Boo Bear's Birthday!

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Chapter 9!!! I hope this chapter is good!

I have no idea who to dedicate this too, um I guess all my followers and readers get a dedication!:)

Please comment on my story so I can dedicate a chapter to you!:)

*Niall's POV*

"Nialllllll!" Harry poked my cheek. Oh yeah, I fell asleep in his arms yesterday. If I wasn't so tired II'd be fangirling or er fanboying? Is that the right term? "Wakeeeee upppp babeee!! Today is Boo Bear's birthday!"


"Excited much?" Harry smirked down at me. He was leaned over me propped up on his elbow, he looked.. "Ni?"

"Hmm what?" I must have dazed out because he was laughing now.

"You didn't hear what I said did you?" He quirks his eyebrow at me looking cheeky but in his eyes it spoke sadness. His green eyes looked clouded over and unfocused on everything but me.

"No Hazza. What was it?" He shook his head and started to get up. No way was he getting out of this one. "No Harry tell me what it was." I grabbed his wrist.

"Just accidentally said what I got you for Christmas." He got me a present? Aww he's soo.. wait, I'm not buying this. Why would he be sad then? It's not a big deal..

"Okay, good thing I didn't hear it then." I said it jokingly even though I knew it wasn't true, I was going to let it slide just this once. It was probably nothing anyway.

"You hungry?" He smiled, he always did that. He would be really serious then the next he would pretend he wasn't fragile a second ago.

"WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ASK?!" I shot up out of bed and practically sprinted down the stairs to the kitchen.

I grabbed pots and pans for Harry because he's an AMAZING cook. I've been thinking lately about moving on from Harry, he doesn't like me and I know that. I can't keep chasing after someone that doesn't want to run the same direction with me. Maybe it doesn't it sense to anyone else but letting Harry go would be better than letting myself suffer. So, lately I've been telling myself I don't love him but it doesn't really help. I need someone else that can make me fall as hard as Harry made me fall, if that's even possible.

"Niall, we might have a problem." SHIT WAS I TALKING OUT LOUD?!

"Come look out the window."

I walked over there after nearly having a heart attack, what if I did talk out loud. That would be BAD. I looked out the window next to the door to see the roads COMPLETELY covered in snow. "How are we supposed to get to Lou's?!"

"Walk I guess." He shrugged and walked into the kitchen. Why was he being a dick this morning?

He made me eggs and bacons and put it on my plate in a hurry. He ran upstairs not even looking at me, usually he'd sit by me cause he doesn't eat breakfast but he just left. So, I just sat in silence and ate. I didn't even finish all my food, that's how upset this made me. Why was he being like this? You know what I'm not going to wonder anymore.

I stomped upstairs and barged into Harry's room. I tried my best to look upset but it made him look confused.

"What the hell is your problem with me today?" He stood up straight from bending down to pick a present off the floor. Probably Lou's. "You just ignored me the whole time you made breakfast and didn't stay and talk to me like you normally do."

"I'm sorry I was thinking about this idea I have for Louis. We could surprise him. I'm sorry I was kinda zoned out in the ideas." He moved closer to me. I rolled my eyes at him holding back a smile and opened my arms to his pleading eyes. He scooped me up making my legs hitch around his hips. He held one hand on my bum and one on my back. This wasn't helping me get over him at all. His face was buried in my neck, I closed my eyes. I felt peaceful.

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