It Won't Be This Way Forever

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Chapter 6!! I love writing even if people don't read it:) I wanna dedicate this chapter to benbengboo because she's amazing and she's makes me smile like mad:)))

So I won't have a song for every chapter but I have one for this chapter

Stay by Mayday Parade


*Harry's POV*

I smiled. I smiled. I hadn't smiled for months and it was all because of the blond Irish boy. I started to forget my suicide attempt after two days of talking to them again, maybe they were my angels.

"Harry! Stop zoning out!" Louis playfully slapped my cheek, douche.

"Sorry!" I rolled my eyes and looked back at the FIFA game we were playing. "Oi! You've been cheating!"

"Noo I haven't!" Louis pouted crossing his arms dramatically. Where he learned his sass from, the world may never know.

"You fucken kicked 10 more points in the goal!"

"NOOOO I DIDN'T! HAROLD YOU LIE!" I pounced on him and started to playfully slap his face. Like old times.


He rolled me on my back and straddled me. He pulled at my hair and my face.

"I always thought Harry would be stronger." I looked to my left and saw Niall standing there smirking and leaning against the door frame to Louis' bedroom. The way he said my name made me melt.

"Are you kidding?" Louis sat up looking surprised. "You could even kick his ass!" No Louis, fuck you.

"Okay!" Niall tackled me and sat on my stomach.

I flipped him over surprising him, I felt proud for taking him off guard. I tickled him and he started to squeal and laugh uncontrollably, he kept begging for me to stop but I kept going.

"Hazza!" Niall pushed at me not succeeding on moving me.

"In stronger than you admit it." I stopped tickling him so he could answer and breath.

"Never." He pushed me off and sat on my hips and leaned forward till our noses were almost touching. "I'm older and stronger, deal with it."

I smiled up at him. He was so beautiful.. "Yeah your older but I'm stronger." I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed him over making me end up sitting on him again. "See."

"Yeah whatever." Niall smiled up at me, it was small but it meant being alive right now to see it, if I would have died I would have never seen him smile again.

"Aww my Narry heart!" Louis clenched his heart. I'm going to fucking kill him.

"What's Narry?" Niall looked at Louis and then me.

"Uh.. hey Louis someone we know likes you." I didn't mean to blurt it out but it just came out, Zayn was going to murder me.

"What? Who?" Niall looked at me with wide eyes when he realised that Louis had no idea.

"Well Liam.." Niall said slowly and watched as Louis' eyes lit up.

"And?" Louis took a step closer to us looking sad and scared? Why would he feel like that?

"Zayn." Niall and I said at the same time.

"What?" Louis clenched his fist and looked at me and Niall.

"Louis.." Niall took a step closer to Louis confused by how he was upset.

"HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME?! NOW IM LEADING BOTH OF THEM ON!" Louis tackled Niall and started to punch him I don't get why he was angry. Thus wasn't Louis, he would never punch Niall. Ever.

Daydreaming : Narry ✔Where stories live. Discover now