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Luke clutched his weapon tightly in his hand. This was it: the battle. He gulped nervously. It was time.

There are some moments in life when no matter how prepared you are you feel like you haven't prepared at all. For most people it's graduating high school and being in the real world or giving a presentation or during a test. For Luke it was now.

He had a reason to worry though. He had only been training for a month and his life was on the line as well as the lives of his friends. It would be a lot of pressure for anyone, even someone who wasn't an awkward, scrawny, normally nervous teenaged boy.

Emily patted him on the back and looked him straight in the eyes. Confident silvery-blue met terrified green. Emily had a look of determination in her eyes that seemed to give Luke a confidence boost.

"Luke, as long as we stand together we are strong. We have each other's backs. You wouldn't let something happen to one of us, and we would never let something happen to you. We will all make it off the battle field with Lilly. Stand tall, Luke. You are strong. We are all strong." Emily comforted him. Luke straightened up and took a deep breath. She was right, as usual.

Michael coughed and spoke up too. "You know, Luke, I give you a lot of crap for being a coward, but to tell you the truth you're probably one of the bravest guys I know. You were in the tomb with Lilly and you kept yourself together, you fought a venomous creature just to help her, you took charge when Lilly was kidnapped, and you pushed yourself as hard as you could to prepare yourself for this moment. You are brave and I think you can handle this." Michael told him honestly.

Luke smiled weakly at his two friends. "Thanks, guys."

"We're all right behind you. Maybe not literally at every moment but always in spirit." Jade piped up. Luke nodded. His friends always knew the right things to say.

From behind the white walls of Fort Trinity the group could see a dark mass getting closer and closer. It was the Dark Army, Max's military.

"Show time." Emily gave Luke a weak smile. He gulped again. The Light Army flooded onto the field, protecting their fort from the opposing side. Luke and Emily, along with the rest of their friends found themselves outside of the fort's walls, separated from each other by soldiers.

Emily shot spells in every direction. The spells she preferred to use did not directly cause injury. Emily preferred to use freezing or stunning charms, sometimes she would even destroy their weapons. She tried to stay by her friend, Michael.

Michael was in his element. He currently was doing battle with a dark knight and he loved it. Video games never could capture the real thing.

Mrs. Parker preferred to use magic infused archery to aid her team. Her arrows targeted the opposing force's negative magic and destroyed it. She also tried to find where Lilly was but her arrows weren't strong enough.

Mr. Parker expertly disarmed multiple soldiers making everyone wonder where he learned to fight like that? He was certainly no amateur.

Luke ran around the battle field, trying to avoid having to actually fight anyone. Could you blame him? Luke had always been more of a lover instead of a fighter so even though he had trained it was hard for him to fight to wound. He avoided the Dark Realm's soldiers as well as he could.

A pale skinned, young man noticed that Luke was running around and wasn't fighting. He thought Luke would be an easy target. The soldier smirked and began chasing Luke around. It was quite an odd sight on the battle field. One young man chasing another young man whilst every other soldier drew their swords and did battle.

Luke panted. He did not like running with his shiny, gray sword. It was very dangerous and he wasn't doing any good. Luke decided to stop and fight.

His enemy swung his sword like a mad man. If Luke hadn't ducked he would have been done for. Luke decided that staying and fighting was definitely not a good idea. He took off running once more, leaving the pale man behind.

Luke ran away from the battle. He was slightly off from the main fighting. SMACK!

He had run into something... But nothing was there.

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