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So this is NOT my first narry story but it is on this account! enjoy the first chapter of Daydreaming:) tell me what ya think!;)

Originally written on 10/2013

Edited 11/2016


(This is so bad, I'm so sorry)



*9 years earlier*

This was beyond anything the 7 year old boy could handle. The car had been rolled over onto the side of the road only coming to a stop when it hit a tree. Hard.

The boy came too and looked over at his mum in the front seat. He shook her gently.

"Mummy?" The boy shook her again.

He heard a groan in the passenger side, it was his dad. The boy's dad looked over at the child's mum and then over at him.

"What happened?" The boy mumbled in pain.

He heard his father choke and then let out a sobbing noise before shaking the boy's mum. "Mummy crashed the car, it'll be okay." He let out another choking noise as the boy started to faint. "You just won't grow up with a mum." He heard his dad whisper and then black out.

*Present: Harry's POV*

I sat up in my bed quickly stunned by the memory appearing in my dreams. That didn't usually happen anymore, but when it did, it sucked so bad. I looked over at my clock: 2:00 AM. Well, this sucks.

When I was a kid, I would often have that dream and had no one to talk to. Now that I was older, I had someone to talk to. I dialed a number and listened to it ring twice before someone answered not sounding excited.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAROLD, IM TRYING TO SLEEP!" I laughed, Louis was the greatest. But not in the mornings. Drama queen.

"I had that nightmare again, Boo!" I complained to him all the time. He was my best friend, what did he expect? Although I called him Boo, sometimes because he hates it, he was like my brother.

"Aw my poor little Haz Bear had a bad dream! WELL CALL LIAM, IM FUCKING TIRED!" He was the sassiest in the mornings. Lil bitch.

"But Liam isn't you!!"


"I'm coming over."

"THE FUCK? NOO-" I hung up the phone before he blew my ear drums out with his constant whining.

For years, people thought we were dating and although he denied even being gay, I knew that he was. I think he has the hots for Zayn, or maybe Liam. Or both. I was team Lilo anyway. I wasn't gay, no way. I mean guys aren't bad, but I'm just more attracted to girls.

I walked out the door and trotted, yes I trotted cause I ain't in no hurry, up the street to Louis' house. The house next to his had a moving truck backed into the driveway, Lou didn't tell me he was getting a new neighbour. Curiously, I stared up at the nice house and wondered why they were moving in so early in the morning.

Suddenly I was on the ground with my head spinning. What the hell? I opened my eyes and saw a worried face above me. I didn't recognize the guy, but I guess he was moving into the house I was just looking at.

"Are you okay mate? I didn't see you there! I'm so sorry!" He had a thick Irish accent and even though he was concerned for my well being, he looked happy.

"Erm, it's okay I didn't see you either." I looked up at his hand in front of me and I quickly took it.

I stepped on his toe and blushed as I noticed how attractive he was. He had bright blue eyes and a positive aura that drew me closer to him. He was.. different. Yeah, that's the word.

Daydreaming : Narry ✔Where stories live. Discover now