Into the Tomb

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Once again the group of friends was on a plane.

"I am so sick of flying." Luke whined.

"We all are, stupid." Michael retorted.

"Where exactly does it say the ring is supposed to be." Lilly asked Emily, trying to change the subject before the guys got into an argument.

"The tomb of an Egyptian queen named Queen Dealona. Apparently, she was the sister of King Celion of the Dark Realm who fell in love with an Egyptian pharaoh. Her brother trusted her with the ring and it is said that she buried it in her tomb."

"Hold up, we're going grave robbing?" Lilly asked.

"Uh, yes, but it's for a good reason. We have to." Emily stated.

"You're right, but still I can't help but feel bad about this. What if we're caught? What if mummies' curses are real!" Lilly started to panic.

"Calm down, Lilly. You'll be fine. We'll all be fine. Hey, I'll protect you." Luke told his best friend.

Michael, Nate, Jade, and Tyler bursted out laughing. Olivia was mumbling something about how cute they were together. Emily and Cecilia just smiled. Lilly was holding back a laugh.

"What?" Luke asked.

"Sorry, buddy, but you protect Lilly? You can try but I'm not sure how much those noodle arms of yours is going to help." Tyler said, almost laughing to the point of crying.

"I could!"

"Sure you can." Jade told him. Luke pouted.

"It's okay. I believe in you, Luke." Lilly smiled at him, not quite believing herself.

"Aw cute!" Olivia squealed. Lilly and Luke's faces went red.

"Oh look we are here!" Cecilia said. Indeed they were.

A little while later in the airport lobby.

"How exactly are we supposed to get in to the tomb?" Luke asked, whispering.

"I've got that taken care of." Cecilia whispered back. "Jerry!" She waved to a man with black hair. He rushed over to them.

"Guys, this is my friend Jerry. He's doing an archeology internship and has gotten permission from his boss to show us around Delona's tomb."

"That's great!" Jade exclaimed.

"Just so you know much of the tomb is unexplored. That's probably where we'll find your ring."

2 hours later.

They were in the first room. It was dark except from the glow coming from their flashlights. There were four doorways that led into a hallway excluding the one that they had to come through to get into the tomb.

"Okay, let's split up. Seeing as there are ten of us, split into teams of two. We'll be able to cover more ground that way." As soon as Jerry said this Olivia grabbed onto Nate. Nate smirked. Michael gaped at his best friend.

"Dude, I thought that we would be partners!" Michael exclaimed. Nate shrugged.

"Sorry, dude."

"I'll be your partner for this." Emily told Michael, clearly upset that her best friend ditched her for Nate.

"Alright, now be careful. This tomb is extremely old and dangerous. Tread lightly and be very careful." Jerry told the other teens.

Jade and Tyler went into the first hallway. Olivia and Nate went into the second and Michael and Emily went into the third. Cecelia led Jerry into the fourth and Luke was about to follow them, but Jerry stopped him.

"You and Lilly stay here. These tombs are filled with secrets. Look around here." He told the blond boy. Luke frowned slightly.

"Alright." He sighed. Jerry smiled.


Luke turned to the rest of the room. Lilly smiled at him.

"Well, we better start looking." She perkily said.

The room was completely empty. The only thing interesting about the room is that on the walls there were pictograms.

"Where do we look?" Luke asked. Lilly shrugged.

"I don't know. Ooh, maybe if you touch the right picture something will reveal."

"You mean like in Scooby Doo? First, we split up and look for clues, then a hidden passageway is revealed?" Luke crossed his arms. Lilly had already begun looking.

Luke looked around the room. His flashlight beam caught something that interested him. A small golden tile had appeared. He got closer and noticed that on it was picture of a lily. He was sure that that picture hadn't been there originally. He pressed down on it. Nothing happened. A lightbulb went off in his head.

"Lilly!" He grabbed his best friend's right hand.

"Huh?" She exclaimed as he pulled her over to the plate. He held up her hand to it. The lily on her hand exactly matched the lily on the plate.

Lilly's mark started to glow a bright gold color and the plate started to glow as well.

"What the?" Lilly questioned in shock.

The plate started shaking. The middle two quarters of the wall sunk backwards.

"Luke, what did you do?" Lilly asked. It was obvious that she was freaked out.

The wall turned into a sloped passageway. Lilly cautiously started to walk towards it. The blonde girl tripped and fell down passageway.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Her scream echoed, bouncing off the wall.

"Lilly!" Luke exclaimed, running after her.

Little did they know that they weren't the only ones who wanted that passageway opened. A girl with dark black hair stood in the dark corner, watching them. She carefully followed them in.

One more chapter down! What do you think is going to happen next? Did Lilly and Luke find the hiding place of the golden ring? Or are they going to find more then they bargained for? Comments, concerns, questions? Tell me what you think in the comments! Thanks, bye.

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