You're So Dead

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Chapter 16!!!

Can you feel Harry's anger? I can!

Alot of updates! I honestly have no idea how many chapters there should be but I really love this and a LOT of new ideas for it pop up in my head all the time but some are random!

Okay, ignore my complaining and have fun with this chapter I think you will like ;D


*Harry's POV*

Niall opens the door and has a confused look on his face. If he only knew what I just saw. He didn't like Taylor, bull shit.

"H-hey Harry!" He stuttered. That was the cutest thing in the world and I hope I made him do it.

"'Ello Ni!" I winked at him. I looked over his shoulder and saw Taylor shooting me daggers. I waved to her smiling with my dimples popping out.

"What are you doing here?" He leans against the door frame.

"I was wondering if I could get lessons to." Taylor's jaw fell open. Step 1 complete!

"'Course Haz!" I walked into his house and walked over to Taylor.

"May the best one win." I whispered near her ear but not to close because it looked liked she was going to rip my throat open.

Niall lead us to the living and handed me his guitar, it was his favourite. He gave Taylor won from when he was 14 so it was small. Haha, I got his favourite! Oh wait she can't hear me. I'm loosing my mind!

Niall took us through basic steps, the cords in other words. Me and Taylor were both good at it and if I'm honest I was hoping she'd be terrible.

The first song I played was a couple strings from I Miss You by Blink-182 while Taylor was still learning Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Niall went to get some food because, well he's Niall. Taylor turned to me shifting closer to me.

"If you think you can get to him before me, think again." She snarled at me and let me tell you, her snarling was not cute at all. She looked like a choking chipmunk.

"If you think you can whore yourself around with everyone in neighbourhood and expect to get in Niall's pants, think again." I growled at her.

"If you think he'll turn gay for you think again." Ouch.

"If you think he'll turn into a girl think again." I smirked.

"If you think he'll even look at you after tonight think again."

"If you think he'll ever love you after I look at him when he comes back in, think a fucking again." She balled up her fists trying to fight her anger.

I guess she gave up because she tackled me to the ground trying to hurt me I think. She punch my jaw and I think it hurt her more than it hurt me. I let her punch me around for a bit so she could feel like she was winning, then I kick her off of me and into the wall. She stubbled forward and cried out. Niall came rushing in. Oh I'm in some deep shit.

"Harry! What did you do!" Niall snarled at me. Now that was hot. I think I just felt my dick twitch. Woah focus Harry!

"She was saying some shit about me and then I said something to her and she tackled me and attempted to try and hurt me. I just pushed her off of me with my foot!" She did a fake cry. God damnit I hated her!

"You fucking kicked a girl Harry!" Niall stood up and cornered me against where the hallway met the living room. He got close to where our chest were touching and our breaths were mixing. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck this I'm done.

Daydreaming : Narry ✔Where stories live. Discover now