibits were there but there was one that wasn't. A silver ring couldn't be found anywhere in the museum.

"I talked to me head of the museum." Nate stated to the group. "He said that he doesn't recall a silver ring ever being donated to the museum. Or anything ever being donated by the Santoro's."

"What do we do now?" Jade asked.

"I say we teach them a lesson for lying to us." Lilly cracked her knuckles.

"And they say you're pure of heart." Jade mumbled.

"Lilly has no real intention of actually doing it. She's too nice." Michael stated as a fact.

"Actually, what I had in mind wasn't too far off from Lilly's idea. I say we go and get some answers from Cecelia. Isn't that what you were thinking?" Luke said, nodding towards Emily.

"Exactly what I thinking." She nodded.

The group of eight traveled back to the Santoro's. Luke knocked on the door. After a moment Cecilia opened the door. Upon seeing who it was she attempted to close the door but Luke had jammed his foot in the doorway.

"Ow!" Luke yelped. He pushed the door open.

"What do you want?" Cecilia hissed.

"We want some answers." Michael glared.

"Um, can I come in?" Lilly was the only one who hadn't barged into the house.

"I guess." Cecilia sighed. "All right everyone calm down. I'll explain what every you want."

"Why did your family lie about donating the silver ring to the museum?" Nate asked. Cecilia sighed.

"So no one would know where the ring actually was." She sighed again.

"Why-" Luke started.

"Fine, I'll start from the beginning." Cecilia interrupted. "About a hundred years ago King Qui of the Dark Realm decided that the silver ring must be hidden. The gold one had already been hidden for centuries. The king decided to give it to his brother who had left the Dark Realm for Earth. His name was Matteo Santoro and he was my great-great grand papa. It has been passed down from generation to generation. My father realized that it was wrong keeping it hidden from a girl who had no choice and he told the Ex-Queen that he didn't want to do it anymore. She sent men to kill him and they succeeded. I didn't want anything to do with the ring, so when you came knocking I tried to pretend to myself that it didn't exist, but I realize now that that was wrong." Cecilia looked down ashamed.

"Now you can get rid of it, for good." Lilly spoke up. "You don't have to be apart of this anymore."

"I can't. I will always be apart of this. If I give it to you they will surely send someone to kill me, but I want to do the right thing." Cecilia stood up and walked out of the room. A minute later she came back in with a small ring box.

"Here I want you guys to have it. Lilly, be careful."

"How did you know that it was me?" Lilly asked. Cecilia smiled.

"You have that mark on your hand." Lilly stood up and hugged Cecilia.

"Come with us. They won't kill you if they don't know where you are." Cecilia thought for a moment.

"Alright. If you're sure." Luke nodded at this.

"Of course. We all agree with Lilly." Everyone nodded.

Cecilia smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, that would be great."

The group of eight turned into a group of nine. They headed to the airport, destined for Egypt. Little did they know that were being watched.

Meanwhile in the  Dark Realm.

"So they actually found the silver ring. Bloody traitor! Serena, come!" Max exclaimed.

"I'm not a dog." Serena mumbled.

"Do I look like I care. Serena, I want you to go to the tomb of Queen Dealona and get the ring before they do. If necessary injure or even kill her friends, especially that traitor, but make sure no harm comes to her."

Serena frowned slightly.

"Right away, sir." She said before disappearing.

Max smirked and thought I'm going to get what I want, no matter what I have to do to get it. Even if that means someone ends up dead. Luke, Cecilia, watch your backs.
Not a very long chapter compared to the others. Tell me what you think in the comments. I love hearing feedback. What do you thinks going to happen next? Why do you think Max thinks Luke and Cecilia should watch their backs? Thanks, bye!

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