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"Okay we have just gotten word of when and where the Dark Realm will attack first. We'll have to be at the Light Realm's Fort Trinity in on August 18th. I hope you're ready for battle." Mr. Parker addressed his group of young soldiers.

They were meeting currently at the city of Lyria, the capital of the Light Realm. It was weird for the teens to be in an entirely different realm. Luke had heard the news that Lilly had been forced to marry Max two days ago and was upset about the situation but knew that he could fix it. Now that Max was king they had to wage war. A spy had told them what he was planning. King Eric just entered the room.

"Orion." He glared at Mr. Parker.

"Hello, Eric." Mr. Parker sighed wistfully.

"How's Layla? You are taking good care of her right?" Eric gave Mr. Parker slight glare.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" Orion asked.

"I've already talked to her about it. I want to talk to you. You're taking care of her, right?"

"Of course! We've been together for twenty-five years now. Listen, Eric, I love her. I left my family behind for her. I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to love her until the end of time." Mr. Parker told the king honestly.

"You don't get it, do you? You weren't the only one who left their family behind. She left hers for you. Why didn't I see Layla for twenty five years?" Eric yelled. "Why wouldn't you let her visit me?"

"That was her choice, not mine!" Mr. Parker said starting to get angry.

"I can believe she ran off with you, you Dark Realm scum!"

"Light Realm pansy!"

The group of teens watched awkwardly as the two men screamed at each other like they were teenagers. It was quite weird to see the two act like that.

"Dad, what's going on?" Jade asked softly. "How do you know him? How does he know Mom?"

Mr. Parker sighed and took a deep breath. "Remember how your mom knows people in the Light Realm?" Jade nodded. "Well she knew King Eric very well. Jade, it's time you met your uncle. Eric, this is Jade, our youngest."

Eric shut his mouth. The king was speechless. Jade's eyes widened.

"You're my uncle? But you're the king! You're mom's brother?" Jade asked. She had found out so much in such little time. Two months ago she had a normal family with no secrets, now everything was different.

Eric hugged Jade, surprising her. "Yes I'm your mom's brother. She was a princess, you know. But she gave it up all for the prince of slim over there. I'm sorry I never got to be a real uncle to you." He told her as they hugged.

The teens watched as the family moment. They stood there awkwardly. Luke looked around the room out of sheer awkwardness.

After the moment ended Michael spoke up. "So are we actually going to talk about the battle? Or what?"

Eric coughed. "Right, we should be professionals here, although no offense, but most of you are barely adults, so I guess I shouldn't really call you professionals."

Mrs. Parker walked in. "Alright let's get down to business. The two of you have been getting along, right?" She asked her husband and the king.

"Oh yeah, just great." Mr. Parker lied.

"Couldn't be better. Your husband is really... Uh, different."

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