Don't Leave..

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Chapter 13! Not finished yet! Just getten started! ;) oh and can we just talk about how terrible my last chapter was? Ugh I wanted to puke on it!

This is my shortest chapter but I'm tired and its a filler kind of

Lots of Narry in this one! ;)) xx

*Harry's POV*

You've got to be kidding me. No, Niall can't leave for 9 months! I won't be able to tell him how I feel, even though I don't know how I feel.

Conflicted maybe. Sure, conflicted.

Maybe he could stay with me! No, that would be bad.

Maybe I should just kiss him.

I looked up at the sky and saw the dark clouds start to form. It was January but we're suppose to get rain. How ironic was it that it was going to pour on me? Very.

I was circling Niall's block, I passed his house ten times and I'm pretty sure I look like I'm a rapist waiting for a victim. Now it starts to rain. Not movie rain where it lightly starts to rain romantically, no. It's pouring done buckets. Guess it fits my emotions.

I walk over and stand in front of Niall's house again. It looks really intimidating so I walk past it.

I need to think of other things right now.. um.. Louis! Yes Louis! Earlier Louis said I've changed. I think he meant how I slept with that chick that I would never actually sleep with. Maybe Niall won't like me if he hears about that. Shit, all thoughts lead back to Niall!

I finally stopped in front of Niall's house but my back faced his front door. God, could this get any worse?

"Harry, just come in." They just got worse.

I turned around and found Niall with sex hair and holding the door open waiting my arrival. Wow! Sex hair. I want to give him sex hair.

"Nice sex hair." I walk past him and try not to stutter.

"Nice wet hair." He chuckles as I shake my head letting the water fling every where.

"So, Louis told me about how you're going back to Ireland for 9 months.." I trailed off not meeting his eyes.

"You're making it sound like I'm pregnant." I shot my head up and stared laughing from his expression.

"YOUR FACE!" I stated to laugh harder and he joined in. Aw, his laugh! Wow, girl side of Harry Styles.

"Shut it Styles!" He grabbed my ankles and pulled me down to the floor in front of the couch. He pined me down and started to tickle me.


"Say Niall Horan is hotter than Harry." I shook my head no as more giggles escaped from my mouth.


"Say it and I'll stop!" He had a huge smile on his face, it made me feel good I could make him smile like this.


"Say it Sexy Curls!" Nice nickname.

"NIALL HORAN IS HOTTER THAN HARRY STYLES!" He removed his hands from my sides but still sat straddling me by the hips.

I looked up at him to find he was looking down at me. He smiled softly down at me and I returned it. We stared at each for what felt like hours just trying to remember our short amount of time left together. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in me.

"I don't want you to go Ni!" I held back the tears in my eyes.

"I don't want to go but my mum is making me. We can Skype!" His hands rubbed my shoulder blade and I'm not proud to think this but it made me want to grind on his ass.

"Okay." I nodded in his neck.

"Harry?" Niall pulls me away. What if I had a boner?! Nah I'd feel it.

"What?" I furrowed my eye brows at him.

"Why'd you'd come over."

"Lou told me you were leaving and I wanted to see you and say sorry for being an ass hat the last couple days."

"I was waiting for an apology!" Niall started laughing and fell over in the floor.

"That's all you want from me?!" I acted hurt and put one hand over my heart.

"No." Niall rolled on the floor some more before I jumped in him and straddled his hips against mine and I had to fight back making the dirtiest moan.

I leaned down in his ear. "What do you want?" Sounds like I was asking- no I can not get a boner when I'm sitting on Niall. Think of men giving birth, Louis in a thong. Oh ew, I don't ever want to picture that again.

"Your dick up my ass."

"What." He sounded serious. If he was serious I could make that happen.



"What." He paused and turned deep red. "Harry."

"What?" This was confusing.

"I was kidding." Niall pinched my cheek and slapped my ass. "I'd top anyway."

"What? Noo you wouldn't!" I looked down at him and chuckled. "I'm topping right now!"

"I'm older."

"I'm stronger."

"I'm aggressive."

"Sexual frustration." I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"Damn it, you win." He huffed out angrily. "But I'm hotter."

"Yes you are Horan." I smiled at him before climbing off of him. "Ready for your last weekend in England for 9 months?"


The whole weekend we spent together. We did alot but didn't leave the house. We slept for over 13 hours each day, ate almost everything in the house, spent at least 5 hours playing FIFA, 7 hours for movies and 3 hours talking.

On his last day all the lads came over early in the morning before his flight and made him breakfast. When Louis saw I spent the night there he wiggled his eyebrows at me. He'll never understand that nothing happened, nothing will ever happen but something almost did happen.

After breakfast we loaded Niall's things in the car. We stood at Niall's front door looking at each other trying not to cry because we wouldn't be able to see him for so long and he meant the world to all of us.

Liam took the longest. Louis kept rolling his eyes when he complained how his girlfriend broke up with him and his much he'd miss Niall.

Zayn and Niall had an intense conversation and I think he was telling Niall to stay safe and who to stay away from.

Louis would not let go of Niall when it came to my turn. He was blubbering in his ear about random nonsense that not even Niall understood.

When it came to my turn I don't think I've ever hugged anyone tighter than the way I held Niall. I only whispered one thing in his ear.

"Please don't leave.." I kissed his cheek and let go.

We sat on the porches and waved as they backed out of the driveway.

I didn't say what I meant to say and now I would have to wait 9 more months.


Okay so kind of a filler but it was soo worth it because two updates in one day!:))

My shortest chapter!

It's not over yet!;)

~Jordan Xx

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