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Chapter 15!!!!!

Over 600 reads but only like 1 comment:(

Okay I'll stop complaining and be happy for my readers:)

Nervous about this chapter! Sorry for little mistakes!


*Harry's POV*

What Niall was about to tell me, well I'll never know now! Damnit Louis! I sighed in frustration as I sat at the counter waiting for the bacon and eggs to be ready. The other boys were having fun playing FIFA in the other room while I'm in here miserable.

I got up and turned the burners down and made my way to the bathroom. I closed the door and leaned over the counter looking at myself carefully. The scars on my arms are faded, the light in my eyes is gone, my hair has lost the curliness it once had and I covered my body in ink. I don't know who I was anymore, it felt like someone has written a script and all I want to do is rip it all to shreds and start again.

I don't think I like Niall anymore. Maybe it was a fling or a need but I don't think it's there. Or maybe I don't feel it. I was flirting with him today and I feel bad now, I had no right to flirt with him! I banged my head on the mirror and stared into my eyes. It felt like I was staring into a strangers, they didn't mirror who I was. They mirrored me when I first met Niall. I was a wreck.

"Harry?" Louis opened the door and when he saw my face he walked in and closed it behind him. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know who I am." I sniffed and shook my head. "I don't even know if I like Niall anymore."

Louis glared at me. "How the fuck don't you know?"

"I don't know. Just, I haven't felt it in 9 months." I sniffed and tears came pouring down my cheeks.

"Just because you don't feel them, doesn't mean they're not there."

"That doesn't make sense Lou." I whip my tears off my face. I hated crying; it never helped me in the past so why should it now?

"It will eventually." He put his hand on my shoulder and left. Since when was Lou so serious about the me and Niall thing? Usually he'd jump around and complain about how we should date already, but he was so serious about it today.


It was Monday and Lou and I were driving to school with Niall in the back. All weekend I wanted to ask what Lou meant but he kept avoiding me.

It was all already one month into school and Niall was fuming in the back. Louis was trying to calm him down but I wasn't listening. I was more concerned on how the hell I was going to act like nothing was wrong when everything was wrong.

We pulled up to the school and parked. I got out and saw this chick that I hooked with once named Taylor waved me over. She was a nice girl but she wanted a relation ship and I didn't but we decided to stay friends. She's a good person and she can also sing lovely.

"Hi, Taylor." She falls into step with me and looks over her shoulder at Niall.

"Is that Niall?" She has an American accent, she's from Tennessee but its not really a "country" accent I guess you could say but everyone here loves it.

"Yeah, why?" I swear if she called him anything I don't care if she's a girl I'd punch the boobs she doesn't have.

"He's hot!" She waves over her shoulder at him. The jealously rips through me faster than my mind, and a jealous Harry is not a nice Harry.

"He has a girl back in Ireland." My jealously speaks before my brain. He's not mine, I shouldn't even be jealous in the first place!

"Well, I'm going to change that." She turns around and walks in the direction of Niall.

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